Does facing the unfairness of 0.75ADS ever discourage you from playing the game?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ianneman, Aug 30, 2015.

  1. Talthos


    But having in-game chat flooded with this sort of whining, crying, and entitlement does discourage me from playing, however.

    I'm here for the war, the guns, and the explosions. In-game spam is distracting, and the people doing it are usually just sitting in their spawn room, and denying the rest of us more targets to shoot at. Some days, I just want to stick my arm through cyberspace, smack every last one of those people, and scream "Just shut up, and PLAY THE GAME."
  2. ATRA_Wampa-One


    HE spam however forced me to take a break for several months before it was rightfully nerfed.
  3. Scr1nRusher

    HE tanks can be countered.

    Also.... if you keep dying over and over, do something different.

    Its called learning & not falling for the "lemming" mindstate.
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  4. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Oh cool, I have a stalker now. :cool:
  5. Klabauter8

    No, what keeps me from playing this game is the lack of teamplay in it, and how dumb the average player is.

    When you actually try to discuss some tactics with people, they either don't listen to you or just get annoyed and leave your squad.

    It's just playing in pure chaos with a bunch of apes and lone wolves. And the devs even seem to support this type of gameplay.
  6. ATRA_Wampa-One

    This is a very valid point and it's something the devs could do more to address.

    My advice to you is to find a good outfit to join and always play with them since that's the huge reason why I'm still playing.

    I mean this is an MMO after all.
  7. Naphemil

    Same can be said of the orion.
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  8. OldMaster80

    Not really. The problem is in Planetside 2 strafing / changing direction has no acceleration. Players are allowed to unrealistically move ADADAD while they keep their max accuracy.

    If devs added momentum / acceleration to strafe ALL 0.75 weapons would be fixed all at once without devastating the mobility trait.
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  9. zaspacer

    Yes, 0.75 ADS is a problem, because of the lack of inertia and the many OP methods to make time-to-kill a joke (of which 0.75 ADS is one).

    It's one of the key factors that discourages me playing Infantry. Or Infantry in certain base types. Or Infantry of certain Classes. Or Infantry of certain Factions.
  10. Sjogras

    Never discouraged from playing the game.
    Discouraged from fighting Vanu? Yes.

    I avoid Vanu at all costs and only fight NC or TR (play both factions.)
    Vanu is just toxic, really.
  11. Akashar

    That's more of a base design problem, and another story.
  12. Taemien

    This is getting ridiculous. If .75 ADS is so effective, then use it. You're a noob, crappy player, and dumb if you don't. I don't know where this culture of crying to the devs like you're back in the playground came from, but man up and use what is effective.

    You're not a good player if you're using ineffective weapons.
  13. Klabauter8

    I would love to join an outfit, believe me, but as a Valkyrie pilot I sadly can't find any outfit. They don't want Valks in their outfit. And making an own Valk outfit also seems impossible. Anyone who remotely likes to fly Valkyries is already in one of the bigger outfits.

    It's all just about infantry play in this game, but if you fly Valks, you are totally out of luck. I can't find people at all for it, although I already tried everything. Only randoms who mostly have zero idea what they are doing there and only use Valks for a cheap air-taxi.
  14. Shatteredstar

    How'd you see me?! I was in the bushes ad everything....Senpai noticed me!

    As to the thread.

    Really wish someone would do the math of the actual speed difference. I'm guessing given the normal TTK time in this game ads with or without a .75 isn't more than a step or two within the normal TTK, even less with overshield. Never seen this mysterious adadad that makes people kill everyone somehow
  15. OldMaster80

    True: organized outfits avoid Valkyries like a plague, probably because the skill required to pilot a Galaxy as dropship is less.
  16. Klabauter8

    As a dropship Galaxies are also definitely better, in general, true, but with Valks you just can do so much more actually.

    With an organized Valkyrie crew you can for example, destroy tanks, sundies, skyguards, etc in seconds, by dropping c4 or tank mines on them, you can switch on the fly to proximity mines and turn a whole base into a mine field against infantry, you can be almost invincible against ESFs, etc... And all this while basically having unlimited ammo, since you just always can respawn in the Valk and refresh your pool.

    A really organized Valkyrie crew actually can bring hellfire above the enemy, but noone uses Valks like this sadly, because it requires really good teamplay and some creativity.
  17. Ragnarox

    OK TR stop with ths bullcrap threads.

    MSW-R have better reload than Orion - give back our faction trait as you said it is faction trait fast reload. Stop lying 1.

    0.75 is not NS faction trait, some of your weapons have o.75 ADS so stop lying 2.

    Orion have 50 bullets vs your 100. Stop complaining. It's not 60 stop lying 3.

    Orion : High recoil (Fully compensatable with a bit of practice) - compensate your 0.5 with a little of practice - stop lying 4.

    ...needs a lower ROF to be in line with VS faction traits (Which is moderate rate of fire).. there are no moderate rate of fire traits - stop lying 5.

    I can do it all day long, TR STOP WHINING and LYING.
  18. AxiomInsanity87


    i just switch to my heavy with the ns15 lmg.
  19. Lord_Avatar

    "Facing" threads like these discourages me from playing Forumside, that's for sure...
  20. OldMaster80

    I've recentely seen this video. That guy is using a 0.75 weapon and it uses the ADADAD a lot. He's an expert player and he know the advantage of using this tecnique.
    For instance at 5:55 you can see how he outguns an NC HA that would have otherwise killed him. Just strafing fast while keeping ADS.

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