To be clear, does DBG read their reported tickets? There are over 17k (on Emerald). That's over NINE THOUSAND for the common core kiddos. Seventeen Thousand reports... A) Not all 17k are real. I get it. Hire some interns, read them, remove them from the backlog. Perception is Reality. B) That's disturbing. The DBG tool tip states you read every one. Yet, it has been growing ever since I decided to give in to my indulgence and subscribe for another year. I played PS1, aka Planetside, for years and PS2 beta through today... I love the hell out of this game (and PS), and DO NOT want it to go to the dustbin. Please don't construe my gripe as anything but a plea to DBG to keep on top of their game and please, for all the spandex in the world, remove the exploiters in the game. They exist. Just like H|illary's 30k yoga emails, they are real, and are potentially going to be a negative to the game.
I'd like to see the source behind this. I've personally had tickets resolved in as little as an hour. With Verant, with SOE, and with Daybreak.
To be clear, there are two different sorts of report. Tickets are usually the ones that you submit from the DBG website and they are usually looked at at some point. It seems though that you are more likely referring to the ingame reports. Those are often just ignored and DBG have admitted on Reddit that they are a placebo and they don't pay any attention to them most of the time.
I'd say it's just read, then looked at through something like shadowplay. I'd imagine it's relatively quick or maybe tickets grouped on same user or etc, should be ways to mitigate the searching.
Wait until the next update, and behold as Daybreak suddenly read all 17k+ during that period of downtime. IMHO /report does nothing, never did in ps1 either, the counter you see seems to reset with every update.
The source is PS2. Put in a /report, as I did tonight when I was clearly (no pun intended) shot through a wall, that silly shot direction really does help highlight hackers. The ticket count is now over 20k.
Think about it like this people. You're entering a barber shop and pull a ticket, even though its relatively empty. You ticket says 45, but the timer says 12. You seriously think there is still 33 people ahead of you? Two in the chairs and one in the waiting area? Last time I put in a ticket, it said it was ticket number 17784, it was answered within an hour. Explain that? You're going to tell me they can file nearly 300 tickets a minute?