Does battle rifles have enough damage?

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by Pikachu, Apr 30, 2013.

  1. MaxDamage

    I think the Battle Rifles are FANTASTIC since the buff. They were garbage before.
    Still a situational choice but rewards correct play. Exactly what I want them to be.
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  2. KnightCole

    BRs still need a velocity increase. The lead required to hit anything, even from the end of the barrel is a bit much. Guys jumping on me in a tower and crap and I gotta lead em like a full 2 man lengths ahead or my rounds fly behind them. When im sniping at distance its like, idk even know where I gotta aim to get hits.

    The BR could use a 615ms velocity and then add HVA to it.

    Their damage is perfectly fine.
  3. Blarg20011

    Agreed, higher velocity, straight vertical recoil, and a starting CoF of .03 would make the BR a much, much better weapon.
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  4. KnightCole

    Starting CoF of 0.
  5. shadowkhat

    thats also why the nc pretty much has all suckass weapons..our max's are useless outside of 15m and most of our guns are designed to be 80m+ combat... which mostly never happens. the guns are fantastic when you have range and can burst fire, but compared to the TR and Vs who can just hip fire and spray, the NC weapons don't remotely compare.

    if they can work out how to buff all the weapons where 80m< is optimal.. then the BR's will be better along with th NC
  6. acksbox

    An excessive reduction, IMO.

    Seems like you are mostly talking about LMGs here, and there are at least a few NC LMGs that are competent up close, not that even these are necessary as the NS LMG is one of the best CQC LMGs in the game, plus Heavies can use SMGs, and NC's faction specific heavy weapon is designed for (and is very effective in) CQC..
  7. Heyitsrobbie1984

    thats why i have a scout rifle for my infiltrator. so much OOMPH for your buck ;)
  8. Erendil

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  9. Blarg20011

    Woot woot! Now the only thing left is to make the recoil vertical.
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  10. WyrdHarper

    The extra velocity is really nice--I was running around with the AMR-66 earlier today and having lots of fun (I've been doing this anyway the last few days, but still). For the AMR with HVA, hitting targets at range is much, much easier, which makes up for the lower damage. The suppressor drop is also much better now thanks to the speed increase. Good change--recoil could still be adjusted, but I'm liking that they haven't forgotten about this weapon.
  11. Erendil

    I got to use the Eidolon for maybe 20 mins or so last night. I'm amazed at how easy it is to hit things w/ it now. You barely have to lead your target at all anywhere <80-90m, and sudden movements by your target after you pull the trigger aren't enough to cause you to miss anymore like what would previously happen on occasion. I even took out one guy @150m in 5 shots who was zig-zagging across a field at a full sprint. I marveled at how effortless it was to land all of my shots on him...

    I'm also glad that they made the Eidolon slower to balance it's lack of bullet drop. I haven't used the Wardne/AMR-66 yet since the change, but I'm betting there's basically no drop out to 125m or so now..

    Overall it's a great change.

    Yep. I'll have to do some more testing, but I have a suspicion that removing the recoil bias to the right may be all that's needed now.

    We'll see how it goes this weekend.
  12. cruczi

    Agreed. Decided to use the AMR-66 with my Engi today as it was buffed, getting kills at range is so effortless compared to any carbine, even a scoped and stabilized T5 AMC. The damage dropoff makes the T5 AMC barely scratch your opponents at any respectable range, and it's difficult to land many shots on moving targets. With the AMR-66, however, you have a good chance to get the kill at range, but even more importantly, the ability to hit highly damaging shots from a range most enemies can retaliate, makes it a great support weapon, similar to a low zoom semi auto sniper or scout rifle, but with vastly better bullet velocity. The weapon allows you to suppress enemies into cover or kill them as they're sprinting if they decide to take the chance, all the while being relatively safe from anyone except an enemy sniper or another battle rifle user.
  13. SenEvason

    I just bought it, and I'm having a good time with it. It pretty good at mid range, and exceptional at long range.The bullet velocity really helps for landing longer shots. At closer ranges, the extra damage (250 for the warden, I'm not sure about the other two) rewards getting those headshots on people. It really helps my take on 2-3 people at once if I get the drop on them. Too bad I can't use it on my LA.
  14. CompletelyDeadCoyote

    A gun has it's very own playstile. My friend runs with it all the time and simply adors it. He manages to make MAXes flee from him and get a lot of kills in general. But i can't get my head around this thing. I'm constantly being killed, rarely kill someone miself and feel underpowered. So, it's very much like GodSAW: a very good weapon with its own temper, that requier to learn how to use it properly for getting any good results.
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  15. DeadlyPeanutt

    what he said. I use my pulsar c with a 4x scope and i find i can kill as well or better than a br.
  16. HeavensSword

    I've fallen in love with my Eidolon on engineer. I've actually found I enjoy sniping with it more than I do my infiltrator; granted I have a **** sniper rifle which I need to upgrade. I've actually had success with it close range, but of course it truly shines mid to long range.
  17. Springjack

    I'm sure I've already said this, but I think the Warden should lose some of it's damage and gain a 3x burst...
  18. Nimwa

    The BRs still feel uselss. Outperformed at pretty much any range by the carabines we can use instead.

    Give it more damage, way lower/no damage falloff, better accuracy, a combination of those, to make them better at range compared to carbines.
  19. Traveller

    I like the idea of the BR with its semi-auto mode. It takes more skill and discipline to use one over the spray and pray guns 99% of you use. That said, I find the BR, with its supposed 'big hard hitting cartridge idea' to be somewhat lacking in both mid-LR accuracy, but mostly its hitting power. Even Im finding I use the Trac-5 more often now,not because I want to necessarily, but the the whole empty entire clip into one enemy is sadly, the preferred mechanic PS2 encourages.
  20. Ttariel

    You know, i wish the Battle Rifles would be more like the Vandal Scout Rifle.
    Hard hitting but very punishing for missed shots.