Does anyone else find alerts tedious?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Masterofm, Feb 11, 2014.

  1. Masterofm

    Personally I've grown to really dislike alerts. I don't like them for the fact that the game changes into this really weird version of a cash grab where I find myself swept up into something I don't want to do.

    Granted they are free, and they can grant you a nice chunk of XP. So I'm not minge'ing or anything, but personally I just don't like taking part in them. I don't like the zerging, and I just sit there and feel useless while others dictate orders to me. I mean it's not bad that places get taken. But is it just me or does anyone else feel like some crappy cog in a machine following around a massive zerg that means you hardly get any kills, or your zerg is getting steamrolled by their zerg and you wonder why you are even bothering getting farmed?

    Then I get 2-5k'ish xp and that's kinda nice, but I don't really feel like I did much to earn it even if I participated in blowing stuff up. I mean my little PS2 thingy says I'm getting approx 200 xp per minute, which means in the course of 2 hours I've made... close to 24k xp (this was back when alerts were bugged and didn't ever really pop up.)

    Just the more they keep dropping the more I feel like "uuugh... icky... I think I'll go over here now." Just wondering if anyone shared that kind of feeling. I mean I don't think they should be removed, but just more of me wondering what everyone else thinks and if anyone else feels that way.
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  2. Pikachu

    I just dont like thr biolab alrts. Enddless meatgrinders 48+ both sides fighting going on for 1h+.
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  3. Winfield

    Atleast on Miller alerts really make for good fights. A lot of fun fights have been had against BRTD, DIG, DIGT, VCBC, INI, RO, DWG and other outfits that I fail to remember at this moment.

    Alerts have allowed us to meet each other on the field where we normally would have not, resulting in epic standoffs between two forces that normally would just give up and find another place to "farm".

    I do like alerts and I hope they are here to stay, in one form or another.

    This I can agree on, but it's also got more to do with current MAX spam. We'll see how that changes after the Resource Revamp.

    I think the most fun I've had have been Tech Plant Alerts by a long shot. Those make for really interesting fights.
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  4. Suicide Trooper

    There is no more idiotic alert than Amerish control. Most rеtarded platoon and squad leaders redeploy on that boring and empty wasteland and start 2-hour long capping marathon, standing idly 99% of the time.
  5. Masterofm


    Yeah... it's nice to feel like I'm not just taking crazy pills then.

    That's cool... On Connery it feels like a different story.

    Yeah I don't think they should go away, but I was wondering if other people thought the same way.
  6. Winfield

    Don't get me wrong, I definately think alerts have their downsides aswell right now. Then again, you don't "have" to play for an alert if you don't want to.

    I for example, rarely take part in biolab alerts(Other than to spam the landing pads with my rocket launcher...being so skilled yo).
    I take no real enjoyment in Biolab alerts...they're just there. Like that annoying person talking loudly into his/her cellphone in the bus.

    There's a lot of ironing out to do when it comes to alerts, that much I do DEFINATELY agree on.
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  7. Masterofm

    I'll agree with that only if we can disagree.......... I'm sorry I couldn't help myself I just had to be silly. :D
  8. Kwyjibo

    I agree. The problem is, that there is really nothing specific to do in the game except join a platoon and attack/defend whatever they decide to attack/defend. Alerts are like a bandage for that problem. Hopefully they will cut down on the alerts when the mission system is implemented.
  9. DeadAlive99

    I've come to the following conclusion: Regardless of the game mode (regular, alert, wds), this game is 99% Zerg / Ghostcap / Micro-Battles and the occasional farm fest, with 1% rare, quality battles that make you want to break out your wallet and buy SC.

    It's boring as sin for me, most of the time. The only thing I really enjoy is the farming, I'm sorry to say, because that's the only chance I have of making any real cp and getting some nice gear......which...I will then use to.....improve my farming ratio..

    I like the Alerts for 1 reason, and 1 reason only: CP bonus. Same lame boredom for the most part, but you get a "boredom bonus".
  10. AFK1

    The ones that involve Amerish are always tedious. Global ones are always tedious. Esamir ones are tedious most of the time, only enjoyable when there was already action on Esamir

    Indar alerts are fine

    Dropping everything we're doing, and sending over 100+ people to an entirely different continent just to "win" an "alert" feels awful. We can be having a great, enjoyable, competitive battle and/or series of battles in a really fun transitioning multi-base warzone; and then "CONTROL 9 BIOLABS" or "CAPTURE AMERISH" comes in to ruin the fun. You could stay if you want, but most of your outfit/platoon/randoms are going to go, and even if they stay, the opposing force will leave (especially if they are losing) anyway, so the battles are over regardless

    On the other hand, an "alert" to control Indar, or to control 3 amps/biolabs/techs on Indar is fine; we're all already on Indar anyway, so it doesn't feel like we're wasting progress, or just completely switching focus. Also Indar is the best map (Esamir is okay, and Amerish is awful)

    In either case, I only take part so that I can help the NC "win". I don't see that the outcome really effects anything other than contributing to the NC winrate for a meaningless numbers-game inside a game... but it's really the only actual goal that's ever presented, so I do it for my team
  11. Elrobochanco

    I like them because they shake up the game temporarily by giving everyone a single thing to strive for.

    That said, obviously it's kind of a stop gap solution that has lived on too long. Not everybody wants to do the same thing, even when it's a change of pace. Hopefully in the future with the mission system people/squads can be given guidance/goals that are more relevant to the type of action they want, and it won't be symmetrical for everyone.
  12. Masterofm

    I've found getting a good gunner and taking a lib/MBT behind enemy lines tends to end up in some epic fights..... that or your instant demise. Knocking out all sorts of things that don't know any better until about 10-18 guys suddenly want you and your pal really really dead. Then it's moving through cover/popping flares and seeing if you can drop them all before they get to you.

    This kind of makes me think of something like "you suck, you suck, you suck, your cool, you suck I'm out." *drops mic*

    I feel like most of Esamir's bases are basically mini-biolabs now. Tons of infantry meatgrinding, and Amerish is just a bunch of craters everywhere. Like freeking driving on the moon or something. Indar at least has a mix and blend of different terrain to make it feel like it's not just the same battle in a different location.

    It's kind of like an ugly, boring prom date. You don't want to do it, but you kinda feel obligated because she is your mom's, boss's, daughter. Then maybe she makes a pass at you but the pimple on her face bursts as you are opening your mouth to say no. At the end of the day you end up wondering why it even had to go down that way.
  13. Acceleratio

    Maybe they could try something like "Vote the next alert" for a change?
  14. Masterofm

    Or you could make it easier by just removing the other continents and just make everything happen on Indar. Because it will probably take place on indar about 90% of the time. I mean not that that is a bad thing, but Indar is where it's at.
  15. maxkeiser

    I love the alerts. All of them without exception.

    They are the only way to get proper competition between factions with defined objectives and a set period of time in which to achieve them. They give an opporutnity to large outfits to have massive coordination, multiple platoons fighting across different continents etc.

    They are just great fun. Far better than just fighthing at crossroads watchtower for an hour or something.
  16. Line

    I like the alerts.
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  17. ncDieseL

    I think alerts are great! Some of the better battles I've had have been part of alerts. Tech Plants & Amp Stations are my favourites.

    Bio Labs can become a bit of grind. Usually the defenders will hold up in the Bio Lab and just farm the incoming infantry ignoring the fact they are losing all of the territory around it. It's not unusual to see 1 or 2 Bio Labs surrounded by enemy territory with 48+ vs 48+ inside during Bio Lab alerts. It's most common on Amerish because of the lack of lattice, but I've seen it happen at Rashnu and Saurva before.

    I guess one very quick fix for this is to exclude the facility from the alert if it's not connected to the warp gate. It would actually provide a new strategic option in alerts, if you really can't capture it from the enemy, cut it off!
  18. DQCraze

    If you are feeling useless blame you platoon or squad leader, or create your own objectives. I try never to have anyone sitting around and have 4 objectives going at the same time in contested areas. If we need 48 in the same area ill call for it but otherwise people are all over the place, scouting, hacking, disrupting, doing hit and runs etc.
  19. KnightCole

    Yeah, I dont like alerts or zergs much either. To much lag, to many many deaths around every corner. Guys take hundreds of rounds cuz of the lag.....get TKd alot...just a boring time.