I play Planetside on the PC and i just found out that they had a PS4 version. Does the PS4 version have a decent amount of players?
Yes but don't expect as crisp gameplay as PC frames/rendering issues are still there. As well as other things making it rough but yes population is still there cause only one server now.
Games very much alive and fun to play on PS4. Just one caveat that I don't like but kind of understand. Nothing transfers between the 2. Anything you bought with SC or DBC for PC you'll have to unlock on the PS4. I really wish I could get the PS1 veteran decal on my PS4 account. That is the one thing I miss more than anything else.
Depends on your hardware. PS4 runs it so much better and prettier than my PC ever could. But then my PC was a yr old when PS2 was in beta.
Yes sorry I was comparing it more or less with updated hardware for Pc. Unfair comparison my bad. But yes the issues still are a hiderence on Ps4. I only wonder if it would be better on the new Ps4 Neo when it comes out.
I play it close to everyday I even come across this ziggurat here quite often, we have good fights! I can't even fathom my 7-8 year old computer attempting planetside and with ps4 at least no one will ever (sorta) have a hardware advantage. The pop is usually quite playable, only early morning hours (2-6am) in pacific time zone do I notice it's a ghost town.
All I hear on PC are complainers and hackers and people who think they're awesome and kingly for playing since 2013/2012
Yes... and no. PS4 has plenty of players to fuel the fights, but there's not much in the way of organization. It's perfectly possible to have a great time on PS4 (I know I do), just don't expect the level of organization you get on PC.
Yes and yes. If by 'decent amount of players' you mean 'most are idiotic console stereotypes' (including me) then yes.
Yes, There are loads of people online on PlanetSide 2 on PS4. You can get involved in some epic fights and it's very active.
For some reason it's no longer on my PS4 and I need to download it again. I was surprised how active the game is on PS4, while I'm on Connery on PC, there were some battles on PS4 that I was involved in that were far larger than any I've been in the past couple weeks since I started playing the PC version again. Though there will never be another full on air assault that I was part of way back when PS2 was still fresh on PC. Like holy *** it seemed like the entire player TR playerbase took part in it. Some 50 Galaxies and tons of Mosquitos and each Galaxy was full and we pulled off an air assault on The Crown, no sundys, no MBTs, just hundreds of TR infantry falling from the sky and instantly took all 3 points at The Crown amidst what was already pretty heavy fighting between NC and VS. They did not know what hit them and we barely lost any Mosquitos though many were shot down pretty quickly. Although we took all 3 points instantly, we were obliterated since we had no spawns. Only a couple of us were left out of hundreds of TR and we were able to retreat back to Ceres Hydroponics. I was surprised to have survived that when I was one of the many who fell on top of B. That's the only time I've ever seen Connery's TR ever be that organized before.