Does 5x of the same tech 1 implant construct a tech 2?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jack the Smack, May 22, 2014.

  1. Jack the Smack

    Because I just tried it with 5 battle hardens and it gave me a single tech 1 marker. WTF?
  2. DJPenguin

    Which is a tier 2 implant. You can easily see what tier each implant is just by looking at its color and energy consumption rate.
  3. Jeslis

    Marker has no tier. It is a Tier 2 as the above person said.
    Battle hardened only exists in Tier 1.
    There are several implants that ONLY exist at Tier 3 level.
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  4. Spoprockel

    Here's some info on the different implants and tiers.

    As was said above, some implants only exist as one specific tier.
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  5. Jack the Smack

    Thanks! it all makes sense now.
  6. ScrapyardBob