Dodge headshots

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by masepoesman, Aug 14, 2015.

  1. BlacknBlue

    Got anything to back this claim up?

    Is it not possible that longer the game goes on the more people reach BR100 and over time people get better?
  2. FieldMarshall

    I wish there was a "replay death" option. Where you could see your death from the perspective of your enemy.
    And being able to slow down time as you watched it.

    It has been debated before and people didnt want it because it would give away sniper's positions etc.

    However. What if when you died to someone, you could "flag" that death if you wanted to watch it again.
    And it would only become available to view 24 hours or something later.
    That way, you would still be able to watch suspicious deaths, but not ruin gameplay for legit people.

    I think it would stop a lot of hackusations if people got to see how they died from the enemy's perspective.
    "How did you know i was there" "How did you shoot me around the corner" etc.
    Sometimes things look suspicious, but completely normal from the killers point of view.
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  3. LordMcZee

    So what? That doesn't mean it's true.
  4. LordMcZee

    Also, maybe there are just more good players than before. Accept that you are not the best and that someone is just better than you and everything will be fine.
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  5. Klypto

    Is there a problem officer?
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  6. Goretzu

    Yep, unfortunately so.

    Again these are at ranges where no matter what you're doing (even using a script - which is also, of course, exploiting) you'd be missing the odd shot with perfect target accuracy and leading.

    They aren't plinking as the TTK is far to low for that, it is basically full RoF, but seemingly without bloom, or CoF, or recoil (and it happens quite often with weapons that have unavoidable recoil).

    And it tends to be the same people and the same Outfits that do it again and again.

    People used to say certain outfits and players on my server were "just good" and yet when there was a mass banning for ESP/wall hacking those Outfits basically fell to bits, their remaining player K/D ratios plummeted over night (and have never returned to the same levels).

    Perhaps it was just a massive coincidence, but honestly I doubt it.
  7. MarkAntony

    I simply doubt your ability to judge the ranges (do name numbers pls) and how many shots are missing from full RoF. i believe you have a bad case of confirmation bias...
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  8. Yuki10

    Yes, but they are sampling KD performance over a medium sized consecutive kills over short period of time. Let's say you get 50 kills over 2 minutes and not die (just an example, not actual numbers, those are much different). Now you have perfect 100% KD with 50 kills in 2 minutes with at least 50% headshots. If they spot such performance, they auto-kick you for cheating. However, there have been legitimate players kicked just because they are that good or got lucky. However, they can't crank up sample rate and analyse this data on finer level as it creates more load on the database servers. At the same time algorithm is not smart enough to know user's normal behavior and take it into account when looking at high probability for cheating. Right now, as soon you go over a certain thershold - you get kicked. But what if you are just one of those people with KDR of 10 and regularly get these streaks? There are a few people like that. So they had to go back and adjust the threshold and manually "un-ban" those players.
  9. Yuki10

  10. FateJH

    Welcome to the CQC sniper rifle.
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  11. Yuki10

    right, just not all headshots in CQC...
  12. MarkAntony

  13. Yuki10

    Just spent half a day looking at all the different hacks people are working on. One guy is doing something cool unlike all the other aimbots and no-clip, seems to be a talented programmer and he even open sourced his code....He was asking for donations so i paypall-ed him $20. Better spent than in PS2 anyway
  14. Goretzu

    Take last night, there was one death of the type I am talking about, it was from a LA sat on top of a building that was about 100m away, he was using a TRAC-5, I could see him start shooting and I knew when I died (I was, as I always constantly do, moving side to side across his field of fire), he hit me with pretty much every shot to kill me, before I could even turn never mind move to nearby cover, within that timeframe he did 100% damage to me. He was being fired on by at least 3 people in my area whilst doing so.

    If you think I cannot judge range, well that's up to you, but go look at one of the many threads I've talked about range I'm pretty decent at getting the right range, I think (in fact whether I am accurate intrigued me enough that I've just been in-game to check the actual range, it seems to have been 98m, I know exactly where he fired from and where I was...... so I'll take a 2% inaccuracy! :) ).

    Now by all means go take a TRAC-5 and test it yourself, even with a 3.4x scope you're going to be struggling to get a very fast TTK at 98m range, even against a stationary target!

    I don't die much to (80-150m+) long range fire, mostly because of my movement (I think I've just died once in the last 3+ months to a sniper from 100m or more, for example), I know what DPS you'll likely take from those ranges, however the odd person can hit exceptionally well from those ranges given recoil and CoF for the weapons they are using (which is to say perfect target accuracy shouldn't be able to 100% cancel out those things), those that do it once fair enough, but many of these suspicous ones do it regularly/most of the time.

    Now I'm not saying it wasn't lag or wasn't just pure good luck, but it was rather suspicious, especially given he was a low BR, but if it was the 3rd or 4th time I'd died like that to him I'd be more than just a bit suspcious.

    Especially given that hacks do, quite clearly, exist - not only does every Live hack for H1Z1 likely work for PS2 (with a bit of modification) and there are LOADS, but equally in the last week I've seen 1 blatent aimbotter (didn't last too long with the new stat systems) and 1 blatent speedhacker (lasted quite a while) in PS2....... and if those hacks still exist then I'm 100% sure no recoil/no CoF hacks still exist.
  15. Goretzu

    I'd love that, even if you could only re-watch 1 death per 24 hour period or something, and even if it was just the normal type kill-cam showing the postion fired from to your position of death.
  16. 0fly0

    What's weird with that? i have make a reroll sniper like that once 50%+ accu and 8+ k/d i don't see why that would be suspicious.
    You can watch my last scoreboard:!/5428184188507275713/killboard

    Sorry there is a little bit of red i had to deal with some teamkiller... And i'm not a cheater.
  17. Villanuk

    I think thats a brilliant idea. I see no need to wait 24 hours, maybe 30 minutes but i cannot see one logical reason not to implement this idea !!

    Maybe start a thread suggesting this and get the support from the forum, its an excellent idea.
  18. Dualice

    Apparently there's some crazy sh*t the top-flight players do, involving pre-firing in a predictive sort of way in a 1v1, while you're both doing the ADAD dance, so that your opponent is effectively walking into your bullets/plasma. Might explain why playing against those sorts of guys feels like insta-kill; you're trying to track his head whilst he's firing where yours is shortly going to be.
  19. Yuki10

    Weird part is running around corners and making headshots without slowing down. You were probably sniping, this guy was using it more like a crossbow than a sniper rifle - hip-fire while moving.
  20. 0fly0

    I use it all the time in cqc i have no problem killing people at blank point with it, sometime when i move or jump too if i get lucky, for me it's just normal stat, watch elusive video he just made a new one and you will see what you can do with a sniper.