[Suggestion] Do you find the game difficult anymore?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jake the Dog, Nov 18, 2015.

  1. DarkStarII

    You got that right. I tried playing HA before and got bored, quickly.
  2. Jake the Dog

    Try the icarus jets, WAAAaayyy more fun than the normal ones.
  3. DarkStarII

    I only use the Icarus jets ^_^
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  4. shivanthing

    Icarus jets are best ever. Hella fun. Feels how a jetpack should feel.

    Now to the OP. You've probably done this before, but try running an SMG infil. Infiltrate behind enemy lines and see how people you can assassinate before some doberman base runner sniffs your trail.

    It's pretty fun. Especially when you take two proximity mines and use a beacon as a lure.

    The lols are glorious.
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  5. Jake the Dog

    I only wish they were slightly more maneuverable then they'd be perfect :D
  6. Jubikus

    Im anti social and almost never in a squad unless a few people in the clan are on then i might be in a small one. I think im doing just fine.
  7. kungflu

    I think the simplest i could put together:
    1) Major changes to the game happens too frequent. Many players cannot adapt that fast, well because they don't play the game every damn day.
    2) This isn't my game but they like to FIX things that are NOT broken and kill every aspect that made the game fun in the first place.

    The only reason i still play this game is because my outfit still plays it, and i enjoy playing with them. Otherwise this game is dead without them.
  8. shivanthing

    To add to my post, try stalker cloaking. Take a very good revolver with you. Maybe put a silencer on it if you plan to snag people up close. You'll be without a solid cqc weapon, but it's not like people will catch you with stalker cloaking anyway unless they take a dark light or catch you in one of your dastardly deeds. :eek:
  9. MorganM

    The thing is you have to challenge YOURSELF. Get out of your tanks and try something different. I've played since release and there's plenty of challenges left in the game.

    Flying... I'm not totally inept at it but I sure have a lot of room to improve there. This is a massive challenge I've yet to take seriously. There's also many different styles! For example I much prefer being a battle gal pilot than an ESF pilot or lib pilot. The three platforms alone require very different techniques let alone the subtle nuances between loadouts on a single platform.

    Stalker... Have you tried playing stalker? Sure it's easy sneak in, get a kill, and then get mowed down. How about really trying some stealth ops? Have you tried the crossbow? That thing took me a long time to figure out; I hated it and was convinced it was a trash weapon. Then I figured out some techniques with it and now love it.

    Have you tried scout rifles? They require a very different playstyle than sniping, stalker, or even SMG cloaker.

    Do you make your own objectives? Like when some ***** hill-humper snipes me... new mission: seek and destroy then v6 + tea bag. Bonus points if I can find his spawn point and do it to him multiple times.

    My point is... if you are bored and unchallenged it's your fault. You need to do something about it.
  10. ZDarkShadowsZ

    Only when I first started playing did I find the game to be difficult, now I just find it rather boring.

    While there are some nice additions to the game, constantly capturing and losing the same territories over and over again gets rather stale after a while so I end up taking 2-4 month breaks in the 'hope' that some new content will appear. While I do like the new VP system, capturing bases still feel rather meaningless outside of continent benefits.
  11. Taemien

    The game only gets easy when your group consistently takes continents over and over throughout the time they are online. Have you done that yet?

    Sitting in a tank on a hill blowing up newbies isn't winning. Its farming.

    This is a PVP oriented game. There is no easy or hard. Just player versus player interaction. Sometimes it seems easy, sometimes it seems hard. But those things are illusions for the most part. Killing someone doesn't mean you beat them, it means you set them back by 10s. What are you doing for those next 10s? Are you waiting for them to come back to kill them again? If so, you stalemated. If you took the control point instead, you're ahead. Still haven't won, but you've got 'first down' so to speak.
  12. TheFlamingLemon

    Except that you're constantly respawning because you're trying to fight people who have twice as much health as you. It's kind of frustrating to be playing at a disadvantage to every player in an entire faction that's spamming HA (read: the TR)
  13. shivanthing

    If you want a different sniping experience and challenge, by the way, try out the phase shift. (It's for the vanu.)

    It's really not the best weapon in the game for long range sniping, but no bullet drop and a jack of all trades long range sniper and semi auto sniper all in one makes for very unique weapon— and the new challenge of handling it properly.

    And about handling it, it's quite clusmy at first. But once you've gotten the charge up mechanic down, and you get two one shot one kill head shots in a row (uses up all your charge) you feel pretty damn good.

    It's versatile, if anything.

    I quite like this thread though. I feel as though a lot of people dont know how to experience the game by getting new challenges. So this could be good grounds for helping players that feel they're lost. :-]
  14. Jake the Dog

    If you have a problem respawning dont die in the first place :p
  15. TheFlamingLemon

    Hard to do when I have half as much health as the enemy. Or I could play heavy assault and max out cheese just to not be nerfed
  16. Jake the Dog

    Aim for the head then.
  17. Tezopapa

    I find them all the time. whenever am playing TR their guns are way to OP. don't encounter that issue with NC only against the ones with a weapon of 200 dmg. I play VS btw and I think TR need to be fix its crazy how they stop 2 factions all the time in emerald.
  18. Moridin6

    must be nice? i guess?
    play more vanu?
    all i know is, im often the ONE guy to pull a maggy, just to get it wrecked because im the only non-lightning facing Many enemy, after a 5 min drive from the warpgate. good times?
    are you trolling?..
    seriously, i have such a difficult time overcoming the ineptitude and ignorance of the vanu around me by the time i see the enemy im pretty much dead, screwed over by my own team. emerald vanu are the best to get flanked, back capd, turrets hacked and used against, tank mines tossed under maggy cause the 30 inf around me were all cool with him walking up to my tank.. pretty much anything that shouldnt happen to an even Vaguely aware enemy, can and will. pull mag from tech plant, gibbed by own turrets while the other turrets are maned by friendlies .
    youre bored cause the enemy are too easy though..
    i might go punch a small child out of sheer incomprehension/mind boggled-ness .
  19. TheFlamingLemon

    heavy assaults can aim for the head too. If I get all headshots and they get half headshots, they'll still win.
  20. Klabauter8

    I mostly fly the Valkyrie solo, since I can't find any Valk pilots. So yea, it is kinda hard, in its own way...