Do You Find Indar Frontlines Rather Static?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheShrapnelKing, Aug 26, 2015.

  1. TheShrapnelKing

    I occurred to me I can't remember the last time I fought at Hvar, Peris, Zurvan or Saurva. These bases, tucked behind the lines, are almost never fought over because only rarely do I find the frontline reaches them, and when it does large battles often don't occur as if people are afraid to attack them.

    Is it the terrain? It has to be. Indar, like Amerish, is a terrain-driven map, but Amerish's terrain is 'neutral' towards bases whereas Indar's geography and lattice links actively favour defending forces and, I find, keep battles basically static, keeping attackers at bay, immobile, and over the same bases - I'm pretty sure Crossroads Watchtower is the most fought over base in all of Planetside, and Allatum Biolab the most contested large facility.

    Actually scratch Allatum, it's probably Mani.
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  2. Ronin Oni

    ****** XRoads.....

    Also Indar Ex
  3. Scr1nRusher

    They need to remove A point out of all Tower Bases towers.
  4. HadesR

    The Crown ,Crossroad, Regent rock . Persis Field Tower ( 4 Towers within 6 links ) ( Only one with A point inside before scrin pipes up )

    Vanu Archives


    Quartz Ridge ..

    That whole SW corner is kinda Grindy ..

    To many Towers full stop .. Regardless of point position ...
  5. Nogrim313

    i still miss the original crown every one *****ed about it but it was deserving of its name. it allowed those people who just endlessly wanted to fight over the same base to do so, and at times pulled an empires focus off of these back line bases.

    indars problems came from the map update when attackers had all of the advantages and we didnt have lattice. the update changed all that and created the "lanes" that we have no that basically just turn the continent in to a few lines of tug o war
  6. Takara

    Every continent is that way....
  7. Scr1nRusher

    You can thank 3 point tower bases with A point inside the tower itself & Bio-labs.
  8. ZDarkShadowsZ

    I find that a lot of combat and pushes come to a screeching halt on much of the maps. Like Subterranean Nanite Analysis on Amerish, or Jaegar's Crossing/Fist, Mani Fortress/Biolab on Esamir but all in all, Indar is the worst. The Crown, Howling Pass, the gap between Regent Rock Garrison and Scarred Mesa Skydock, Quartz Ridge Camp, Indar Excavation Site, Crossroads Watchtower....

    I was amazed yesterday when VS pushed TR right up near to our warpgate and because of this, instead of redeploying to another continent I stayed just so I could say that I finally got to fight other than the usual areas in a very long time.

    The map could do with a few tweaks to make things not feel so much like a seesaw. Such as putting a bit less open ground between Quartz Ridge and Indar Ex. as currently it ends up being a tug of war into who has the most vehicles to get to the other side. Especially once you're attacking Indar Ex. and unless there's enough infantry to account for the attack, which in the entire time I've played people end up staying in their vehicles, they all get blown up, the team gets pushed right back to QRC and the tug of war starts all over again. With all that said, just my opinion.
  9. TheShrapnelKing

    The Indar Ex - Quartz Ridge lattice link is probably the most static in the entire game. Two 3 point bases, one nestled in tactically advantageous terrain and the other in the middle of open desert flanked by advantageous terrain. There's no getting anywhere fast, especially since it's more productive to divert forces to fighting at Indar Comms, which is more easily captured, and then pushing Dahaka or Allatum, which are virtually impossible to push PAST even if you do take them.
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  10. Takara

    I actually dont' think that's thr problem. The REAL problem is the constant 3 way fight on every continent. 3 point bases would be zero issue if there was only two empires fighting for a continent. But since there is no way to actually remove one empire from a continent by fully defeating them you will ALWAYS have to defend two fronts. So you can't bring the population across a wider front.

    Basically, due to geographical layout the three empires always clash in the same locations unless there is a severe population differences.
  11. ZDarkShadowsZ

    Ugh. Yes. :(

    I feel the only time that area is good for anything is if you know you're not going to succeed at pushing past either base and just want to farm.
  12. Scr1nRusher

    Those are the problems with map flow around the continents, solve that and the game is much better overall.

    If you want to solve the 3 way.........

    Make WG's siegable/capturable so you can kick off enemy empires manually.
  13. TheShrapnelKing

    There's actually enough warpgates now that you can pair them up, but they'd need to make Sanctuaries, and they'll never do that.
  14. Scr1nRusher

    All they need to do is have a system where each empire has 2 "temporary home" WG's. And if a WG gets taken(meaning they are down to 1 WG out of the 2 WG's) a continent opens up if needed.
  15. Takara

    That problem would be solved if there wasn't a 3rd empire stopping the other empire from trying to push around the map. Imagine a fight on Indar where the northern warpgate was not spewing out an empire. These flow problems would near disappear.

    Yep....I rather see it go PS1 style where warpgates are just giant teleporter pads between continents rather then bases. Typically every time there was a 3 way in PS1 it always ended in a stalemate unless one of the empires was attacked on another continent and didn't have the population to do both. Three ways on Cyssor would progress for days at a time(with little base movements) was pretty dumb.

    That said, in a few months time there is going to be quite a few game releaes that will see some population drop here. I don't really expect this stuff to happen. BUT....we asked for it before the end of beta :p We can see that it's not really on the table.
  16. Scr1nRusher

    Not disagreeing that the "3 way" mechanic causes issues, but bad base design(and point placement) also stops empires from moving across the map.

    That sounds awesome.

    They did mention continent capture in the 2015 plan.

    Maybe we will finally be able to attack WG's.
  17. lothbrook

    The terrain boundaries need to be leveled out instead of the steep cliffs everywhere forcing attackers into choke points up/down a hill that have wide open areas on the other side of those choke points for defenders to just pound you from all angles.
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  18. Nregroepis

    I remember Quartz Ridge Camp before it was modified. When it was capped going south, you would get traffic jams, and when I mean traffic jams, I'm talking about vehicles literally just sitting there parked and not moving at all, fingers off the W key for half an hour:

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  19. Takara

    Eh....I don't really have faith in their ability to keep to a time table. Been burned far to many times to reach for that pot again. I'm not sure it will come soon enough to really save the game but it's had a longer run then I originally thought it would. At the current time I pop in and play just to satisfy the pvp side of my gaming enjoyment. Plus I enjoy throwing my love for problem solving at base defense/attack to see what I can do to help by doing something the enemy usually doesn't expect. Other times I just log in to brainlessly shoot people on foot in the zerg.
  20. Pikachu

    Bases near warpgates never sees any action and I dont know their names even. Peris got to be the least fought over big base in the game. When was last time anyone fought there? Saurva and Zurvy gets plenty of battles. Hvar and rashu gets few battles. Impact site is as rare to see battles at as bases connected to warpgates.

    Allatum crossroads, excavation are the never ending fight ing zones.
