Do you even lift?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RabidIBM, Nov 27, 2020.

  1. RabidIBM

    Because apparently an ant can lift a sunderer so hard is remains lifted. The NC had deployed a sundy at Berjess ahead of time while they cleanup up Scarred Mesa, and I went for some ram damage. Well...
    That's not an action shot, it was just floating like that. I was trying to tell my team to not shoot it, I wanted some NC to spawn in and be confused.
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  2. Demigan

    It is a feature. Deployed Sunderers are "stuck" in their position, but can be moved a little. In the past some enterprising outfits used specific spots and a Galaxy to slowly push a Sunderer onto Biolab airpads. Took forever and I think an update made it nigh impossible for the Galaxies to do this.
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  3. Liewec123

    plus anvils make it redundant, now we can summon vehicles anywhere we like :p
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  4. RabidIBM

    Wait, if a deployed sundy at the edge of a no-deploy zone were pushed into the no-deploy zone, would it remain deployed?
  5. Demigan

    probably yes.
  6. JustGotSuspended

    that would require some testing, but it's highly likely.

    For example, it's possible to coordinate multiple sunderers to deploy simultaneously side by side, and the sunderers will all remain deployed, despite obvious no-deploy overlap.

    I remember times where outfits would play around to lift sunderers up to biolab landing pads, and some tower bases. A few attempts were made to get the deployed vehicles to reach max height ceiling, if I remember correctly. It's highly likely that the no deploy fields were crossed during such processes, yet the things remained deployed.

    I hadn't seen this I a while, I'm guessing something got moved around during this update and brought this old "feature" back.
  7. zelekk

    Flight celling prowlers are also fun.
  8. JibbaJabba

    Sounds like you have some science homework to do for us!