[Suggestion] Do not give the VS MAX ability that is currently on the Test Server

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NUKABAZOOKA, Apr 9, 2013.

  1. Shockwave44

    Every MAX got this ability in PS1.
  2. Xasapis

    I don't think that AA need any kind of damage boost tbh, it's pretty high as it is. As for AV, maxes are pretty mch useless for the job. The primary job of the max is to support infantry.

    Personally I can think of plenty of occasions where such an ability would be useful. I just don't see myself losing dash over it though.
    • Up x 1
  3. Dingus148

    Like NC needs any more DPS. As it is, you're already going to have a shield which can cover your reloads
  4. Revanmug

    FFS people... Those are relic from Beta, which have never been test.

    I thought the sight of 324872347 nonfinish objects, from guns to upgrade, would have been a strong enough clue that most of the thing aren't being release anytime soon? The majority can't even be taken to try them out. The rest are buggy and non working.
  5. QuakerOatsMan

    It sounds like an interesting ability, and how it would be later balanced is the key, so people shouldn't be complaining about it until the abilities are actually out there, with the statistics adjusted for balance (the amount of armor reduction might not even be that high). The VS specialize in energy weapons, so let the devs be creative with energy-based content and concepts for the VS. People should see the VS as the "futuristic" or alien technology empire, not an "everything-is-accurate-and-has-no-drop" faction (even the NC's SAW is much more accurate than most guns (when semi-auto bursted) and performs much better than every one of the battle rifles..). The VS would actually have perhaps the greatest potential in content if devs decided to head in the direction of "technology" instead of defining the faction by its guns' traits or with one distinguishing aspect. And in my opinion, the TR's lockdown ability seems to be more of a detriment than the ZOE ability because of the complete loss of mobility. The riot shield is probably going to be the most annoying one, but it is also probably the most boring of the three abilities. (To be honest, I don't see why the MAX abilities have to mirror those of the respective factions' tanks (except for the VS MAX), but it would be more interesting if they later added more abilities).
  6. Tenhi

    I'll just quote myself. ZOE is equipable. Its one of the few things that you can equip. Also you dont need to go to the VR Room (it seems like they use that for testing) but can directly see it in the Cert Screen on the "normal" Test Server Continents. Its also one of the few things that has proper cert costs attached to it.

    Also just look at the TR/NC MAXs, they have Shield/Lockdown at the exact same spot in the Cert Tree where the ZOE Ability is. So yeah... I guess that is pretty much all the evidence that I need.

  7. Rown

    Well, I can see some use for that when using dual bursters as you're relatively safe most of the time.

    However, to be a good ability, that square is missing two words: "increases the damage output and accuracy of the MAX weapons systems"

    So you could use it outdoors in longer range fights, where incoming damage is lower (so the drawback is less of a drawback) and fits the supposed VS traits better.
  8. Revanmug

    Reading is such a hard thing isn't it? here, just for you!

    Riot shield can be equip. Doesn't change the fact that it doesn't do a single thing. And again, just for you.

    They existed... 9 months ago. From the look of it, they don't seem to have change a single bit. There are weapon and equipment with models that were ready during Beta but we have yet to see them go live. Just look at the damn flamethrower that you could use during beta but were remove so they could do more "work" on them.

    Considering the haven't even talk about MAX ability yet and the update is soon™, I doubt MAX will have their ability. Hell, they haven't even finish the current faction weapon...
  9. Revel

    I didn't even think about this. Oh man if this goes through there is going to be some absolutely butt devastated ESF pilots.
  10. Lafladitu

    I can see both dissadvantages and advantages with this ability for VS. Dual bursters will have a field trip with this ability, shooting down air units like it was nothing. other then AA maxes its use is very situational like most VS weapons, but still viable in most cases if need to be.

    though i have not tested the new max update yet and the VS max weapon in the making haven't been revealed yet so it might be a much more viable ability to have with it. also when the flamethrowers gets released i think people will use it as a room clearing weapon of GOD, when activating the ability.
  11. Kon

    when i hear riot shield i think CS 1.6 so the Riot shield will take one weapon slot therefore looosing one weapon to be able to use it... so it will probably be something like right click to negate some incoming damage which will go good for those upcoming melee weapons sword and board .. yummah
  12. Gary

    Welcome to Post Updated Prowlers Anchor, no reason to use it since it always got you killed whilst providing no improvement to the Projectile speed or removing recoil and projectile drop. They then updated it :) If they decide the damage output is not big enough to compensate the increased damage it will be changed.

    Kind of happy they learned from prowlers anchor and gave the TR max more then a reload speed bonus for being anchored. However usefulness still depends on weapon changes...

    ^ Nailed it
    You get a direct damage increase... Sure the damage taken is not useful against infantry... Using it against vehicles however is going to be very nice addition... You can shoot at the vehicle like every other max from beyond render distance yet you can do more damage and remain mobile.
    VS - Get an increased DPS output and remain mobile
    TR - Get an increase DPS output and get locked in place.
    NC - Get a survivability increse (Because we all know scatmaxes struggle to survive in biolabs.)
    If you ask me the VS ability is a direct improvement on the TR one. IT gives added DPS and can be countered with the addition of 1 more engineer. Oh no you need to play as a team to get it to work and then go round cleaning up.

    The TR Meanwhile get a "turret" We all know how long turrets last in fights... immobile targets are dead targets. It does not matter how much of a DPS Increase you get anyone can strafe out and fire a dumb fire rocket at you before you return fire.

    The NC max got exactly the opposite of what was needed.. They are by far the most efficient max since maxes are useless against vehicles and the NC max dominates Close range. 1 of them with a dedicated engineer is very effective. The last thing they need is a tool to help them survive more and increase the life span of them. Absurd that this is even considered... the only downside to the NC max is the longer reload on the shotguns which is now less of an issue with a shield... yet they still retain the incredible damage output.
  13. Kon

    Op Bursters are OP
  14. TintaBux

    If the riot shield is as crappy as the vanguard shield then it will be quite useless.
  15. notyourbuddy

    Giving the TR and VS Super Burster MAXes?

    R.I.P. Reaver
  16. Gary

    The vanguard shield is incredible for teamwork... It helps the vanguard do its job by a huge amount! Draws enemy fire whilst team mates move in to kill the distracted target. The shield allows you to soak up more damage. The tank can already take huge amounts of punishment to the front.

    Now the NC max has an increased rate of survival increasing the amount of time you can survive between reloading the shotguns.. The reload was already just short enough for the Max to kill the target.
  17. Nogrim313

    never bothered getting excited when they posted about having cool abilities for TR/NC and ours gets nothing but shrugged shoulders what else was going to happen

    this ability is a joke, now we require an engie to make use of our faction ability? damage was never a problem with our max its survivability or mobility we need, not only is it a lame ability compared to the others it doesnt even fit with the idea of a mobile faction at all, its a downgrade in mobility from the dash ffs

    just remove the VS already you guys don't seem to have any coherent vision for them anyway, you claim its mobility but nothing you have done since release is in line with that

    you neutered the Magrider to the point its the least useful tank on the battle field, now you doing the same to our MAX's, i wouldnt be suprised if they half our armor and make us glow in the dark ffs

    just to be safe you better half the base movement speed and ammo too
  18. TintaBux

    The vanguard shield does not protect it against anything but rockets mainly, and even then its very buggy and does not work correctly for most people. The cool down time also means you don't get it for long at all before waiting a long time to be able to use it again (And by that time its retreat or die, and add it don't even last long when active)

    With the rumor that the shield will also take up one weapon slot, if that is true no one will be even using the riot shield.
  19. Liquid23

    oh noes Reaver pilots will get farmed like... like... well infantry that Reaver pilots farm with rocket pods
  20. Gorion

    so many nc fanboys ;) * sarcasm*