[Suggestion] Do not give the VS MAX ability that is currently on the Test Server

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NUKABAZOOKA, Apr 9, 2013.

  1. Triple

    What about instead of a straight fly ability its like a Super Jump. Straight Line | Vertical distance 10' ; Horizontal distance 5'. This would allow one to jump up to a deck at most.
  2. Nexnyn

    Nothing compared to what will come of the lockdown AA
    Especially when they already have the striker
    Id rather our VS max ability have it transform into a sort of hover bike, and the weapons from each arm would be fixed in a straight, forward firing position (so you have to aim completely by driving). It would be slower then a flash but still fast. Would also have the ability to jump slightly while in bike form maybe like a few meters with an internal cooldown. Quick transformation time, but short delay before you can fire when transforming back into MAX mode

    However, I agree, does not fit in faction trait.
    Heck even our faction trait doesn't even make sense.
    Having bullet drop can be easily, and I mean extremely easily accounted with the ONLY exception being a bolt action with a suppressor, it is very easy to control in this game on any weapon, no matter the faction. There is nothing VS can do, or rather you cannot suddenly make your weapons do more damage with your playing ability, you can with bullet drop. Id rather have our bullets have the highest velocity as our faction trait...OR...something like our weapons add a very weak DoT that stacks in duration to our enemies in addition to the on hit damage (like the residual plasma is melting the area around impact)
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  3. gigastar

    Thats the problem we have with it.
  4. Wintermaulz

    Ok, never go into a bio lab ever again. Never be able to cap a continent again because NC have 1 biolab. Gotcha
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  5. siiix

    i have to admit that's rater a pathetic ability

    unless hearth reduces 10% while damage increase 1000%... somehow i doubt that is the case :)
  6. Clutchstep

    It kind of depends on how much of a damage boost they get, and how much extra damage they take. But it doesn't really sound that great just looking at it. Throw in extra movement speed though, and it could be pretty awesome.
  7. Gisgo

    This ability is going to ROCK with AV and AA maxes.
    Wake up guys, you deal more damage without having to anchor (and be a sitting duck).
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  8. Drealgrin

    let's make it so it only takes one rocket to kill them from a bodyshot.
    and only increase their ddamage by 30%
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  9. Jezs

    You just want them to look even sillier don't you :p
  10. Ruar


    VS ability would be about as niche as lockdown. In both cases you take more damage, one from outright fire and the other because you can't move to dodge.

    NC win this round with a shield, which if it's anything like the one from PS1 will make the NC MAX pretty much a nightmare to fight in CQC with shotguns and the ability to ignore incoming rockets.

    How about instead of lockdown TR gets a spinup ability where they fire and reload twice as fast but still stay maneuverable but there's a .5 sec delay before activation like the MCG. Downside you have a cool down period like heat buildup so you have to stop shooting for the length of time the spinup lasted.

    NC can keep the shield as long as it's slow to use and then fire. Kinda like they have an arm mounted riot shield they pull up and put down and there is a delay in between where they can't shoot back at you.

    VS are a bit tougher but considering most MAX are just bigger versions of the heavy assault weapon how about the VS special ability is an AE burst for their rounds at the cost of double ammo use. Burster would get a bigger explosion radius than current.

    Each empire has something different with a downside but nothing crippling or OP. Plus the MAX units can all stay mobile which is essential for their survival.
  11. Drealgrin

    maxes are sitting ducks period. if you can't hit a max then you're a console gamer.

    Combine this with an infiltrator like stealth after you strop firing for like .5 of a second for the duration of the ability THEN it's something to be feared.
  12. Gisgo

    Stance. (8 seconds.) You attack 33% faster. You take double damage.

    This is an ability from GW1.
    Far from being useless, if you know how (when) to use it.
  13. LameFox

    Enjoy your flying while you can, factions-that-aren't-TR. Especially if they meant shorter reload times, then you're just screwed.
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  14. Sian

    I don't care about anything else. I want this Bro Gun, whatever it is.

    also, the ZOE and Lockdown are terrible ideas.
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  15. Gisgo

    Apparently being able to take down an ESF with less then one clip is not good enough... :rolleyes:
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  16. Kupcake

    I'm VS, and I'm the first to say NC MAX's have had their share of OP'ness (still have the best AI MAX's, post-buff, imo).

    But seriously. Don't panic over the shield. I'm 99% sure they will eventually attach a movement speed debuff to it.
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  17. Purg

    No negative? I guess you haven't played a lot of NC MAX. If you have to give up charge for this ability, I'd never equip it - that's what saves an NC MAX in the face of a few infantry at 15m+ or any infantry during a long reload - a shield length will probably be that of a reload, not worth it for me. I had heard that the MAX couldn't shoot through the shield but that could simply be speculation.

    I can see both TR and VS being helpful in AA duties at the very least.
  18. HadesR

    Even has a female name .. Perfect for the spandex wearer's :p
  19. Paperlamp

    The TR one is terrible too.

    NC's sounds amazing, like a HA shield for the MAX...what the hell are they even thinking?
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  20. Gisgo

    Nevermind... give us NCs the berserker max, and take our shield.