DIY Metagaming

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by theholeyone, Apr 12, 2013.

  1. theholeyone

    Over on Briggs the Planetside Australia War Community (PSAus) has been having a bit of fun organising metagame events between factions. Here's some videos you guys might like, and maybe could either join in on Briggs, or create your own metagaming events on other servers. They've really been a lot of fun and keeps the place interesting.

    First one (and the best one imo) is Galaxy Pirates:
    In this event infantry sit atop some galaxies and fight it out with various weapon types across various rounds.

    I think this one has been played before by a few outfits, but I've not seen any between factions as we did.

    Second one is Vehicular Deathmatch:
    Somewhat self explanatory and I'm sure been done before, many times by other outfits and factions. However, we had very strict ROE, with a few ramming only rounds, some minelaying, and even a knifing round from the rumble seats.

    As always, hilarity ensued!
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  2. AngryPlayer

    That's amazing.
  3. Benton!

    I don't understand how people can get bored in this game, which is essentially a sandbox FPS. Even by yourself you can challenge yourself to use the worst gun in your faction for the entire battle, you can try using shotgun slugs in CQB, you can pull a stock ESF and try to get roadkills, you can go on knifing sprees, you can try the CQB snipers, you can do whatever you want. But I guess shooting spawns 24/7 with HE rounds does get boring after a while. Thats why this game gets "boring", people care so much about KDR or XP that they only do the safe rewarding stuff that does get boring after a while. "This game is boring there is no metagame all you do is cap territory". No, all your doing is farming certs. Think outside the box like bogan did here, and have some fun.

    I wonder how effective taking a base by shooting from the top of a galaxy would be :p awesome videos dude.
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  4. Liquid23

    the same way people get bored with pretty much every sandbox... oh they scream and cry about wanting a sandbox and how "cool" they were back in old games.. but the second you give them one and stop leading them around by the nose with instructions on exactly what , where and when to do **** they get confused, then angry and then bored and leave...

    "OMG the game isn't telling me what to do... I don't know where to go... this game must have no content!"

    "OMG I did something... wait where is the 20 minute long cutscene congratulating me and telling me how I'm the uber most bad assest person to ever set foot on this planet? ... well F this nothing I do matters then... I'm leaving"
  5. Benton!

    That seems to be the new trend for games, its kinda sad.
  6. theholeyone

    Some games, I think PS2 shall endure. There must be other outfits doing similar as in the vids above. PS2 is the first mmo I've really got into, but it seems the outfit based nature and the massive battlefield and options of what to do there lends itself very well to DIY metagame. In saying that, the above events were co-ordinated largely through external voice and text chat clients.

    One stumbling block preventing inter-faction DIY metagaming seems to be that people take the fictional war way to seriously, and refuse to play fairly with outfits from a different faction.

    What would be cool, is outfit arenas. Like part of a continent duplicated, and only members of the outfits that have set up an event there can enter.
  7. theholeyone

    Also, flash racing...
  8. TheRealMetalstorm

    lol you do know what metagame means in the context of a MMOFPS right?

    These are more like minigames, not metagames...

    E.g. pokemon metagame isn't about who can kill each other first in a huge 100v100 magikarp battle... its about strats and builds and movesets and **** (idk much about it, it's just the first example that came to mind)

    but i can assure you that i enjoyed the first (and last) massive TR flash race from TR warp (North) to NC warp (SE).
    It was at least 2 platoons in size and we drove in a very tight line past bewildered NC forces fighting vanu at tawrich
    Multiple enemy yells like OMG WTF and similar hilarious reactions were had. Especially liked one vanguard driver who was spoilt for choice and yelled "ITS LIKE SHOOTING RUNNING DUCKS"
    TR is dead now, though.
    Good times were had.
    Bad times in the months to come.
  9. theholeyone

    Minigames, metagames, the definitions are very similar. The point the title makes is that the players can be responsible for taking the game to another level, within the current rules and play modes; instead of just whinging how boring it is fighting at the crown while they continue to fight at the crown...
  10. FleshIcon

    I tried to do this with Diablo3 (cause the game is just bad in general) and it helped a lot. For a bit. Like only using white weapons on Hardcore hehe.
  11. theholeyone

    PS2 weps are a little more balanced the P2W weps of D3 though.

    In saying that, it might add a bit of challenge to use the wrong type, like CQC with sniper rifles etc...