Hello everyone I am having a serious issue and it is only happening in Planetside 2. I have been fiddling around for days and I have found out that as soon as my GPU hits 70c in PS2 the display driver crashes then recovers but the card will only run 700mhz core after and it gives me only 12fps. Tried many other games and let the gpu go up to 80c and none of the had an issue the boost speed would just slow back down as was intended by Nvidia. Edit: The only way to prevent this is to set the fans at 100% which I am not willing to due as it is stupid loud even with a headset on. Certainly a planetside 2 issue. Drivers tested: 306.97(used these since the 20th without an issue until the last few days) 310.54 310.61 310.70 System specs: ASrock extreme 6/gb X79 Intel I7-3820 at 4.3 on custom water loop MSI PE GTX 670 stock factory overclocks(tried underclocking as well no go) 16gigs of Gskill DDR3 1600 Intel X-25M SSD boot drive
Sounds like PSide is ridiculously unoptimized and running GPU at high load. How's the circulation inside your box? Does your vidcard have room for hot air to circulate away from the card? When you say fan, are you talking GPU fan or a case fan?
I have a GTX-670 too. I downloaded EVGA PrecisionX (it works with most brands) I set a custom fan curve that ramps the fan up a little faster and it seemed to help it stay a bit cooler. BTW, this card seems to always run hot(around 80C), so Im just used to dealing with the fan noise, but I cant even hear mine with the headphones on though, maybe mines a little quieter. here's my fan curve for reference, although u mate have better luck with a different curve. Have no idea why yours keeps cutting out at 70C though...possibly a warranty issue?
I have this same issue here on my GTX 680. I can run every other game I own, even Metro Last Light and Witcher 2, at the highest settings while hitting up to 80°C and be just fine for hours. Planetside gives me an immediate crash though. I have tested every driver released since 310.54. I have also tried upgrading to Windows 8 and then to 8.1 from Windows 7, but the problem remains so it is not a Windows issue. It has to be part of Planetside 2 that causes these crashes. Specs: i7 3930k @ 4.4GHz (Stable) Asrock x79 Extreme6 16GBs GSKILL DDR3 2400 EVGA GTX 680 Reference Corsair AX760