Disgusted with population imbalance on Emerald

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Njneer75, Sep 7, 2014.

  1. NC supporter

    Well imbalance will always happen because there is never a way to achieve true balance. This game wasn't designed to be a classic and last 20 years, its a promotion for forgelight and the cash is the benefit on the side. The true game begins when it hits SOE's ultimate cash cow, the PS4.
  2. Rogueghost

    Maybe its just me, but I can pull normally off a 4-5 infantry k/d no matter the empire. I suppose there is marginal differences between my characters, but I found the players I'm fighting have a much larger impact on my performance then who I'm playing as.

    Admittedly I prefer VS because
  3. LibertyRevolution

    I cannot keep a positive K/D unless I am running around with an Orion.:(
  4. PWGuy93

    I too am frustrated with population imbalance... but on Connery.
    Am here instead of in the game buying things because the overpop, even if enjoying underdog status is simply too much and impacts all other aspects of play.
  5. Gambitual


    In all seriousness, this guy knows what's up. As long as no pop is over 38%, population issues aren't really a thing. Sure, one faction does have a marginal advantage when they are 38% and the others are 31% and 31%, but that encourages teamwork between the disadvantaged factions. Just as well, populations are always changing and the 38% is extremely unlikely to gain players.
  6. FocusLight

    “Ironic irony over-dose:

    Claims the phrase "TR have been nerfed into hell" is untrue, follows that up with "TR have recieved a large surplus (yes indeed, a SURPLUS) of buffs, and the VS and NC have recieved (quite literally) NOTHING! TR r best faction. duuuuuuurrr.

    PS: TR won one alert once so any claims to the effect of TR being underpowered is automatically false, regardless of circumstances to that alert win."

    Seriously, some of you people have no self-respect and make poorly though-out crap-posts apparently on the fly.”

    I'm not surprised you missed the point.

    A TR player shows up. He whines that TR has been shafted and NC and VS has not. This is silly, for a number of reasons.
    YOU SHOW UP. You claim the TR has not in fact been shafted, in fact they keep getting over-buffed, it's the NC AND VS WHO ARE INDEED SHAFTED (by getting, in your words, NOTHING) and this is equally silly.

    When I point out the irony in this, you reach badly, responding with this post, assuming on my part that I want to reinforce the claims of the first guy that TR is UP (I'm not, I actually think the factions are balanced, overall, with noticeable exceptions that don't disprove the rule) and that I'm ALSO out to 'defend the TR' and whine about your whine about a whine.

    I could be mistaken, but it seems to me you may be suffering from slave morality, expecting the same petty behavior you engage in from everyone else.
  7. DatVanuMan

    Alright then, let us be civilized. I apologize for my earlier behavior. Thing is, I have a strange hatred for Terran who complain about other factions, so I get a little carried away. Once again, I'm sorry, and I hope a useful discussion can arise from the chaos.
  8. Peasnriz

    I do think there is an issue with population imbalance on Emerald, with VS and NC doing well and the TR struggling particularly off peak. During alerts the imbalance is somewhat mitigated by the population balance mechanic, however although I do enjoy an alert sometimes the 'redeployside' game is a little boring and I just want to have a decent fight. TR population on Mattherson was at times terrible to the extent that TEST a VS outfit did a campaign to 'Save Mattherson TR.'

    I do not think there is a real imbalance in terms of weapons (particularly infantry) each faction having strengths and weaknesses (damn I hate the TR smgs). However I do think TR lacks a weapon system that makes other factions jealous, something fun to use. Perhaps some enlightened soul in VS or NC can elucidate me as to what in the TR arsenal (non infantry primary weapons) tempts you to switch faction because I know as a TR player I get tempted by the PPA harasser/ Magrider (it strafes and hovers, that looks like fun), the NC splat MAX even the cannister harasser.

    I do recognise that Emerald is just one server amongst a cluster so this is just my isolated experience and may not be indicative of Planetside 2 as a whole, I have tried to find population statistics for other servers however they seem to elude my grasp.
  9. ShadowViper

    I'll give you a hint TR as to why your population isn't doing to well on Emerald.

    1. You have a clear lack of leadership.
    2. You also let the majority of your player base get absorbed by a talentless hack of an outfit.

    Don't be surprised when people stop playing TR because of horrible fights. ( It's not the weapons, it's the horrible player direction/lackofusefulmentorship)

    Positive points on TR:

    Start promoting people to join RMAR, BWC, or 903. They are awesome, and generally well organized. Go join them and become more useful for everyone. Failure on demand massive scale ghost capping gal drops only gets you so far.
  10. DQCraze

    Its better if everyone went Vanu. I really wanted to get my toon to 100 on TR but its just brutal. I find myself getting angry and not having fun, so im taking a break and going back to my VS 100. TR are terrrriiibbblllee x10. Its just plain dumb listening to command and seeing where they drop there resources. Its like a 5 yo directing Air traffic at LAX.
  11. CorporalClegg


    Im NC and I strongly agree with the post that TR is the most heavily nerfed. VS is the least affected by nerfs for the most part. The most dramatic ones I can think of:

    TR: Vulcan, striker, fractures, marauder
    VS: ZOE, PPA
    NC: Vanguard shield, air hammer, pheonix

    Count your blessings VS
    • Up x 1
  12. DatVanuMan

    I thought we were UNITED against this foe. And now, you sadden me:(
    -No bullet drop on some weapons that don't need to have the trait.
    -Slugs got nerfed.
    -Shotgun buckshot has LESS velocity because of no bullet drop.
    -Orion got nerfed. Reload speed decreased and it got inaccurate (Main reason I hate it).
  13. Xasapis

    Less things got nerfed does not necessarily means that more OP things left attached. It can merely mean that less things were OP to begin with.

    Count your blessings too NC & TR.

    (In all seriousness, unless somebody consistently plays all three factions, he can't be objective about what's overperforming and what is not. Especially on these forums, too many people that have never touched the other two factions, seem to be the experts on what is broken and how to balance it.)
  14. DQCraze

    The more VS pop there is the more people will gravitate to the VS. The path of least resistance is the most traveled, no one wants to get pounded at their WG at night so more and more people will go where its easier to play. Just got off on Indar where VS has 80% pop advantage. Yes its late night but the game will eventually destroy itself if they don't start putting some pop caps on factions. For those that say well its not that way during primetime, should we just shut the server down until primetime? This is unplayable for the other 2 factions at night.
  15. Xasapis

    So if it's night time you won't be able to log to your main if population percentage is over a certain limit?
  16. OminousZ

    During the evening hours, the population is almost exact on Emerald...one poster wrote it's: 33% VS 32% TR 33% NC. But yet, VS gets all the hate...why? I'll tell you why coming from almost 2 years as an NC and now a loyal VS soldier....The VS attacks in numbers with ground and air, because numbers win. This is a concept of war that dates back well before most of us were born. You want to win a war...out number your opponent and attack with all might. I really enjoyed playing with the NC and i miss them, but the lack of coordination with a lot of platoons, not all...is the reason why they lose and the way some of their leaders spoke to people was just disgusting...internet baddies. Don't blame the weapons, tanks, air, etc....at the end of the day, they're all the same s*** I actually liked the NC weapons better than VS weapons. I want to give a shot out to my old NC platoon buddies, Doc, Soggy, lilgreek, Spect....these were some good leaders, but even then...there were too many people on that outfit that screwed around and wouldn't follow orders. For example, we used to see a VS zerg coming in...and i would order squads to pull AV maxes, armor, HA, eng. to match the zerg. Sure maybe 4 or 5 people listened, but then you had the rest running around as infantry trying to take out an armor column...WTF!! Then NC people would cry that VS were OP....NO, they're not OP, just smart and if you're out numbered...pull back a few hexes and regroup and attack from flanks with armor, but people just could not understand this concept and therefore would lose and then QQ. This is a bitter-sweet topic for me because I put in a lot of time and investment into my soldier and the NC, but just got tired of the lack of coordination. However, if the NC got their s*** straight and came together...they would destroy everything because those weapons hit hard as hell!! When I as NC, Spector and I attacked 4 Magriders with just one Vanguard and a repair Sundy. He followed my around while I took out all 4 tanks by myself while his sundy kept me in the battle...just freakin us two!!! What's so hard to understand this concept of coordination... My two cents....
  17. DK22

    I blame the continent locking.
    Went on this morning, 2 continents locked, the 3rd slammed right up to the warp gate,
    and only about 4 territories on the fourth continent.
    Since I only had about an hour or so to play I really didn't want to get involved in anything too big, so just log off.
    Would have been nice to do some kind of diversionary tactics, but given the situation
    of no where to start one because everything is locked, its just not possible.
    This has happened more than a few times in the last few weeks.
    They need to ease up on this obsession of forcing huge 96+ blood fest battles.
    Frankly, I've hardly played lately, not much point, just try and get a few freebie certs, and hope things will change someday.
  18. bubbacon

    Aye, sometimes I think Higby just wishes for the TR faction to simply go away...which is pretty much going on like he has designed it to do.
    • Up x 1
  19. NC_agent00kevin

    Actually, they don't have equal population. NCand VS are usually close with VS coming ahead by a slim margin during prime time, but TR lag behind even during peak hours. That's why I've been playing TR lately...they are clearly and consistently the least populated faction. The might have a slim deficiency of 3-4% but it can be enough at times to be noticeable when they have little territory on both unlocked continents.

    Off hours, VS is king. I've seen 45-47% server population many times in late night early morning and midday hours.
  20. ahandyman