Disgusted with population imbalance on Emerald

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Njneer75, Sep 7, 2014.

  1. asdfPanda

    You're ignoring Co0p, IRNG, HSTL, RMAR, among others. Also, GOKU is considered skilled? This is news to me.
  2. Selrahc4040

    Thanks for pointing those out, it's hard to know who's the best on your side when you're not fighting against them.

    What I'm talking about extends beyond Outfits alone, though. The majority of the public players on Emerald TR have no coordination, whereas (From the relatively few hours I've seen them in action from their perspective,) the NC and VS work together well.

    There's no way to change this, besides a few outfits launching a training program, so I'm not asking for anything to be changed with the game, I'm just pointing out what I've observed.
  3. Alarox

    There are many legitimate things to complain about in this game. 2-3% overpopulation is not one of them.
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  4. Tycoh

    Dont you think there's a reason why they're buffing TR?

    Because they were and still are weak. (Concept wise)

    In general the TR are very mediocre and boring. We don't have a floating tank and laser guns or hard hitting weapons or tanks that are the Auraxium equivalent to a German KoenigsTiger panzer. Its soooo boring on this faction. "Woah fast fire rate! NC and VS have that too! Jeewiz!"
  5. DatVanuMan

    Mediocre. Prowler, MCG, Lynx, Banshee, TX1... BY GOD, how mediocre:rolleyes:
    This floating tank you speak of is the worst MBT in the game. We VS use plasma, not lasers, the "hard hitting" weapons you mentioned can not even land shots up to 37 meters, and that Tiger tank has no rail gun yet. Solid discussion, lack of any good examples.
  6. Rogueghost

    MCG is awful compared to most other TR LMGs, its a gimmick weapon, just like the lasher and to a lesser extent jackhammer.

    And I don't care what weapon it is, but if you can't hit anything with it past "37 meters" you need to l2p, most carbines, LMGs and assault rifles in this game are effective past 70 meters, no matter the faction.
  7. Njneer75

    exactly my point. its not just a pop imbalance issue. our weapons and vehicles cant keep up. we're underpowered as well. that was sony's answer to the old TR overpop issue. nerf us and buff the other factions as to make it attractive people to play vs and nc
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  8. FocusLight

    Ironic irony over-dose:

    Claims the phrase "TR have been nerfed into hell" is untrue, follows that up with "TR have recieved a large surplus (yes indeed, a SURPLUS) of buffs, and the VS and NC have recieved (quite literally) NOTHING! TR r best faction. duuuuuuurrr.

    PS: TR won one alert once so any claims to the effect of TR being underpowered is automatically false, regardless of circumstances to that alert win."

    Seriously, some of you people have no self-respect and make poorly though-out crap-posts apparently on the fly.
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  9. FocusLight

    First off, this is false.

    Secondly, if you think SOE will nerf/buff factions based on how well or good people are doing on Emerald alone you need to get out more and realize there is a world outside of the US, and that Emerald is not the only server in PS2.
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  10. doombro

    It's not a pop issue so much as TR being bad.
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  11. Vertabrae

    Pops aren't always even, but they aren't nearly as bad as OP is making them sound. Yeah i've seen the VS with a 5-7% pop server pop advantage. But I've also seen TR and NC with the same pop advantage. Even if one faction has a pop advantage on one cont, they are usually short staffed on at least two others. A lot of the time, one cont is locked, and each faction picks one of the remaining conts and overwhelms it. VS seems to be addicted to Hossin, and, TR seems to have a bit of a hard on for Indar last week or so.

    As for TR sucking, they're not. I'll grant you they aren't in the best shape on Emerald right now. But where they are now is 50 times better than where they were a year ago. After TE left the game, and the HE prowler nerf, TR on emerald sorta.......well most of them vanished like a fart in the wind. For a while there, 22-28% server pop during primetime was normal for us. Then pop started to come back a lil, but so many outfits and players had left. We had no leadership, and few decent outfits. BWC was the only one I really remember from that time.

    TR is in a MUCH better place these days. Yeah we're still stuck with the failure that is AoD, but despite being handicapped by them, we're actually competing. I'm see a decent amount of TR alert victories, and a fair number of cont locks. We're not as coordinated as the VS, but we're holding our own. Times are getting better.
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  12. Gambitual

    Today the TR has been at ~50% population on Esamir while the NC and VS populations for Esamir are ~20% each.

    People always nitpick the worst things. Not to mention this is the imbalance on Emerald. Other factions have imbalances. They may be worse, they may be better, they may involve different factions to different extents, etc. The one thing to note is that, all in all, no faction is, game-wide, overpopulated by more than a few percentage points. And that is fact. Come back to Waterson with the VS under-population.
  13. Bape

    The NC work together well? Have you played NC? IT like full on ******* everywhere.

    This link basically describe NC in a nutshell

  14. DatVanuMan

    Well, talk to all the NC fools whom I managed to down with half health, man;)
  15. DatVanuMan

    So, what was the point of this post? To teach me a moral lesson? To inform me that the TR are indeed under powered? Or that all TR must defend themselves in order to dismiss the thought that the other factions might be able to receive the same amount of "nerfs" the TR have been recently receiving? BY THE WAY, winning an alert does not mean one's faction is UP, it means they have a healthy population. Which means that some of your "editing" was false. Enjoy:D
  16. Rogueghost

    Its the player not the weapon, if they are as bad as you claim, they would preform just as badly with any other weapon in the game.
  17. Tycoh

    Yes, very boring as their models look lame, their mechanics are crap (Prowler, the "fastest" tank has a lockdown feature. Dafuq?) The MCG doesn't look like a minigun but looks stupid as a rotary LMG.

    "This floating tank you speak of is the worst MBT in the game" I can't see why VS complain so much about that tank. I found it stupidly easy compared to the prowler and vanguard because ITS A FLOATING TANK. Its so easy to dodge most shots at medium to long ranges with the strafing feature, you almost always get a gunner because they know they will survive longer than gunning a prowler or vanguard (mostly). Then theres the good ol top guns that thing has. If you don't want the "worst MBT in the game", give that thing to TR. Have fun with your VS prowler.

    "can not even land shots up to 37 meters" Seems like a L2P situation for you bub.

    "Tiger tank has no rail gun yet". What? What does that mean? You mean the Vanguard doesn't have a rail gun? If so, i applaud your acute observation skills.

    "Solid discussion, lack of any good examples." Not sure if i need to mute you as i've yet to understand most of the posts you put up.
  18. LibertyRevolution

    I don't know man.. I am really terrible at NC, but VS seems to work just fine for me..
    And where does TR come in? In the middle.. where you would expect them too..
  19. minhalexus

    Can also be a co-ordination issue.

    Sometimes NC is warpgated too, but it's only a temporary co-ordination issue. Same with the VS.
  20. NinjaTurtle

    My favorite time of day to play is when AoD are crashing round the battlefield