Disenchant weapons

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by VonStalin, Oct 8, 2015.

  1. VonStalin

    Yes, as in Hearthstone disenchanting cards you would be able to disenchant your weapons for ~20% of the original price by certs even though you might have bought them with cash.
    More options always nice.
  2. Goldmonk

    And what would this do exactly?
  3. LordAnnihilator

    ... Yes, what is the purpose of this? You probably won't get DBC back if you bought it with that. If you got DBC by "disenchanting", no one would buy DBC. Dem devs gots to has money somehow.
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  4. VonStalin

    You would always get certs, no matter how you bought it.
  5. Antillie

    So people with lots of money could just buy unlimited certs by repeatedly buying and then disenchanting the same weapon? How about no.
  6. VonStalin

    If they have unlimited money to do so, why would they do so? ...
  7. Antillie

    Because the things that actually matter in this game can currently only be bought with certs.
  8. LordAnnihilator

    ...uh... I forget. What can only be bought by Certs?
  9. xSalt

    The class abilities. Like infiltrator cloaks, heavy shields, etc.
  10. Antillie

    Suit slot upgrades, class ability upgrades, medkit/repair gun upgrades, medkits, emp/flash/concision grenades, every non optic upgrade for vehicle weapons, all vehicle defense, utility, and chassis slot upgrades.

    Seriously, the only thing DBC gets you is weapons which are generally not needed, infantry weapon attachments that are dirt cheap anyway, and cosmetic stuff that is basically worthless.
  11. VonStalin

    oh man, you would need to throw in so much cash for that.... That would not hurt DBG's balance sheet :D And I would be ok with that.
  12. FateJH

    I don't know what options we'd be opening up here.
    Features for the sake of features is called bloat; so, what are we accomplishing?
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  13. Iridar51

    So people can complain that they disenchanted a crappy weapon a day before a buff? No thanks.
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  14. Eternaloptimist

    Are we talking about the same game here? Isn't this just a a way of asking for refunds on attachments or weapons you don't want any more? Well, either way that's just silly. Of course you could offer a limited refund period - like 10 to 30 minutes - for people who genuinely make a silly or accidental purchase (I did that once - bought a GR22 Assault Rifle instead of a GD22 LMG). But even that seems.....I dunno. Caveat Emptor, as they say.
  15. Lemposs

    I am pretty sure that would fall under pay to win.
  16. VonStalin

    u ppl crazy.
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  17. LordAnnihilator

    Amen to that, brother/sister/Weird *** Vanu Experiment.
  18. _itg

    Vehicle weapons are typically large, direct upgrades over the default guns, and they're mandatory purchases if you want to be competitive. There are like 4 viable vehicle starter weapons (e.g. ESF nose guns), and the rest are trash.
  19. TheFlamingLemon

    I don't see why people are so opposed to this. People paying for suit slots and things for money still isn't pay to win because these things aren't exclusive to paid players, it's simply pay to not grind which is how the game is right now anyway. Also, this would make it easier to retain certs. For example: buying guns to complete a directive and then having the option to sell them after they're auraxiumed would be widely used and appreciated. I personally have many guns I'd like to sell, like the NS SMG's I've auraxiumed and am confident I won't use again. This would, in my opinion, improve the overall experience of the game and I don't see why this is recieving so much backlash.

    At the very least, if the thought of being able to exchange DBC for certs is to much to bear, implement this for items purchased with certs.
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  20. Colinthetank

    The **** is this stupid nerd ****. This is Planetside, not World of Warcraft. Go level your enchanter in another game bro and get the **** outta here.