Discussion: Game Update 1 Changes

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Archaegeo, Dec 12, 2012.

  1. Archaegeo

  2. Liquid23

    i'm going to wait to honk the horn till right after I run them over
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  3. sustainedfire

    Looks like there will be a lot of horny people playing.

    I wonder how significant this line will actually be:

    -Fixed a few crash bugs and provided some optimizations to improve gameplay.
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  4. Nehlis

    Not sure if I like what they did to the M40. If it does less damage to MBT's overall and not just the armored parts, I'll be pissed. I do like how it is slightly more effective against turrets though.
  5. maxkeiser

    • Players may now make multiple characters on the same server.

    WTF. Did anyone ask for this? I thought most people were completely against it!
  6. Metsuro

    We are but now this gives people a reason to 4th empire and not be banned for cheating.
  7. Gambles

    No balance fixes for NC, check back again next patch I will!
  8. Archaegeo

    It doesnt say you can make characters of different factions, are we assuming that is the case?
  9. Metsuro

    Why would you need more than one character then?
  10. maxkeiser

    Surely people will just spy on their 'enemy' and then just join their 'main' faction to take advantage.
  11. Archaegeo

    Name change to protect the stupid? <grin>

    You are probably right, but it seems silly, of course with free to play, the serious players all probably have 3 accounts so they can spy on each server they play on.
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  12. MexelVanMexelen

    "The main shields at Tech Plants are now operated by two generators in the outlying buildings. These shields now have icons that display the status of the generators."

    Holy-unasked-for changes Batman! Quick, to the bat cave!

    And they did take out dumb fire on the lock ons. The gits. Ah well, at least I have plenty of certs after the double XP weekend.
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  13. Metsuro

    No they will surely log in run around team kill, and blow up the sundy. Happens when ever Vanu on Jaeger make a push and can't take something they want. 10-20 BR1 HAs come in and blow everyone up.
  14. Archaegeo

    Yeah, not sure what they could do against false players like that other than make lockouts happen faster, which I dont think anyone wants with FF on, and they could turn FF off, but that would just dumb down the game WAY too far.
  15. maxkeiser

    Need to have a same-server character switch cool-down period of 5-10 minutes. That would stop a lot of the nonsense.
  16. HadesR

    The main shields at Tech Plants are now operated by two generators in the outlying buildings. These shields now have icons that display the status of the generators. Victory for the easy mode zerglings :( And Removed dumbfire from lock on weapons but no word on the promised increase in Hawk range and lower reload time.
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  17. Metsuro

    When our battles last 4-5 hours? No. It needs to bet set to. You get to a play a single faction a day. Once you make the choice for the day. You're done.
  18. Archaegeo

    They have to do something to prevent intentional friendly fire abuse, the one faction a day per server would work
  19. Bejita231

    A loss for the scrubs who camped in tech plants all day waiting for opposition to show up so they could farm
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  20. Ipecac

    Also no mention of infantry flak armor changes. Either these patch notes are incomplete or Higby's post from last week was not or will not be fully implemented.