Disband the NC

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by =ADK= Turrican13, Jul 20, 2014.

  1. Kalivix

    This would be a good option instead of trying to balance the NC properly, just give us all a VS or TR character with the equivalent guns. The main problem is all the NC guns are very hard to use thanks to the recoil and cone of fire, so a new VS/TR player will find it easy to get kills while NC players get frustrated try other factions, realise they are better and stay there, only a few actually bother to keep trying.

    I made the mistake of choosing NC cos of the music then found a outfit of friendly people.. I wish constantly I'd played TR or VS though so I didn't have to put up with this horrible gear.
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  2. Hajj Podge

    The likelihood of SOE deleting one of the current factions, especially the NC, is well below zero on any probability scale. NC has plenty of good outfits and skilled players across all of the servers. Not to mention, NC has plenty of excellent weapons and vehicles available to us, which is why I have periodically spent money on this game since it launched and I know I am not the only one. If you are unhappy with what you witness while playing with your current outfit, or no outfit, then I think the best thing for you, or anybody else in a similar situation regardless of faction, is to shop around for a new outfit. An outfit that you feel will help you improve your play and is fun for you.
  3. Hosp

    My Q for OP:

    What do you believe a small outfit is doing differently to hold back 2x...3x...4x their numbers before folding that a zergfit doesn't seem capable of doing?

    EDIT: Here's your (individual) problem https://www.planetside2.com/players/#!/5428039961780622993/stats
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  4. Lewk


    I thought i would throw in my perspective from someone who has over 60k kills on VS of your same server, as well as BR80+ of NC on your same server:

    While playing VS i definitely prefer to "farm" NC as opposed to TR. I have 27,261 TR kills, and 37,038 NC kills.
    You were 100% correct in that we love to farm ADK. No offense to any ADK players, but whenever you see [ADK] the first thought is "mmm easy kill". I really respect ADK for providing a home to new players, and giving direction for players to follow and feel part of a group. However, you can not judge your faction's capabilities based on your own individual or outfit's performance. Looking at your player profile it is pretty obvious that you have not yet spent a lot of time with any weapon in particular, your highest kill count being below 500, and those are bouncing betties. There is nothing wrong with those stats, it just means that your opinion in the original post is probably less informed, and biased enough to the point that it is hard to take into serious consideration.

    That being said, i have also spent my last 22k kills as NC playing with Recursion on Connery (your server). NC weapons and vehicles are definitely different, but they are by no means inferior. In some cases the NC equivalent is just straight up better (AV vanguard vs AV magrider). I also wanted to mention that there are some great NC outfits out there on our server that put up great fights. [X], [PG], [ACNS] all are very skilled and capable groups of players. Even some of the "zergfits" like [666] have some very skilled individuals among their ranks.

    Anyways, not sure why i took so much time to respond (bored at work? :D), but i thought i would at least give you a valid response. I very much think that from your perspective your opinion is 100% valid, but i think as you hone your FPS/PS2 skills, and as you graduate from ADK and move into a different outfit, that opinion will eventually change.

    Anyways, good luck!
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  5. Freedom Fries

    Welp,this is by far the worst idea I've ever read on forumside.
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  6. TheKhopesh

    Because that's what we need.
    More blaming a country based on the actions of a few loudmouthed idiots.

    We here this kind of diarrhea-of-the-mouth enough as it is.
    Let's not add more to it, and definitely not in the PS2 forums.
  7. TheKhopesh

    Aww shucks, you big flatterer you!
  8. MuNrOe

    While this game and allot of aspects used revolve around number's of players hitting objectives. With the introduction of hossin and some base changes it is now possible for lower population empires to hold out longer on objectives. Every single person who has played on hossin knows this all your stat ****** play a simple defensive game due to this very reason.

    While I do agree with some aspects that surround empires hitting "NC" due to easy kills you often find them dissappearing once skilled players start to enter the battlefield and farm them repeatedly. This happens on all empires as well and should be addressed.

    There are some amazing outfits on the Connery NC server this is for sure but gone are the days of an overpopulated outfit throwing large zergs at defended bases for easy caps. People are slowly waking up to the reality that with enough good players defending against this tactic is not only possible, but can lead to massive farming advantages.

    I think the main problem here and allot of games today is the main focus around K/D. People think in some way that K/D represents the be all and end all of planet side 2. Lets face it higby the whole game and progression is soley built around this idea. There needs to be more emphasis put on throwing yourself at objectives for the purpose of taking bases. I know in PS1 the whole hack and hold for 15 min Objective CC and MASSIVE XP base captures got rid of allot of the K/D issues. People knew that throwing them selfs at the enemy while not always beneficial for K/D was beneficial in the long run as the massive XP from doing so was worth it. Defenders got heaps of XP from kills. Attackers Got heaps from the base cap. (Assuming they capped it)

    Another issue is that within a SQUAD the XP should be divided equally amongst the players like it was in PS1. This way new players benefited from playing with more experienced players. It was also in the best interest of the squad to train up new players because in the long run they would get more Kills which meant more XP for the squad.(The whole support XP thing is really not cutting it)

    Vech should be something to be feared between bases not in them at all. All your crucial points should be kept seperate from Vech Spam and in doing so VECH SHOULD BE BUFFED GREATLY SO THEY DOMINATE OPEN FIELDS. Infantry should not be a threat as such to Vech outside bases capture points however the Vech terminal Should ALWAYS be outside the base to prevent defenders getting VECH out and killing AMS/SUNDYS. In doing this vech cost should be massive and AMS's Should take a min of 5 people to destroy. (ASIDE FROM AV MAX"S AND HEAVY CONCENTRATED AV FIRE)

    While im on this topic also Command Rank. While I think allot of the features added for squad commanders are great. They should be earnt from LEADING SQUADS/PLATOONS and completely separate from every day certification game play. They should be based soley on FACULTIES CAPTURED/DEFENDED while leading. People really don't use the Command Abilities well anymore because any decent player now has these certified. This leads to Bad commanders from some outfits making stupid decisions where the more experienced leaders within the empire often get drowned out due to the "CLUTTER" of less experienced players. It results in maps filled with defensive and attack markers. Allot of the time there is no CLEAR objective for the empire due to this very reason.

    I could go on and on about why the OP feels the way he does about the game and how to fix these problems but chances are they will fall on deaf ears. So instead

    Higby- can I get a set of Balls on my galaxy to T-BAG players after I kill them with the side guns, Cheers I will pay $10 for them. (Am I doin it rite ?)
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  9. sL360

    Dude, are you even trying? Everything you just said was insane.
  10. =ADK= Turrican13

    Thank you for your mature response.
    Not sure what to do since my only options are
    1. Quit the game
    2. Find a different faction
    3. Find a different Outfit or Server

    Not fun to be continually shoved around the map all day because we are incapable of defending or attacking with any skill. I don't believe this is because I am ADK. I am on a decent amount of time each week and never hear of any of the other Outfits you mention, or see them actively participating in alerts or in combined campaigns. I DO see, however, multiple enemy platoons working together in co-ordinated efforts and gaining success.
    Maybe I am playing the game wrong then to think it is about taking land and gaining territory. Maybe I should just hang out in BioLabs all day and farm certs? Is that how we measure success?
  11. =ADK= Turrican13

    In a nutshell, the NC I am around in platoons are unable to move aggressively enough and lack the proper violence of action to succeed. We are afraid to move our vehicles in close lest we scratch the paint and we let ourselves get stopped on a road march by small gourps of one lone Magrider.

    We don't rise to the occasion we fall to the level of our training.
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  12. Jiel

    Being the underdog in PS2 is fun though. In my opinion we have the best looking everything, best esf and we are beasts close quarters. Playing NC for the first time is good practice too, After I got used to the NC recoil and got used to the game I found the other two factions a million times easier to play.

    In my opinion NC need a lot of certs to be good. Stock saw, tank esf and max are horrible. Vanu and TR stock tanks and lmg are great. The TR and VS stock carbines are all you ever need. Auraxiumed both.
  13. =ADK= Turrican13

    So you prove my point of not being able to attract and hold new players. Plus being the underdog is exhausting and not why I play. If I want that kind of self-destruction I have other options available.
    Again, not fun to have my platoon sized force continually wiped out by a lone Magrider or Liberator.....
  14. =ADK= Turrican13

    My stats are horribly low for the time played because I do spend most of my time ingame leading squads and platoons. Again since we don't have enough dedicated leaders, we are continually asked to lead and direct. I would love to spend 8 hours a day running around a Biolab getting Auraxium on everything, but that games called Call of Duty....
  15. Dracorean

    Erm, I sort of seen this sort of thing before with other factions. Suggesting to remove a faction is rather silly, if your tired with a faction then swap over to another one. Much easier to perform than to suggest something like that, though promoting a faction would also do wonders too, but usually outfits would be the ones to do that.
  16. Vikingo

    Chill, I lived in the US for a few years, I know there are a lot of clever people there too :). But the narrow viewpoint of the OP is more widespread in the US then in other countries.

    I was just snide in the thread because the 2nd place winner world wide in CC was infact a Miller NC outfit and atleast in the EU bracket NC was well represented and performed well. Making OPs "NC bad on my server, remove NC completely" opinion quite silly.
  17. Zica96

    1. All your'e freaking weapons are powerhouses!! Look at the stat's, nuff sad.
    4. Vehicle's underpowered?? Seriously??!! The freaking Vanguard has three CANNONS OF DOOM and a shield they can activate when ever they want, two Vanguard's can destroy 4 unsuspected, and i say UNSUSPECTED, Prowlers with HEAT cannons.
    You represent the easiest kills? Really? Think about it for a second, because idk how is it from your perspective but from my TR perspective if i'm alone and i see 2, just TWO NC that are like 10m away from me i **** my pant's, and i kill them maybe 50% of the time, with a big MAYBE. It's just that your'e faction is the best at hitting hard, my factions the best at big mags, big ROF, and the VS has lasers and no bullet drop. It is what it is, it could use improvement's, and i could go on for the entire day how they ruined the Prowler, the T7 needs a buff yatatata, but their'e not gonna change anything, at least not the TR side, so stop whinig man!
  18. Hosp

    Correct. You know your problem. It's not, so much, a game problem. But a social one. ADK set themselves in such a way to be all inclusive with few strings attached and it bred a culture of casual play. This isn't to say there aren't good players and leaders in there. This isn't to say that currently new and/or poor(er) players can't improve either. This isn't to say that style of running an outfit can't exist. But w/o a change you're going to experience this until the outfit as a whole decides to step it up.

    My suggestion...if you can handle him...Let Munroe run your Outfit for a couple months. Or, at the very least, train with another outfit. (I can start training your guys if you'd like). But I guess that's an invitation for whomever is in charge of making those decisions. So if you guys are interested in these ideas...PM me.
  19. Lewk

    I would like to invite you to come and run during a Recursion OP. I invited a fellow streamer to run during one of our ops and he was blown away, saying it was a side of the game he didn't even know existed.

    If this is something you would be interested in, just send me a PM and I'll get you the necessary information.
  20. =ADK= Turrican13