What are the pros/cons you have about them, um please OWN one "Thanks". Oh and as NC if you will..... Hell, in for a pound, in for a dollar. TR / VS ? Chime in as well =D They Shiny!!! But, What's messed up about them? Thanks Drow
I own the Moonshot, Tempest, Executive, and the Araxium Mag-cutter. Moonshot: Ok I guess you get 30 more m/s velocity than the Longshot. The reload times are faster than the Longshot but slower that the LA80. You get 50 more dmg. You reach your minimum dmg at 325m, sooner than all other Long Range Bolt Action Sniper Rifles. Stat-wise its meh Then annoying draw back is that you show up much further out on the mini-map, out to 150m when you fire it I believe. It's been a long time so can't source it. Tempest: Basically the same stats as a cyclone but with built-in extended mags and HV ammo. Can't use a silencer so found it not as useful for infiltration work. Also why bother giving a weapon designed for the 15m range HV ammo? Statwise you project your minimum dmg out to 100m not sure why you would want to shoot anything farther than 25m with an smg but I guess this lets you do it. I imagine this as something an LA or Heavy would be more likely to use if they want dmg, fast rof, and a slight increase in usable distance. Executive: Mag-shot with an integrated silencer. So basically a little better than a Silenced Mag-shot. Araxium Mag-cutter: Look Awesome! I'm a melee lover so I'm cool with it even though it's just a re-skin. -SideWinder
Something feels off about the Moonshot. I haven't done any rigorous testing, yet, but it feels like the recoil occurs slightly before the bullet leaves the barrel, causing it to go over the point you aimed at. I've definitely missed medium-range shots on stationary targets (at the same height as me, too) when aiming directly at the head.
Yes the recoil happens just before the shot leaves the barrel on the directive rifles meaning you have to aim slightly lower on closer range shots. You get something more like the true bullet arcs you get on real rifles.
Good to know I'm not going crazy, but considering no other gun in the game has this behavior, are we sure it's intended? Any confirmation from the devs?
This post is basically a copypasta of a couple other posts I've made on the subject:TheParsec is by far my favorite weapon in the game by far (ranked 3rd worldwide in Parsec kills). It is a faster paced, long ranged (not extreme ranged), moving target killing machine. Faster reload and velocity means that you can spend less time calculating your shot, less time measuring drop, less time reloading, and less time leading targets. If you're forward-thinking, team-oriented, and like some mid-long range snap-shots, I can't recommend it enough. A few notes: -It has bullet rise as well as bullet drop. I don't mind this, as a competitive shooter IRL, it is a logical thing to me. However, it takes some getting used to. Your bullets will travel in a true arc, rather than just a slope. -It has a OHK range of 265m, compared to the Parallax's 300m. -It has a built-in compensator, so your red blip will appear on the minimap out to around 150m away. -The faster velocity and ease-of-leading means that this weapon can easily pull off those more reliable 2-bodyshot kills at long ranges. -You WILL hate it at first. The bullet rise will make you want to punch things. Hard. Stick with it, and learn to use this weapon as the long-range surgeon that it is.Using any directive weapon also has a unique effect that isn't mentioned in any stats: demoralization. For example, when taken out by a Parallax (whose name I hate, by the way. IRL, Parallax is a terrible thing!!), people tend to think, "It was just another VS sniper. One of a hundred out here, guess I'll try that again, because I was just unlucky that time". When they die to a directive sniper rifle (especially one with that auraxium badge next to it), they seem to think, "Damn. I didn't run into an average sniper. This guy is a threat. I need to keep my head down." Just my thoughts so far, after getting a few thousand Parsec kills. I am hugely biased toward it though, so it's just my two cents xDStay Fr0sty-MisterFr0st
Not to nitpick, but as far as I can tell, most bullets in this game do travel in a true arc. If the barrel is horizontal when the bullet leaves the barrel, a parabolic arc will NOT result in bullet rise. As a real-life shooter, you would know better than me why bullet rise would happen in reality, but in game, it seems that (unlike any other gun in the game) the recoil begins before the bullet leaves the barrel, causing the bullet to go above the point you aimed at. As I said in my earlier post, I would question whether this is intended behavior.
I don't doubt that it's due to applied recoil, but I like to think that it's intentional. When shooting, an optic is 'zeroed' at a desired range. At the range of the desired 'zero', the line of sight at the center of the crosshair (assuming parallax is adjusted for properly) intersects with the bullet's flight path (assuming no wind and level elevation, along with calculated temperatures, barometric pressures, etc). This means that if you 'zero' your rifle and optic for 200m, you do not have to account for rise or drop at 200m. However, you must always account for rise (typically at ranges less than your zero point) and drop (typically at ranges greater than your zero point) at ranges that are NOT your 'zero'. Doping (adjusting) a scope is an important part of shooting. This allows us to adjust our point of aim on-the-fly (adjustments are measured in MOA, which stands for Minutes Of Angle). For example, if I have a point of zero set at 200 yards (assuming no wind, etc), and I want to hit something either 400 yards away, or 100 yards away, it would be a simple matter of turning a knob on my optic. TL;DR Since we cannot adjust our optics in-game, it would make sense that we would have to compensate for both rise and drop, bug or otherwise. I think this adds a tiny bit more immersion. However, I CAN see why most people dislike it. And I honestly can't see it being an intentional feature. It is likely that the recoil timing is bugged, but it's a bug I've grown so fond of, that I like to think of it as a defining feature on the rifle. xD
Seconding this. IMO it looks the best out of the Auraxium knives. And it's good to know I'm not imagining the weird recoil on the directive rifles; upon switching back to the Parsec after finishing the other VS rifles (aside from the Phaseshift which I will probably never complete), I was absolutely tearing my hair out when I'd aim at someone's head and have the shot go above them.
Personally a fan of my Shuriken. I hear bad things about it, and yes my accuracy may not be as great, but I find i can't really play with any other SMGs anymore . I think I am ranked 3rd in world with it (kills wise). I do believe all directive weps should allow for certain attachments kinda bummed that I cant add a forward grip or laser site but meh. -Kiwi 56RD
I've had this happen when shooting the normal rifles, specifically when shooting TR infantry. Their heads don't seem to exist sometimes. You stop, go "huh" try again, nope, aim at their neck instead "Oh there it is, you silly little turtle". :/
When I first learned about the lower OHK range on the directive rifles, I was a little put off. I really like long range combat, (even though my fastest auraxium was the TSAR) and thought the directive rifles would be the epitome of long range sniping, now only to learn that they're not. But, I'm a sucker for quirky and underutilized weapons, and this gun sounds right up my alley.
Got the Bighorn, it's like a rams on steroids, getting a lot more OHKs on body shots than ever before.
SPA causes your bullet damage to drop slightly faster, but give you the benefit of it holding it's max damage for longer. HVA causes your bullets to lose their power slightly slower. What I THINK they were trying to do was make the Cyclone into the NS-PDW. A powerhouse SMG that can operate better at slightly longer ranges. The extended mags compensate for the extra shots you would be missing due to operating at the edge of it's effective range and the HVA's recoil increase. It's just a case of idea vs practicality. I would rather roll with a Cyclone and SPA then a Tempest, because If I'm a infil, I'll already be trying to close the distance so I only need the 11 meters SPA give me. Though I also don't run with a silencer on my gun unless I'm a LA and I want it for a very specific purpose; because your cloak takes you off the minimap already.
Yeah, I wouldn't mind if the aurax SMG's came with both laser sights (standard, not advanced) and the extended mags. (Maybe a foregrip instead of a laser sight for the NC's Tempest, as it's designed more like a ranged carbine than an SMG.)