Directive Progression Lost

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Clay, Aug 10, 2014.

  1. Clay

    So I logged into the game an hour ago and the progression on the last Light Assault Tier is back to 0. I reached it 2 days ago and already made some progress for the final reward (carbine kills, kills, light assault kills). When I started the game in the morning, everything was fine. Now an hour ago all progress bars were back to 0. Please give me my progress back SOE. thx

    Yep, same here...
    Got disconnected from server about an 1½ hours ago, and now the Directive Progress is at 0.
    I really hope this is a bug and will be fixed. Loosing hours of hard work for nothing isn't okay.

    Fix it SOE! Do it now!

    Yes I did not lose any tiers but for the progress the tiers were on were all lost... pisses me off...
  4. Clay

    Yes exactly the same happened to me.

    SOE probably wont fix.

    This thread will just get ignored.
  7. mrWHO

    Same here - I got 7/15 on my Heavy assault, but now I got 0/15.

    Seems that only non-completed, non-weapon or non-ribbon based requirements got reset to 0.
  8. mrWHO

    I mean 7/15 Max kills.
  9. AnimalAbuser

    Medic Directives reset here, Alot of kill counts reset (Savior and Medic) and also the Shield Regeneration was reset as well.. :-/
  10. starlinvf

    Are you absolutely positive its reset, and not just failed load? The servers have been acting up since the EU server merge, and its causing data retrievals to stall out or behave weird when displayed on the client.

    You'll know for sure if starts counting up, and holds that value after a relog. If it resets every time you log in, theres a back end issue thats causing the data to now show on the clients.
  11. Guthgard

    i lost 200 savior kills and about 350 medic kills, and more than 400 headshot kills, support said that they know the issue and they are working on it, hope they get our stats to normal
  12. Niramartlu

    Tank kills, air detterence and road kills went off in lightning, HA progress went off, every line without a ribbon went off. That sucks.

    I doubt its fixable or retrievable, I want full black and white camo instantly unlocked for me as retribution.
  14. Silthrax

    Its happened to me too now. And it was not some low stuff I lost around 80 MAX kills on heavy assault, A ton of LA kills with every weapon class and who knows what else. This is annoying me a lot since the reason I play is directives...

    Can we get any info will this be updates or is it lost forever?
  15. ph44

    Im also missing around 60 max kills on HA. Giv back plox

    I am pretty sure it is lost forever, black camo to make up for it please :)

  18. Covah

    Same here, all kills reset, i was about to go up to auraxium lvl for HA.
    Also all LA and MAX kills were reset to 0.

    I hope this get fixed or i'll think i'll be ******* mad.

    I was 98/100 max kills and 200+/300 launcher kills.

    FIX IT.
  19. HolyMohli

    same happened to me guys.. ~ 70 max kills 270 launcher kills... all gone..

    its really sad... opened a ticket days ago - no answer yet... but i think SOE wont give you progress back...
    its so annoying...

    i stopped playin right now.. cause makes no sense farm another 200 kills and at the end they'll reset it again....
    who knows...
  20. Covah

    Canceled my sub.

    Can't believe i supported such a ******* team of incompetents losers.