Directive Issues Discussion

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by WyrdHarper, Jul 24, 2014.

  1. WyrdHarper

    Thought I'd start a separate thread for the bugs/issues with the directives, most notably the UI.

    In the Vehicle Directives, there are drop-down icons for the vehicles from other factions. These show blank requirements and rewards, but take up a lot of space, especially since they're sorted first.

    The Marksman directive line (and probably the demolitions one) would make more sense in the weapons tab, since it's a weapons line, not a class. Leave the infantry tab just for the different classes, and then throw Marksman and Demolition alongside exceptional in the weapons.

    Right now the weapons list is sorted alphabetically. I might suggest moving the "Exceptional" grouping to the bottom, since it's the one people are going to be looking at the least (as many of those weapons are limited or special editions).

    It seems like right now all you earn for the intermediate levels are...directive points? There's no explanation for what those mean, which seems confusing. It also might be nice to have minor rewards for the lower levels (simple decals, titles, camos, maybe an exp boost, minor cosmetic, limited edition weapon variants for penultimate levels on some of the weapons, etc.) so that new players still feel like they can earn stuff, as right now it looks like the system is geared more towards you grinding to the max level instead of earning stuff as you develop (which is the idea I believe).

    Have a "ram" or "roadkill" option for liberators and ESF's. All the ground vehicles and the galaxy have one, and the lib and ESF's are both capable of running over people on the ground. I'm sure people would enjoy getting rewards for doing it.

    Is the logistics ribbon awarded for repairs/heals in a sunderer? I can't quite remember. If not, there should be added directives to the sunderer line for playing those support roles.

    Please add more stuff--I'll add to this list/thread as I go along.
  2. DorianOmega

    This is from another thread i wrote in not realizing you had made this before hand:

    Random weapons getting counted towards directives when not using them (using SMG's but carbines getting counts towards kills?), getting killed by common pool weapons seems like it is affecting this as well, potentially having one of the new empire pistols equipped might be bugging this out too.

    Another bug I found not directly related to Directives is sometimes you can get stuck when using the space bar quick deploy to the closest sundy or base, youl have "re-spawned" but the game will just show you looking down at your dead body until you re pause and re deploy somewhere.
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