Directive Camouflage "Black"

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Doomzzg, Jul 28, 2014.

  1. NinjaTurtle

  2. TheMercator

    You've forgot to mention the new helmet, with the big yellow cap. How are you suposed to recognize VS running around with bright camo and this helmet in a few splitseconds?
  3. Regpuppy

    VS with giraffe + Analyst helmet = trollololol, NC
  4. Doomzzg

    Haven't seen any Vanu run around with it because they're not that stupid
    Palm camo works too
  5. Seededshadow

    i for one am sick of seeing huge blobs of faction color we dont need it, you can "q" key spot. vehicles r one thing but when i spend money or money/huge amount of time for a camo i want it to cover everything, and hello if u can tell the diff between factions based on their body armor do some studing. i play all factions and there is WAY TOO MUCH BLUE/RED/PURPLE. i inturpret u guys increasing these colors as the devs holding our hands cuz people r too lazy to press "Q" Make camos cover all other patterns and colors.
  6. Doomzzg

    Vanu is a former purple of itself. Infact, Vanu have been part of the GREY disease for a while now