Did SOE just revert At-Mines to there old form?

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by isilyan, Feb 13, 2014.

  1. isilyan

    Ey m8s :)
    Is it just me, or did SOE revert At-Mines to the pre Pizza nerf form ?
    Got alot of kills from them tonight, and got fragged alot more from them.......
  2. Eyeklops

    Read patch notes much?
  3. isilyan

    Yup but this is a question ffs about ppls exp m8:)
    Not about why your mom gave you to much love as a child:rolleyes:
  4. Eyeklops

    Topic title and post didn't read that way, but whatever.
  5. Takoita

    They are smaller than they were since launch - at the very least. Got one less than attentive Sunderer less than 10 minutes after deploying the first new batch.

    Since mineguard is out of fashion right now, I do believe it's hunting time.
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  6. Nintyuk

    YES! My dated Mine-Guard Sundy is back in fashion! My Sundy is RETRO!

    And neat that mines are more mine-field applicable now.
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  7. cruczi

    I liked using tank mines even before the update, they were critical in covering up my Stealth Lightning's escape route. Now they'll be even better! :)
  8. lyravega

    Is there something wrong with these?

    I feel like sometimes these do not render at all. And sometimes do not trigger at all. Can't explain it.
  9. isilyan

    Plus you can use the Sandwich again(AP+AT):)
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  10. isilyan

    I think SOE made them like before the nerf, but the prob at that time where, that they where to small, and did not render like you saido_O
    Here is some outfit play from right after the patch:D