After the patch I have been loosing my sanity slowly. I no longer decloak when I click LMB, and prior to the patch I had a pretty good synergy for using that. However, just before the patch hit, I had had to reinstall the game because it started crashing at 94%. So it could just be an option somewhere that I am missing, that got unchecked by the reinstall. Please somebody help me here. I am loosing my mind.
To my knowledge no. It should be towards the bottom of your user options ini file. UserOptions.ini: [General] DecloakOnFire=1 AbilityQueueSeconds=1.000000 (this will turn it on) If your like me, and you wanted to use the manual key to delcoak oldschool that is DecloakOnFire=0 AbilityQueSeconds=1.0 means you can for example hit decloak, and while this is occurring que a grenade toss or something to happen one second later. Again I have mine set to zero because it can cause issues as well. To each their own though it can be helpful when it comes to chaining abilities like activating knives ect.
Thank you very much. I basically learned how to play infiltrator using the LMB to decloak. Muscle memory is hard to shake, ya know?
Oh My God! I have been away for awhile and I was begging for this feature over a year ago! I am so happy it was implemented! Anything else I should know about infiltrator?