Did anyone with a slower computer notice the boost in FPS?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PYROxSYCO, Sep 17, 2014.


    When I logged on some time ago, I notice a serious increase in FPS to nearly 40-50 range when not in fights and 30-40 in fights, which I can say is great!!!!

    I have a moderate computer for gaming and this is a great thing for this game, I CAN NOW KILL PEOPLE, instead of being the guy who dies to a charging enemy, I can defend myself from. Although this possibly happened a while ago, I had no had a chance to thank them for the FIX.

    Thanks, SOE!!!!!!!
    • Up x 2
  2. DatVanuMan

    Welcome to a working game, man:D
    SOE can do anything, INCLUDING making your experience better:)
  3. Selrahc4040

    I'm definitely on the low end of the PC spectrum, and I've been noticing across the board improvements in FPS stability. I rarely drop below 28 FPS now, even in 96 v 96 fights. If I'm in a smaller fight, I can expect from 35-40 FPS.
  4. pnkdth

    Part of the reason I play more these days. Less frustration due to game performance lends more focus on enjoying the game.
  5. Ribero

    Not tried yet, but if they've apparently found a way to help out us Toaster-Gamers, this is good news.
    • Up x 1
  6. jiggu

    Frakking cylons
  7. Gorbian

    I was in a 96+/96+ biolab fight during an Esamir alert. Never dropped below 30fps when I should be hovering around 15. Granted, the game looked really weird today, as in it looked pretty bad at dusk actually.
  8. argenisxd

    I actually got lower frame rates now. Used to get 35+ in big fights now I get 25+ and smoothing doesn't help, when I turn it on I lose 20 frames :/
  9. KnightCole

    I improved FPS by finally testing out a few graphics changes. Improved to like 30-60 and on some screens over 100 lol.

    Well i would like to say... i have my resolution on 1366x??? can't think of it with out my game open my normal is 1600x900
  11. AdmiralArcher

    im getting sub 20 now......i used to get 25-30

    mind you....this is on a laptop i5 with integrated gfx