@Devs Rumors are abound about PS2's closure, is it true/false?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by n0pax, Dec 21, 2015.

  1. n0pax

    I have heard it from two different sources this week that PS2 is going to be announcing it is shutting down right after the New Year's holiday. One was a very prominent CS:GO streamer discussing it in passing regarding their failed MLG aspect of the game.

    Is this true? I have seen it on the forums a few time but no response, but it seems to be gaining traction around the internet which implies there is something behind it since these people discussing it are all unrelated and are unlikely to be hearing it off each other.

    The devs back in the SOE days had said they would make the anniversary bundles available again shortly before the game shutting down and they just made them available.

    In any case I would recommend to players to avoid making purchases until DBG comments here.
  2. FateJH

    You could also not just believe everything you hear.
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  3. n0pax

    Well when you think about it and look at the rapidly declining numbers plus the fact that Smed said the bundles would be made available for ***** and giggles right before shutdown....it makes a lot of sense or is one incredible coincidence.
  4. Scr1nRusher

    What the **** are you going on about?
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  5. Scr1nRusher

    are you ********?
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  6. Scr1nRusher

    So many things are wrong with your posts
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  7. BuzzStar

    Seriously doubt it what with the vp system, ANT, construction system, and sanctuary coming it doesn't make sense.
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  8. PasitheeVS

    1. Source?
    2. Smedley isn't CEO atm. for known reasons, so...

    Also, the game is still being updated and developed. A good example is the ANT thing and maybe the new Weapons for the 3rd AE Bundle etc.
    There's no economical reason to close this game. It is still earning money and before they're closing it, they will have stopped the developement for a long time.
  9. Colonelveers12

    Confirmed source of information flow CS:GO > Reddit > Twitter > Facebook > Twitch > Forumside.
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  10. Taemien

    I heard this in 2013.

    And again in 2014.

    And again in 2015.

    Its not a good source.
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  11. user101

    I could see them shutting down the PC version of PS2 and keeping the PS4 version on going where they make money on PS4 from sony. That would make sense from a money prospective.

    Remember we are talking about a CFO that took over -- CFO's always run a company into the ground... they will not take a chance or make changes unless it is in the cards to make money.

    You would think that the number one proirty would be the Money end of getting cash from customers and the Dev's have put that on the back burner in some case. It does not get fixed over night like it use to.????

    I'd call that some what of a statment from them.
  12. sustainedfire

    The game is still having work done - it's just not being made as public and easily as found as it was in the past.

    The game will stay on for a while yet. At least a year.
  13. Killuminati C

    I can't imagine the thought process behind selling those bundles right before shutting down (what's the price per, like 30$). That would be a seriously low blow and who would be stupid enough to purchase them knowing that going in.

    No the game has some time left in it and further server merges will extend that slightly.
  14. Abraham with Cheese

    I honestly believe people need to stop calling for doom and gloom and just play the game until it actually shuts down. They'll tell us if it does or will shut down, so until then... see you on the front lines.
  15. user101

    Servers and telphone networks cost a lot of money to run... PS4 yes I will agree. Maybe not on the PC version, they have been very quite about the PC version. All that work might be going to PS4.

    I think they are caught between a rock and hard spot on DX11 stuff... and upgrading cost lots of $$$$$$$ ... so where do you spend the DEV's time to generate money...!
  16. Imp C Bravo

    Lolz -- OP, let me give you a famous quote from a famous leader.

    "You shouldn't believe everything you read on the internet" --Abraham Lincoln

    That guy knew his stuff.
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  17. user101

    You are very wrong on this....!!! NO - none at all will every tell you when they are going to shut down a game or business. Wishfull thinking on your part.
  18. PKSpark

    A PS2 closing down rumor on a CSGO thread is as credible as a LOL closing down rumor coming from any other MOBA game.
  19. customer548

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  20. Greiztoph

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