Devs after nerfing your favorite tool

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DrazahNede, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. DrazahNede

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  2. Jrv

    They nerfed my hacksaws (and glitched them to no-damage hell)

    They nerfed my phoenix

    They nerfed my EM6

    They nerfed my Air Hammer


    But they'll never nerf my little buddy, and they'll never nerf my freedom!
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  3. ArcKnight

    what do you exactly mean by glitched ?
  4. Jrv

    They often glitch out and stop doing damage, lose half their ammo pool after going empty, etc. The no-damage part is the worst, it's gotten me killed more times than I can count and it's totally unavoidable. It's just a 33% chance that your MAX will be useless, no biggie.
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  5. ArcKnight

    yikes, guess I should put off with getting a dual Hacksaw and stick with my dual Grinder's
  6. Primarkka

    Yeah, the exact same thing happens to other MAXes. It's right on infuriating.
  7. HadesR

    Wish they would nerf the tool that makes these threads ;)