Developer Thread: New Scopes and Sights

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RadarX, Sep 30, 2014.

  1. RadarX

    If you've been on PTS you probably had an opportunity to try out the new sights and scopes currently being implemented for PlanetSide 2. Here is your opportunity to ask questions about them!

    In order for your post to remain please stay on topic and specific to this topic.
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  2. The Rogue Wolf

    I guess I'll ask the most obvious question.

    When are we getting 'em?
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  3. ColonelChingles

    Is there any reason why certain factions get certain reticles, and other factions can't use those reticles?

    I really like the T-Dot reticle, but sadly it's only available to the TR.

    I mean it's not an issue of IFF because only the player can see his/her own reticle... and really I'm not even sure it has anything to do with "faction flavor". Unless the "T" in the T-Dot reticle is a play on the "T" in TR. :p

    Making reticles cross-faction would also eliminate complaints of "oh that NC reticle is so op and unfair".

    If you sold other factions' reticles for SC only, that would also be another source of revenue for SOE!
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  4. ColonelChingles

    Also... any hope of custom reticles for vehicles? :D
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  5. squarebug

    Why is going from 1.25x and 2x in a vehicle's optics so cert expensive?
  6. Akaran

    At any point, will the new scopes allow us to be cloaked and aimed, as they can be for scopes greater than 4x magnification?

    If you're using a 10x scope (for example), when you go into cloak, you can still see the targeting crosshairs. If you're using a red dot scope, or a chevron scope at 4x magnification and under, when you cloak, those parts also fade out.

    It makes using the semi-auto and BARs at close range significantly more dangerous than long-range sniping, and doesn't provide a good balance tradeoff. I don't need to be under 100m to take your head clean off if I want to - having to close in to a range where a 4x is worthwhile drastically increases the chance someone is going to see through my cloak while I'm lining up a shot.

    In short, it sucks.
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  7. Aaren

    Having not had the time to download the test client myself - I'm curious to know whether the reticles indicate the point of impact of your weapon's shots - or are simply independent of the position of the viewmodel. In other words, ignoring recoil and CoF, will my bullets go precisely where the reticle is? Or are these simply fancy overlays, indicating the center of our screens?
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  8. doombro

    Will new optics be a Player Studio feature in the future?

    The reticule stays exactly at the center of your screen at all times, and that is always where your bullet will go, Cone of Fire aside.
  9. ColonelChingles

    They now behave as red dots should behave. Before they would "move" with the scope movement, meaning that most red dots were pretty useless for shooting and moving. That's how cheapo red dots work.

    Now they generally stay in the center of your screen, even if your scope moves. This makes them much more useful for combat, and much closer to how higher-end red dot scopes work today.

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  10. Visigodo

    Will we ever be able to choose our own reticule in the menu? Certing different reticules is less than ideal.
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  11. Joay

    Im not on PTS; is there a square reticle? (maybe with a horizontal bar on each side?)
  12. Akaran

    Addendum to my post:

    I thought on it for a minute longer and realized that if you did a global change in letting all sub-4x scopes persist through cloak, you'd be giving infiltrators a sizable buff for SMG usage. I mean, I know what *I* would do with a persistent scope on my Hailstorm/Armistice, and it wouldn't be pretty (and I suck!).

    Could we get a line of scopes that would ONLY work on scout/sniper rifles that would have persistent targeting? Maybe that would cost a few more certs extra to make up for any perceived buffs that the snipers would get from the privilege?
  13. AdmiralArcher

    will we get sliders that determine
    of our reticles?

    are there plans for Pistol scopes?
    are there plans for hybrid scopes?
    are there plans for having canted iron sights on weapons to allow for high zoom and iron sights?
    or even 4X and 1X? or is that too versatile?
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  14. Maljas23

    When will be getting these new sights on the secondary weapons?
  15. vanu123

    Will we get to ever customize them in the future with sliders/different set options?
    When are they coming out?
    Are they truly aligned now?
    Any plans on the 6x and above scopes?
    That's all I got for now! Thanks for the update.
  16. DatVanuMan

    They're amazing, man! Although, you might want to make some of them a bit darker. Mainly the Vanu, NC, and MIL dot sights. Otherwise, pretty hyped, and keep it up:D
  17. Stopper

    Those sliders... That would be great ! I really want to have a dot with a bright color, something that I would always clearly see, whatever is the background !
  18. Gemenai

    The lack of ES scopes higher than 2x is kinda meh.
    NS ones look good from the outside.
    When can we expect some made by Playerstudio?
  19. d_carey Developer

    The next monthly update, currently scheduled for 10/2
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  20. Stopper

    By the way, if we get good scopes beside the actual IR/NV scope, will you get rid of the sway on the IR/NV, since it's only a 1,35 ?

    I remember you nerfed the IR/NV with that irrealistic sway and the time to adjust sight because everybody used it since it was the only good one.