Dev Discussion: Directives

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RadarX, Jul 30, 2014.

  1. DatVanuMan

    Noice. Thumbs up, my good devs:)
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  2. FieldMarshall

    That seems like a good idea, and makes sense.
    Guess ill have to start certing utility pouch and practice sneaking up on AMSs.

    Thanks for the reply =]
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  3. Anti-Skub

    Dunno whether you missed this or read it and glossed over it, but I still think the fact that all of the rewards have the ludicrous rainbow sparkles look only caters to a very specific type of player, one that, judging by the camos people use, isn't even the most common.

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  4. XJ00

    With the Liberator directive, belly and tail gun medals are not included. Will they be included in that or some other directive in the future?

    Will there be a directive for NS infantry guns specifically, and will there be any auraxium NS guns other than the Decimator?

    And a comment: I would be in favor of resolving the issue of the scout rifle directive giving an auraxium battle rifle by combining the two into a single type usable by infiltrator, medic, engineer and HA.
  5. dasichri

    My opinion on directive guns?


    And your actually spending development time on something that is NOT needed at all right now?

    Nevermind the huge amount of problems there are in the game...

    But hey... I guess people want pretty looking guns for some reason...
  6. popodom

    Please can we use 1x or 2x sights on the araxium AR's?, a lot of people and going to be disappointed when they are stuck with the 3.4x(long range scope) on short range AR's.
    I tested out the T1 Cycler with a 3.4x and it was awkward to use, i am sure most people will araxium the T1-A and then very rarely use it again. A T1 or TORQ with a 1x or 2x sight is going to be much more fun to use (for most people).
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  7. SenEvason

    For a while now, people have been wanting some sort of reward for reaching the endgame (MAX BR, Auraxiam on weapons, etc). This is a way to reward players for dedicating a lot of time to the game and weapons they use.
  8. Anti-Skub

    How would you feel about reusing the, largely superceded, composite helmets and drakon armours as mid level rewards for the class directive trees. For example level 2 in the medic tree could grant Drakon medic armour, level 3 the composite medic helmet and level 4 the auraxium gun.

    I sometimes feel that you guys fail to remember that not everyone has hundreds of hours to invest in your game. Some rewards that kept the more casual player in mind would go a long way to keeping peoples interest. By the way this comes from a player who has invested thousands of hours in your game and has already paid for all of the composite armours and helmets individually. I'm not just trying to wangle free items, I genuinely think it'd help with player retention if there were more short term goals.

    Credit to WyrdHarper for suggesting this on Reddit, I just thought I'd resuggest it here because it's such a good idea.
  9. GaBeRock

    well, the liberator directive is supposed to reward liberator pilots anyways.
  10. JesusVoxel

    Don't know if this has been asked already, but can I put a camo over those auraxium weapons or auraxium armor?

    If I have to look that obnoxious shifting camo, I propably won't even bother using them. The only thing that I'm interested in this whole dirrective stuff is the black camo (or any other stuff that ain't directed for COD kids) and for me it's completely impossible to get (all of my friends either play this game or ain't interested so I could never can get any "recruit a friend" stuff even if the thing would still be working).

    Can we please get some more serious stuff in the future so this really great and unique game won't be diluted to a level where people run around looking like clowns.
  11. Liam23490

    Please no, this will just encourage people to wait for this condition when they are at a generator.
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  12. DrButtes

    So how friendly will directives be to new players? Are the setup so you will earn them through regular play and don't have to grind them out and go crazy doing it?
  13. Pacster3

    Definitely one of the risks of directives. People may start playing with guns and stuff they do not even enjoy, just to grind rewards...and kill their own game experience with it. It may sound stupid, but that's how people are if you give them something to "collect". So directives should not "force" people into certain directions to get a specific reward(like camo) but instead reward them while they are doing what they anyway like to do. Directives can be a nice incentive to try a class/playstyle you usually don't play(maybe you'll enjoy it)...but it's one thing to give people a good reason to try and use a certain weapon till silver medal...and a totally different thing to make them auraxium a gun that they hate.
  14. CorporalClegg

    This all looks awesome!

    One simple and very boring question...
    Can i change the optics on aurax weapons? I really dont want a 1x on the GODSAW
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  15. Nitrobudyn

    I assume they're gonna be tier-oriented, because unlike certs, there's only a limited amount of directive points. But, will it be a linear progress, or something like "To unlock this You need at least 'x' points in thee A, 'y 'points in tree B and 'z' points overall"?
  16. RHINO_Mk.II

    Any plans on adding specific weapons to the directive trees for vehicles? The most painful one missing currently is the MBT secondary Halberd, which is extremely popular. It seems strange to pick certain weapons which count towards the directive and others which do not, as it excludes certain playstyles such as the AA Harasser, AA MBT secondaries, etc.
  17. FieldMarshall

    Hello. I just read the directives guide and had some questions about it.

    It said that ribbons that counts towards directives are retroactive. Does this mean that other directives are not?
    For example, im currently trying to get kills with my SMG to prepare for directives release. Am i wasting my time?
    I also have a bunch of savior ribbons, but in the guide it said that only savior kills made as the medic class counts (sort of confused beacuse it also said ribbons are retroactive)
    Also. are current auraxiums retroactive? lets say i have all LMGs auraxiumed (i dont, but i digress), does all LMGs show up as completed when directives are released or do we all have to start over?

    One last question, about directive points.
    It said directive points are account wide. Does that mean i can make a bunch of new characters and earn all the easy directives one time and repeat until i have unlimited points? How does that work?
    How does it seperate "legit" alts from the "farming" alts. Im sure there is a system in place, but im just curious.

    Also toyed with an idea regarding auraxium weapons that i wanted to share, but im sure it has been thought of before.
    I have a bunch of characters on the other factions. Would it be cool (ofcourse it would, but would it be balanced or fair) to have the auraxiumed default weapons across all factions on an account?
    Lets say i unlocked the GODsaw on my NC character, and it would be available to my VS guy.

    Auraxium weapon kills could also count towards the "Exceptional" directive.
    I dunno, just throwing out ideas.
  18. lilleAllan

    how many smg auraxiums are needed for the auraxium one?
  19. Liam23490

    I have to say I am pretty disappointed with weapon directives.

    I thought this was a way for new players to get another gun. They only start with one and it takes ages to unlock more - giving new players a weapon through directives would have been a great way to keep them interested.

    As it turns out, it's just a free gun to whoever buys every other weapon in that category.
  20. Kerrrrp

    It seems that previous kills aren't counted at all in class directives. Will that be fixed or do you have to start over from 0?