NOTE : To be taken with a pinch of salt as things are bound to change
I believe the ones in the clips are AI like the Spitfire and that Auto turrets will be one of the options given when building them. I might be wrong though ..
Just think if they are able to make like a small outpost building that works like a "latices disruptor" or something between hex. Lets say if you build one such base anywhere within the hex. All its links will be disabled until the "latice disruptor bunker" is destroyed. Very much like gen holds in PS1, but able to be deployed anywhere within the hex. That might add something interesting to the combat as a whole AND bring combat to places that usually does not have any. I hope they actually have some interesting ambitions for this ANT system. Not just trinket DLC sinks.
Please no more AI controlled turrets... Even if they are retaliatory, I don't like them and I don't want them! Give us player-controlled turrets, a ton of them, sure! Go ahead! That will be great for the game! But don't give us more AI controlled one's...
They can only fire on spotted targets (shooting w/o silencer spots yourself for a second) Only within a limited range (players can shoot at targets at any range, and with the spear at least, kill them) And with less than perfect accuracy/tracking. A player (good player, not some BR1 scrub) will be better than AI. I think this is all around a good addition to the game myself.
Damn those turrets really beat him up and took his lunch money Can't wait to cover fields in these things
I think it's to be expected that'd take an investment of harvesting to set up that many as well, and they can be shelled from outside AI range as well, so would be poor defense all their own. They will supplement defenders (or backing up an offensive push even) and will perform better when manned by players.
I'm implying that any AI turret is bad for the game. And current Spitfires are incredibly powerful already in the current game. They are the perfect little support tools with only one huge flaw: you need to head for a terminal to get a new one.
AI turrets should be a benefit having an AMP STATION linked. So every based have AI turrets, but can be manually used. The same this AI base with ANT resources. With too many players, we'll have too many AI turrets, a disaster: AI zerg ... ahah BUT, need testing this AI turrets
How is the spitfire "incredibly powerful"? It's really only good at being a motion detector that shoots a target once in a new moon.
Assuming you hit everything it'll give you a guaranteed 10-20% extra DPS in a fight, assuming you don't hit everything (which is more likely) that percentage will go higher and higher. Just like any other tool or ability, such as Motion Spotters, darts, med/repairgun, AV/AI turret, rocketlauncher/overshieldshield, jetpack, AOE heal, shield regenerator, stealth etc, you need to be in the area to make use of the tool. A motion spotter that has no friendly players nearby does nothing, same for all the other abilities/tools. So if you stick close, you can make use of your Spitfire as you should. It's not a self-sufficient weapon, it's a tool that gives you benefits. What benefits? I'll repeat myself for the gazillionth time: Bullet sponge. People don't seem to realize that the thing has 2000 health and requires more than half a clip of most weapons to kill, there's enough weapons that at 40-50m distance have trouble killing the turret. Since it's a tool and you should be nearby, this is the perfect time to strike: They are emptying their magazine at your turret and likely don't have the ammo to kill you as well. Distraction: As they are shooting your turret you have a free oppertunity to shoot them. Damage dealer: Desptite it's relatively low DPS it can kill anyone within 3 seconds once it starts firing, and has a 1 second TTK in 10m distance. Should your enemy attack you the extra DPS will give you an edge, and even if your enemy does kill you he'll likely be hurt and near death while close to your turret, additionally he'll probably won't have enough bullets left to kill the turret in one volley meaning the reload+fight will put him in the Spitfires area for more than 3 seconds. Early warning system. Unlike darts or motion spotters these things actually warn you when there's an enemy in view and an actual threat. All in all that's a pretty good combo for a completely free tool at your disposal, and gives a lot less disadvantages than, say, the AI and AV turret which have a limited turning arc and defense against flankers/snipers, as well as removing the DPS of your primary weapon. The only disadvantage the Spitfire really has atm is the fact that you can only place one before needing to go back to the terminal.