Derp Company [D3RP] - Ages 18+

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by HythlodayDerpCompany, Jun 27, 2013.

  1. HythlodayDerpCompany


    Overview to Derp Company

    Derp Company is a community of adult gamers (18+) from all over the world sharing a singular vision of making the most out of our free time during gameplay. We make it a point to offer all of the aspects that a gamer might find in both casual and hardcore gaming groups. In short, our members can tailor their involvement in Derp Company to fit their own personal requirements and preferences.

    Our zero time demand policy and relaxed attitude suits even the most casual gamer, while our combined arms divisions, training courses, rank system, achievements, reward system, and community departments provide serious gamers with interesting opportunities for their talents. We respect our players and acknowledge that they have lives outside of the game; this means that we do not demand time be contributed to Derp Company unless members choose to do so.

    As an outfit we encourage a friendly atmosphere and welcoming community. More importantly, we encourage a healthy amount of teamwork on our conquest for fun. While we've been known to bring a challenging fight to our opponents in Planetside 2, it isn't unheard of for us to employ unorthodox, wild, or silly tactics and strategies for the sheer thrill and entertainment of it.

    So, why Derp Company? Well, we all understand that even the most serious gamers have their "Derp” moments. We're just here for the fun and the camaraderie that Planetside 2 can help us achieve.

    (For severe cases of short attention span:

    Member Features

    We offer three different operation types to suit an array of gameplay styles in Planetside 2. The purpose of these operations is to cater to gameplay preferences of each individual player. These operations can be hosted by anyone in our outfit.

    • Casual Operations are relaxed in structure and provide for a casual, lighthearted gameplay experience. This operation type was made for social gaming, solo gaming, late night shenanigans and pick up groups. CasOps is often open as a recruitment operation to public players.
    • Organized Operations is a gameplay style that caters to, objective or Milsim (military simulation) gamers. A strong emphasis is put on teamwork and cohesion, and even a stronger one on Combined Arms gameplay. OrgOps fully utilizes learned practices for Infantry, Mechanized and Aviation units within Planetside 2. This is for those who want to take gaming to the next level while having a good time.

    Ranking System
    Derp Company offers a multitude of ranks in an effort to appeal to both casual and hardcore gamers. This allows our members to choose the amount of their involvement in Derp in order to fit their personal preferences and aspirations. While all members must start with the Enlisted ranks, after 2 months of service they are given the option to choose one of three paths. These three paths are: Specialists, or more simply "I just want to play the damn game,” Non-Commissioned Officers, also known as "I just want to lead in-game,” and last, but not least, Officers which lead in-game and provide outfit management. Members can switch paths upon review and approval from Officers.

    Combined Arms Divisions
    Derp Company employs combined arms forces to complete objectives during Organized Operations. Players are free to participate in any division during a gaming session. They are a means to organize our forces as efficiently as possible.

    • Infantry provides the core gameplay and deployment for Derp Company, acting as our main fighting force on the ground, they attack the enemy in face-to-face combat.
    • Armored is our division that handles tanks, which are hard hitting, first to engage the opposing force while also providing ground troop transport via Sunderers.
    • Aviation contributes with airborne troop transport, close air support and provides air superiority in a given area by harassing enemy liberators and ESFs. This division is also capable of providing high-altitude/long range anti-tank and infantry firepower.

    Departments are optional groups members can choose to join. They are designed to manage projects, connect people to others with similar talents and work towards a common goal.

    • Public Relations is designed to handle all external affairs of Derp Company ranging from recruitment to organizing joint operations and challenges between friendly and opposing outfits.
    • Multimedia handles the creation of media related content for Derp company such as videos, photography and music. This group also manages our outfit YouTube and media page on our website. Check out our YouTube!
    • Information Technology handles the maintenance of the Derp Company website and TeamSpeak 3 server. They are responsible for maintaining both and updating them with new features when necessary.

    Achievements System
    Derp Company has a blossoming achievement system that recognizes service to the outfit, personal accomplishments and gives you the ability to boast all that effort you put into gaining certs. These achievements are represented as ribbons that display on our forums on each of your posts.

    Training Courses
    Derp Company hosts optional training courses and lessons geared toward educating our membership. These courses are designed to teach concepts and techniques within each Combined Arms Division. These training events regularly occur on a respective Division's Operation Night.

    Event Operations
    These operations are events hosted by the leadership of Derp Company, these times have been set to help schedule for large scale get togethers.
    • Wednesday Casual Operations at 8pm EST
    • Saturday Organized Operations at 8pm EST

    We use Teamspeak 3 to communicate within the outfit. You do not need a microphone, however having one is strongly recommended. A Teamspeak 3 Walkthrough Guide is provided for new members within Derp Company to familiarize themselves with the program. If you own Teamspeak 3, come chat with us, join us on our server @

    Derp Company will always have its doors open, meaning we're always in an open recruitment state. Below are two links, the top is a walkthrough on how to apply for more detailed assistance and the bottom link will direct you to our Enlistment Application. This application is designed so we can educate ourselves about each other, this isn't some checklist application, we want to get to know you and allow you the chance to learn about our community. However, the only requirement that you'll find is we only accept those that are ages 18+.

    Other Games We Play
    While Planetside 2 will always be Derp Company’s flagship game, we are a gaming community first. Here are some other games our members play where we’ve established our D3RP tag. Please note that this is not a comprehensive list, nor do all titles have equal group interest.

    • ArmA 3
    • Minecraft
    • Overwatch
    • Rocket League
    • Space Engineers
    • War Thunder
    • And much more!

    Methods of Contact
    We have many methods of contact available for those interested in speaking with Derp Company should you have any questions, discussions, challenges, joint operations proposals, et al, regarding our outfit.

    Thank you for reading!
    We greatly appreciate you taking the time to read our recruitment thread. We hope you've found what you're looking for in Derp Company! If you haven't then we wish you the best of luck in finding an outfit that is right for you. For any more information about our outfit visit our website at
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  2. Nostrome

    I just wanted to say that D3RP company has been one of the best groups of gamers I have have every had the pleasure of gaming with. if you don't at least check us out, to see what we are all about then you are doing yourself a major disservice, when it comes to gaming social circles.

    Several times has D3RP been mentioned at how good of a fight it gives as well as our demeanor towards the rest of the PS2 community.

    In closing I want to give a big shout out to all our D3RP members and how awesome they all are; YOU GUYS ROCK!!!
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  3. MagiKKell

    Shout out to D3RP!!
    This group has been an absolute pleasure to run with. Great for being intense, great for blowing off steam, and great for taking a break.
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  4. Beljoda

    After finding D3RP Company on the planetside 2 outfits page, I chose to join because I was looking for a solid team to play with. And I didn't want the play style to remain the same and stagnant night after night. Some nights, I wanna be serious, and others, relaxed.

    Furthermore, I love it when a plan comes together, and that kind of organization only comes from a group of people who play together regularly.
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  5. Chaen

    I've been in D3rp Company since around the beginning of the year, and I support the above statements. Playing as part of an outfit is, in my opinion, one of the most fun things to do in this game. It's a lot more fun to have a group that will
    At the same time, we can still do "srs bsns", and I love getting into engagements where we are at a disadvantage. Given the VS population that's frequent, heh. So join up for shenanigans and good ol' fashioned teamwork.
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  6. Retief

    First, what they said. Derp is a great group of people, and I've had a lot of fun fighting alongside them. One thing I'd like to add is that they are never overly serious. We definitely can focus on the fight when we feel like it, but even then, it's still a game. It's a game that we care about and we certainly are trying to play as well as we can, but no one loses sight that in the end, it's a game and its sole purpose is entertainment. When someone messes up, no one starts yelling at them. I haven't spent a ton of time playing with other outfits, so I don't know how rare that quality is, but I definitely value it.

    Also, we value the silly and the odd. You have been warned.
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  7. Schriztopher

    Bottom line is, our group is the **** at simultaneously having fun and smashing TR/NC scum.
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  8. Urban_Scorp

    If it wasn't for the restraining order, I'd give 'em all hugs.
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  9. KezCrash

    I used to be a 90 lb weakling until I met D3RP.

    Now I'm a 90 lb weakling with STYLE!
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  10. SirPyrol

    The reason I joined Derp Corp was to find some people to play Planetside 2 with. I wasn't expecting much, just grouping up with some people. What I did find out, was a group of people who really take the time to make new members welcome and aren't a bunch of *** holes. I think Hythloday has done a fantastic job with the Outfit and appreciate all the help he and the other outfit members has given me. I have never been in a Guild with this much dedication to their members. The main page really tells it all about this Outfit.

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  11. Inhumanfrog

    Really great bunch of guys, been a part of a lot of gaming communities and this one's pretty high up there. They're like kittens in spandex, you just cozy up to them without even noticing their fanatical love for laser beams and things that hover

    And remember kids, you don't have to murder the commander whenever any of the squad leads tells you to, but if you don't then you're missing out on the best part of ops.
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  12. Jouhou91

    There is no better group out there from my experience. No drama, no Amerish alien horse poo. I'd trust any one in this outfit with my digital life, and that's proven true time and time again. I watch my team mate's backs, and I know they have mine. Hell, I've met awesome friends in this outfit that I'd trust with my real life if I had to. They're just good people. Good, but crazy. Just the way I like 'em.

    This is my reaction to getting to play with you guys, (not THAT kind of play for cryin' out loud!)
    I have so much fun with you guys! There really never is a dull moment.

    What's your reaction to hanging out with Derp?
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  13. VSJaegerGeo

    Hanging out with D3RP is like rubbing petroleum jelly all over your back and your belly.... it feels sooooooo good...
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  14. Papaver

    I don't play Planetside 2 often nowadays.

    But when I do, I play with the [D3RP]s!
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  15. Daire

    Hey! Check out what some current Derp members have said about their experiences with Derp.


    - TyWebb



    - GrimMalkin

    - Vellane
  16. imb0r3d

    Any of you interested in combining squads sometime?
  17. HythlodayDerpCompany

    Sorry, can't say that combining squads sounds all that pleasing. However, if you'd like to coordinate objectives between your squads and our platoon we're more than happy to lend a hand. As a fellow outfit leader, I'm sure you can understand the interest in leading our own people too. You can contact us by checking out our contact us page, or jumping in our Teamspeak and flagging down a Sergeant or Commander.
  18. HythlodayDerpCompany

    Now is a great time to join Derp Company! We've got three optional training courses for each of our divisions (Infantry, Aviation and Mechanized) scheduled for this week (18-23rd). Join us now so you can get in on the action! Our regularly scheduled Saturday operation this week will be very special! Derp Company turns 1 year old!
  19. Daire

  20. anubus401

    Hello fellow Planetsiders,

    I’m Anubus, the Leader of Derp Company’s Aviation Division. We here at Derp have noticed a severe lack of any organized Vanu Sovereignty air force on Waterson. We are looking for pilots that main a VS character and are interested in righting this wrong. ESF and Liberator pilots are the division’s main focus but we won’t turn away anyone with a good Battle Gal either.


    The division holds a weekly ESF Dogfighter training that is open to everyone regardless of experience. We also hold a Bi-Weekly Division training for those interested in joining the Aviation Division. The training includes Wingman and 4-man Flights, tactical use of air resources, and operational procedures.

    You will always have a place in our operations as a D3RP Aviation member running in anything from a full Saturday Organized Operation to the quick pick-me-up squads during the week.

    If you have any questions, I would be happy to answer them in a PM or post. Be sure to check us out at

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