Deploy dome, nanite armour and repair station Sundy can not be killed by a MBT

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by 1glyn1, Jul 10, 2024.

  1. 1glyn1

    It is impossible for MBT to kill Sundy. Currently the combination of deploy dome, nanite armour and repair station mean that an MBT with AP cannot kill it.

    Video of a Magrider firing all its AP shells and not even get the Sundy close to burning.

    The shield takes a lot of shells to get down and then it come back up even if you are dealing damage to the Sundy. The shield on the old Sundies would not come back up if you where still dealing damage to the Sundy.

    If this is as intended what is the use of dedicated anti armour vehicles in the game?
  2. LangMaster

    As a vanu i am glad, we have our new MBT, since maggie does not do it. You just gotta fight the fire with fire, pick another sundy with point defense.
  3. sofiaflorence

    That's the point. The sundy buff was to prevent a solo tank from coming along at 6 am to destroy the fight when there's only 14 people online having a nice little infantry battle. A deployed sundy should not be easily destroyed by one tank,

    That being said, undeployed sundies running nanite armor are OP and should be taken down a notch.
  4. Grandizer

    Right? How long has the MBT been OP for everyone except Vanu?
  5. Name55

    sunderer's survivability is way off. It felt alot more ballanced when AP MBT was able to take 2 sundies at once, still being 50 nanites more expensive then them combined (450>200+200). I understand that newbies need some time to dig into planetside mechanics and spawnrooms+sunderers are the simplest points to spawn. So, the simplier it is to spawn, the more people will get into action. I understand this. But with all these sundy health buff(s) its kinda impressive that no other vehicles were reballanced. People jst dump their lightnings, MBTs and harrassers and go all sundies only, because nothing but collossus can beat it 1v1. I just have trouble finding real tanks today. Not that im afraid of dueling sundys, but its huge hp pool, no armor weakspots, resistances, dome shield recharging so quick that i need to break it over and over again, all that u have to dig through is repaired by cargo which is hidden by a dome. Cool. So each sundy takes several minutes to kill and its way more than enough to gather enemy attention. So thats a long boring suicide for nothing. I understand that its a spawn point to keep fights going. But why making them this much durable? There are other spawn options like galaxy,valkyre,beacon,router,steel rain,join combat,logistic specialist,anvil sundy. Why not reworking these to simplify their use for newbs? Could jst make beacons less visible, allow spawning in every vehicle, not only squads. Make cheaper anvils and spawn assets. Etc. Todays sundys are way too beefy for no good reason.