[Suggestion] Delay for sudden movements.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Vanus Aran, Jun 16, 2013.

  1. Vanus Aran

    You all know about ZOE, you know a nerf strolled in giving a huge delay when the Max wants to change directions. Because the movements are 'fast', it makes sense the Max cannot stop them as fast and it takes some time.

    I would suggest to implant this for all Infantry. Because I start to get sick of cowards and lamers.
    They move intentionally in ways no one in reality could move and therefore "exploit" in order to win.
    Since more and more playstiles are labeled as exploits, I will pick up this mentality as well since it seem to work fine with pulling the Devs in your direction.

    But this really is annoying: People complained about bunnyjumpers.
    After that, sidestrafers. Well now they are right. Its annoying how this is going around.
    I demand a delay from at least 1 second 'standing still' for a movementchange in more as 90° degrees.
    AND 0,7 seconds for running. So that people are forced to fight properly or die as they deserve.

    Real Soldiers take cover most of the time. Why? Because they cant move in the ways "virtual Soldiers" can.
    Whoever is standing like an idiot out in the open, doesnt deserve to suddenly run away like they got no centrifugal forces delaying their bodys movements.

    This is especially "overpowered" in Zergs by the way and everything that forces skillful play even on Zergs is the best thing that can happen to PS2.
    Nothing is more annoying as going out the Spawnroom "like a man" and getting punched in the face AGAIN for it because whoever you find and can suddenly shot at, while you are probably under fire the same moment, can just run away in unrealistic patterns.
    And most people do. They run away so that someone else is killing their attacker. In a Zerg that is nearly normal.

    So - it shouldnt be! Realistic ways of fighting should be rewarded.
    Noobplay should be punished! And the noobs are always many.
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  2. LonelyTerran

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  3. haldolium

    The concept of basic ego-shooter movement confuses him.
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  4. Vorxil

    Quake or ARMA.
    Choose wisely.
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  5. Tasogie

    Seriously this may be the looniest idea since the great "Tree nerf demand" of 2013
    Firstly get rid of that psychopath's picture please,It's offensive an I have Korean family members. That **** doesn't belong here.
    As for your idea, so firstly people didn't like others jumping round, then you didn't like people moving side to side. I assume you people want everyone to stand still ONLY face front an never ever move?.... I seem to be getting the idea here.
    it is a computer game, I suggest you go play Arma if you want a military sim.
  6. Kortan

    I love you Forumside.

    So you seriously want to downskill this game even more?
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  7. DuckSauce

    Yes, let's play Realismside2.

    • Everyone dies in one or two bullets and weapons are accurate out to several hundred meters, more for snipers.
    • Tank shells and air-to-ground weapons destroy infantry even more than they did at launch.
    • Tanks and aircraft see you from miles away with thermal vision; you die without ever knowing what killed you.
    • ESFs shoot each other out of the sky with lockon missiles before they're even close enough to see each other.
    Sounds.... fun? :eek:

    Anyway Higby promised a fix to ADAD 'warping' (which doesn't exist...) in GU11, so maybe your ridiculous demands will be met.
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  8. Tasogie

    Higby thinks Rededit an forums are the "perfect image of the SOE customer base...." that says alot. Being able to move side to side while getting shot at, OMFG!!! its disgusting an obviously exploiting..... it should be stopped an anyone caught trying to avoid a pixel bullet should be banned from life....

    I do love how people demand none be allowed to move, or ever look around, an god forbid you dont die in 1 second flat...

    jesus wept the gaming community has hit the bottom of the barrel.
  9. Vanus Aran

    If my Biolab-roof content is destroyed - I have no pity for others anymore when im called an exploiter for just having used it.

    True skill is always destroyed in every patch.
  10. TothAval


    I don't like the dodging mechanics in most fps either, but since you haven't any other options
    how you can move or dogde, you can't just take that away, because this will make the person
    with the first hit win all the time - not good for a game and even more cryside2 in this forum.

    Instead i would like to have some other options to dogde combined with some downsides
    using them, kind of max payne 3 style, that's way more fun than the current options.
  11. capocapone

    then it would not be pvp and we all would be snipers.....

    and i do not think the games infantry can be built on much if at all...all go with not at all..i think the game was built for mass battles Spawn&die and fast.
  12. capocapone

    most people if not all die in a few hits,sometimes one....what does it matter how many bullets spit out in a split sec,you die just as fast
    tanks shells kill in one hit sometimes 2
    Air can kill you and you do not know what did it...same with some peeps on mountain ridges that do not render.
    N/c on the last one.

    so for the most part we are playing what you call it.
  13. TothAval

    Since pvp is about player versus player competition where every player tries to use the given tools as best as
    possible to defeat the oponent, more movement options would infact improve pvp. Even better if every option
    has it's given downside to even the odds. I don't see sniping in cqc occur where some more dogde options
    would primary be of use.
    The current side strafing is, in my opinion, more based on random effects than player skill since fps, cpu,
    lags and internet connection are the deciding factors for an outcome of a cqc pvp. More reasonable options
    to move your character or a well thought off revamp of the current movement would add some sort of depth
    to combat.
  14. Terrex

    People really need to stop complaining they can't hit a moving target. I understand PS2 has terrible hit detection but this is on your end skill wise.
  15. capocapone

    what a sad world i have to live in...
  16. PhiladelphiaCollins