Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Lewk, Mar 26, 2013.

  1. Lewk

    Matthew Higby@mhigby 2m
    @LucasMcDermott1 we're disabling deconstruct for now (until we implement a timer that resets on taking damage) with this week's patch.

    Higby tweeted back to me concerning vehicle deconstruct. Now lets just hope they come up with a solution in the future for suicides/pilot bails. This is a very big step in the right direction though. Thank you SoE!
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  2. DashRendar

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  3. wave

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  4. vulkkan

    YOU BEAT ME TO IT :eek:
  5. Jaes

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  6. Lord Robert

    They could just leave it disabled for all I care.
    I'm very happy to see them doing something about this exploit.
    There is hope for this game yet! :)
  7. Rustler

    Cool Ill just logout.
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  8. CommodoreFrank

    Joke's on you, that doesn't remove your vehicle.
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  9. Dingus148

    inb4 Duff Chimp trolling
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  10. Rustler

    I log out as infantry...I dont use vehicles.
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  11. VanuSovereignty

    So they disabled it already? That's why all of those reavers I fought earlier didn't decon!
  12. Nyscha

    Same :D

    I hate giving them no skill airhammer reavers exp, I'll just make my game think I didn't exist and he won't get a kill.
  13. MissTiger

    Ahhh, this is going to suck for me as an infiltrator, as I'll decon my vehicle once I get out of it to help avoid detection.
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  14. RobotDoc

    Why didn't he or somone from soe come onto the forums and join one of the numerous decon threads and state that doing it to deny xp isnt the intended use? Would have been nice a week + ago. I alrdy made a post about the topic, right now im only trying to figure out why nothing has been said about it while the players have been arguing over it for dayzzzzz. :eek:
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  15. vulkkan

    HAHAHAH BEST JOKE EVER +1:eek::eek::eek: points
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  16. Devrailis

  17. Pockets

    Huh. Does that mean we are screwed if our vehicle gets stuck and all the exits are blocked?
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  18. Stealth1

    About time they did something. I just quit a session after being fed up with multiple deconstructs in a row.
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  19. Dingus148

    And how many times does that happen? Just redeploy. It's not like you're getting your vehicle back
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  20. Leo Di Caprio

    Half of it fixed, now award for bailers.
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