Managed to play an hour earlier. The damage is nearly cut in half. What am I supposed to do with that thing now? How could I possible kill a tank with this toy.
Due to the lack of mention in the patch notes, it is assumed the dumbfire AV weapon damage nerfs were unintentional due to some kind of resistance mistake, same with C4 although it wouldn't be the first stealth nerf in the history of SOE. Basically, dry your eyes little lady, it will probably be fixed eventually.
How could a resist bug affect the item information display? It clearly says something about 1300 damage.
Yes but all vehicle resistances were supposed to be altered such that the relative damage dealt to them by all AV-oriented weapons was about the same. Apparently, the "Dumbfire RL" category resist was not altered properly.
According to Reddit, someone asked Higby on Twitter, who confirmed it's a bug with resistance values. Matthew Higby @mhigby @NUKABAZOOKA yeah, it's a resist bug. we will fix 2:02 PM - 17 Dec 2013
Because there's supposed to be a damage multiplier on the vehicle side that buffs it up to the damage it did before. Apparently that's not working. Frankly I find it refreshing. Now a single HA popping out from behind a rock can't solo kill a Lightning that can't outrepair the damage done AND try to kill the HA at the same time when he pops out at the same time. Vehicles and Infantry seem more or less of equal killing power to each other right now. This would be a great change if it stayed the same now that Flak armor just got uberbuffed. I'd very much prefer if Infantry had a hard time killing tanks and tank splash remained the same as it is now rather than Infantry kills tanks easily and tank splash gets uberbuffed turning tanks into an infantry fodder glass cannon for resources.
That's how far you have to be away from a tank to not miss it with a Decimator. Thing crawls at a snail's pace through the air.
The rocket launchers hit like a wet noodle now. The decimator now takes 3 shots to kill an MBT in the back.