Death simulator 2014

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Believeinsteve, Apr 11, 2014.

  1. Believeinsteve

    I honestly don't know how to improve. I'm sure my kda is extremely low. Probably lower than .75

    Its stupid. I hate C-4

    I don't know how to get better at this game. I've got 70 hours on it. I feel like I've made no progression. I played quite a bit back in the beta. Upwards of 100 hours.

    I'm honestly lost. That and I can't transfer my VS weapons to my NC equiv?

    Honestly this game is so frustrating I'm spending half my time dying or not getting any exp. I haven't been a part of a base capture in the last 2 hours and yet I'm in every big battle.

    Is connery just this bad?
  2. FateJH

    Connery is actually one of the good servers.
    The VS are just in a strange spot right now. Don't know what is going on with them right now.

    As to your concern, you'll need to be a bit more descriptive about your playstyle, otherwise it'll be hard to suggest things.
  3. Halon

    What's your name in game? My outfit wouldn't mind including you in their squad, if you are VS and can listen in on teamspeak.

    If you like infantry and aren't tethered to a squad, you might have to jump around from base to base depending on where the good fight is or if your empire is about to cap a base. If you can find a good player to gun for they are a great way to get XP/certs until you can get certed properly.

    If you're in a large fight stick close to your allies.

    You can check the squads that are listed publicly, but depending on how organized they are ran, they might not help much.

  4. Believeinsteve

    @FateJH - I'm trying alot of playstyles. Today I tried alot of vehicle play, and although I stayed alive longer it wasn't due to the fact I was great. It was just because I always seemed late to the fights. When I was there I usually died fairly quickly. I try to stay away from air at the moment. When I play infantry I rotate classes. Generally its between medic & heavy assault. I try to stick close to my allies, behind cover. I try to secure points & revive when I'm playing a medic in only spots where I know I'll be safe, or hope.

    @Halon - I actually don't want to join an outfit. A couple friends of mine and myself are just trying to enjoy the game. Which is pretty difficult at the moment. This game was alot of fun when it was new, but now that its not I feel like I'm missing some cheesy mechanics or maybe the meta game has shifted to something I don't enjoy anymore. Thank you for the offer though.
  5. Dieter Perras

    • Up x 2
  6. raw

    You can't get 'better' in this game. You can catch a couple of friends tho and then pound the living c out of TR together.
  7. DeadlyPeanutt

    you die a lot in this game. everyone dies a lot. forget k/d ratios. they mean NOTHING in this game.

    as an engie main, near the hot zones supporting maxes with my repair tool equipped instead of my weapon, i die many times without firing a shot. thanks to our medics, i come back to life again and again and again...

    and i make more certs than when i play HA and actually get kills.

    relax, death is easy here and has no importance.

    want to learn to get better as infantry? watch good players use cover and fire angles. most important aspects of the game for infantry.

    main question is, are you having fun? if not, there are lots of other games out there. if i'm not having fun, i change servers, battles, classes or go play another game. my favorite trick when i'm not having fun in a game is to go outside in the sun, take a walk and talk to someone. that game is fun too.
  8. Kristan

    Does your game runs with 30+ fps? If not that might be an issue. I had very hard time killing people before O:MFG patches were released. Now most of times I have at least 1.3 KD or better.
  9. Furrydaus

    You could use the reply option beside the person's post to notify him easier
  10. Dieter Perras

    How does one of your sessions usually go? I might be able to tell you what you are doing wrong or give you some advice to help you improve. If you don't want to talk about how you play openly for fear of the "you're a noob" crowd send me a pm I'm always happy to give some advice to newer players. :)
    • Up x 1
  11. Modern Ancestor

    Think you should try this out. You dont have to struggle against these things alone.
  12. Badname707

    Connery is my least favorite of servers I tried, but it's not tooooo different from the others. Just find an outfit, you and all your friends. It is very worth it, especially if you all come in together.
  13. Crashsplash

    Cert nanoweave.

    Try to develop situational awareness, keep looking at the mini map and if you see an enemy ping be aware he probably knows where you are.

    Flank, go the unexpected route

    Don't be where your enemy expects to find you.

    Use prox's, learn to put them in unexpected places or where they can't be seen.

    Dont' defend the cap point by being actually on the cap point (unless there's no other choice), if you're on the cap point you're exactly where the enemy expects to find you.

    Choose your gun for your playstyle, if you like to keep a little distance then go for one with easier to handle recoil.

    I hear you like to mix things up at the moment, perhaps stop doing it until you're more comfortable. Maybe stick to medic and heavy or medic and max - and put your certs into those.
  14. Larek

    You can join an outfit and still enjoy the game with your friends. I don't think many outfits are that competitiv, that you have to play all the time in their squads. I'm in a casual one and we do some ops and serious play, but most of the time we can do what we want. You will actually learn a lot about the game, if you have good and experienced platoon/squadleaders.
  15. bPostal

    Joining an outfit or just running with a squad in general makes a world of difference. I'd take Halon up on his offer, if y'all don't like it then you can jump ship with what sounds like no hard feelings.
    If you're just going to play with a few friends then you're going to be stuck looking for smaller fights else your group will get overwhelmed.
  16. TriumphantJelly

    Nope, VS just has slightly lower pop on must servers and significantly lower on a couple. Population is actually a hugely overlooked and powerful factor in most fights, 5% more poulation is like 100 to 250 people sometimes.
  17. Halon

    Have your group play medics, upgrade the heal tool. Go together and if one of you dies, revive him after the others kill the enemy. Don't try to cap bases yourselves, but find some medium fights to help out.

    Or go together in tanks. If you have an even number of people, have gunners, if you have an odd number, each can just pull a tank. Use the default HEAT cannons. Don't go too far away from the friendly AA/aircraft. Enemy air is always present.

    Flying is a bit rough unless you are well certed and experienced.

    Look for fights that have close to even pops. If you are going to pull tanks, check the map and make sure you are in an area where you won't have to drive too far for a good fight, but be sure you pull a tank from somewhere safe. Sometimes the enemy quits defending bases though, and you'll want to relocate. You can either drive or redeploy and pull a new tank. Tanks don't always have something to shoot at so you might end up sitting at bases while the hack goes through. I usually patrol towards the next enemy base, to guard against enemy vehicles.

    Indar is the go-to continent for fights unless there is an alert going. Ground vehicles don't work so well on Amerish because of the terrain, and Esamir only has one tech plant. So I'd say vehicles play is the least hassle on Indar.

    If one of you has a MAX with dual AI arms, you can do some MAX/engy combos.

    For general infantry play just keep checking the map for medium sized fights where your empire could use a little help, but avoid places that are too steamrolled by either team. If your at a base who's fight is over, hit redeploy and when you get to the spawn screen, see what options you have or see if you need to make a few deploy hops to find a fight.
  18. iller


    It's not the VS, that's for sure. They win 2/3's of the alerts on Connery and have padded KDR b/c they get to farm a LOT of NC's who are worse than you (trust me, I have to herd those cats daily)
  19. SuperMedicated

    Get c4, scare a max that is trying to get you by doing a couple of headshots, fly over their cover as 2 engies repair him, drop it, g get into cover, get 3 instagibs
  20. reydelchicken

    Don't worry about being "good", instead worry about having fun.

    Let me tell you that even with like 10 years of playing arena fps games, I come here and die every minute to some random player hiding in a bush, a tank, or some random MAX dancing around. But, if you have fun playing, deaths, KDR, stats, etc etc are meaningless.

    And if you're completely new to all fps, expect to play a while before you get better. So instead of frustrating yourself with trying to get good fast, try playing around with different things, joining platoons, helping out as a gal pilot or sunderer driver or something, there are many things that you can do in game that can make it a fun experience even if you're not that good at killing things or, as in my case, staying alive.