Gonna quote myself from that thread: So 30% buff for stock liberators against tanks, with another 30% from composite armor. If you're dying to tanks shooting you down currently then you deserve it. Tanks are effectively defenseless if you pilot correctly, but apparently tanks should still be defenseless even if you mindlessly fly and hover in their LOS. You should see how many HEAT shells it will take to shoot down liberators. There's basically no point. You might as well /suicide the moment you see a Liberator. -33% to 10% resistance. Wow.
Better nerf those Decimators, hitting too many libs... >.> It's not like it drops off faster than a slingshot already. I disagree with the base damage resistance and composite armour changes, if I have to add a few expletives to my post to get the dev's attention just let me know. The tanks hitting them are somewhat understandable, although it's more of a blanket nerf to tanks whereas things like the Magrider are disadvantaged in hitting air targets already. However the dumbfire launcher changes are just stupid, especially the Decimator, it has to be floating almost completely still for two hits to get killed by decimators, something that they probably shouldn't be doing in the first place, and can easily correct after the first shot. It just seems like a crutch patch for a death machine that doesn't need it to me.
The change in resistance to dumfires seems a little weird to me. From what I understand, it's not all that common, and when it does, it is very much the fault of the pilot. For the death screen, it all sounds good except the thing about telling you where you were shot from. Based on some concept work I've seen, it draws a line between you and them. If that is how it is, I don't think it should be added, as it punishes players for finding a good position. Instead, I think that the map should be separated into 8 slices, and the slice that your killer was in lit up. This way, you still know what direction you were hit from, but you have to do a lot of searching for your killer, especially the farther out your killer was.
This too. If you're not hovering right over infantry, then the chances of you getting hit by a dumbfire are essentially zero. If you are hovering right over infantry, then aren't you supposed to be vulnerable from dumbfire rockets who can't hit you except in this one scenario? Buffs where buffs aren't needed.
I'd rather have the 3 ES weapons than one NS weapon that doesnt even seem that cool. Would you rather have a mega lasher or ONE lame NS weapon ES will be harder to balance but the end product will be much better. --Killcam-- No. JUST NO
As some who played through the Libgate period at launch I'm kinda apprehensive at the changes.. I can understand the resistance increase to tank shells but the other resistance increases seem a bit to much of a buff .. Can see them dominating small engagements more than they do now .. This fills me with dread and a tad of face palm
Yeah, at the very least it needs to change to general direction. General direction with the accuracy/precision dependent on the current "sound" mechanic would be a vast improvement. Silencers should make the location more ambiguous and a compensator should make it more precise.
I like it. Besides, good thing you can go invisible and move. Meaning the bright line on the minimap doesn't mean shiz, only an apporoximate location of where you WERE (past tense as in you shouldn't be there in the Exact same spot anymore after around 30 seconds.)
So they decided that Liberator is going to be the latest overpowered cash cow. Have fun hiding indoors. More resistance to dumb fire rocket launchers is dumb.
The Liberator is meant to be the MBT of the sky, so these changes look pretty good in that respect. Not sure about the added resistance to flak though, if I'm reading that correctly? Flak is meant to be the hard counter to air dominance, and if anything it needs a bit of a buff at range.
No sorry I have to disagree with you. Moving is not always the best option because it gets you killed most of the time. You're highly visible with short duration and a loud sound. Another example is this screenshot. If I remember correctly i got 10+ kills here and survived till VS moved out and allowing me to hack a turret and take out a tank.I believe moving here would have killed me, I even cloaked as little as possible to not attract them. And were would I move to, to the building, no - possible VS there. To the tower or the rocks, no - obvious sniper positions and I would have to move over open terrain. So it's stay were you are and make the best of it which is often the best option. Key here is be were they don't expect you. Heck I even killed players with my pistol who where right next to me. It's not that we don't get tools already to find snipers it's that most of the players don't use them. The things I do after being killed by a sniper are: grab sniper myself if possible and I can still get through the enemy. Evaluate were I was and which arcs were coverd by objects. Use the shot indicator or maybe I already know because of the trail. Go out and kill him.
They already do, unless you are unbelievable accurate with the dalton, the shredder is already the superior weapon. Great at AA and good at A2G. The only place where the dalton beats the shredder is at sit, at flight ceiling and dalton'ing a mbt for +3 mins while the guy drives around in cicles while you slowly kills him with splash. Libs death machines? More like flying coffins, unless we are takling about you spawn camping 1-12 bases. Yea i fly and gun lib, but with the current fly meta, get an ESF with the default nosegun, stay at +350 meters and fire, until the lib is dead. Yes it will take 1-2 mins against a good crew, but you will win and the lib will barely have scratch your paint. The only counter against those ESF's are a really really lucky dalton shot. Will the new lib update remedy that? Not from what i can see, but i have to see how the L24R Spur and new Walker+ranger performs before passing final judgement. And for the record, no i dont think a single ESF should be able to beat a equally skilled 2/3, 3/3 lib. The lib-ESF balance just be like the MBT-lightning balance. EDIT: i dont care about the buff against enemy tank shells, that not the problem. The ridiculous long range A2A capability of the ESF is the problem.
"mitigate" doesn't really work here. On the other hand, it's a -great- place to use an English idiom! You can replace "I'm mitigate" with "I'm of two minds" or "I'm on the fence". Or you could say "The jury's still out on the death screen and the killer's position" or "I'm not sold on the death screen and the killer's position". Or you could write more simply: "I'm not sure I like the death screen and the killer's position".
Wait, Liberators previously took additional damage against tank round fire? did they not expect people to shoot at them despite the realization that it was so effective?
Downing the blast from 1000 to 700 means it can't one shot Infantry that aren't direct hits. Infantry have 1000 hitpoints.
Is there a range limit on it ? Or if you shoot someone from 300m's it still draws a line to your location ?
Ya this wont effect lib crews that much. The ground to air resistances didnt change other then tanks firing at libs. The Dalton wont hurt as much on other libs, this will help shredder crews.