Dear i5 users (and i7)

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Tyrant103, Dec 23, 2014.

  1. iller

    Upgrading alone isn't guaranteed to improve FPS in a Zerg. For that "guarantee", you actually have to know how to overclock multiple aspects of your rig and before even doing that, you need to know how to optimize your CMOS and voltage to the exact specs of the hardware. A lot of PS2's hitching and other issues on various clients comes from not being overclocked, being OC'd inccorectly, or not having RAM, Northbridge, CPU, and everything else synch'd to the proper frequencies. This has been proven when certain players complained that their Alienware i7's were running worse than some expert tweaker's 6-year old i5 rig. Another common myth is that the Video cards have any impact on where Frame rate really drops. This is really only the case when there's excessive plumes of Smoke all over the screen. So you don't actually have to worry about your card being an older AMD.

    Otherwise, everything is dependent on how smoothly you have the billions of redundant particle and animation calls flowing through the "cache levels" of your CPU which respectively in most cases is only half a Meg in level1, 1-2 meg in L2, and 6-8mb's in L3. This is basically a resulting limit of binary and the speed of light itself. There's nothing they could really do to improve this besides making their servers handle all Line of Sight based culling so your CPU wouldn't have to. And that could be prohibitively expensive for SOE on an aging game that seems to be shifting its focus more towards the Console crowd for the next cash grab.

    TL;DR: what you actually ordered, was wise, but you may still need to make after market modifications
  2. KirthGersen

    IMO it's useless/overkill for such CPU. Conventional mid/high-tier air cooler is enough and it also can be less noisy.

    :D You've made my day. Sure, overclocking is MAGIC and requires enlightment (and being a Vanu for best results).
    That's just beautiful, your whole post I mean.
  3. iller

    u 'avin a giggle m8?
  4. dngray

    i7 2600 quadcore @ 3.4 ghz
    EVGA GTX 760
    16 gigs DDR 3 ram

    I play the game with every setting turned on and maxed out except shadows on medium. I get around 45-120 FPS. In 96+ vs 96+ battles, I get around 40 FPS which is good enough for me. Game looks great!
  5. Konigz

    I7 3820k at 4.7 ghz
    16GB ram

    get around 40-160 fps mostly 100vs100 that drop to 40.
  6. Tyrant103

    I didn't upgrade with PS2 being my main reason, I rarely play this game anymore but knowing what is possible with the upgrade, reading the comments I may reinstall it when the time comes.

    My motive for moving to an all in one cooler is because it's much easier to install compared to the Hyper Evo and from the reviews I have read, near enough topping the charts, the results make it even more worth it

    I posted my before and after specs in the case it may be an interest for anyone as it certainly is for me.
  7. BlackDove

    i5-2320, 16GB DRR3 1333, 780 GHz edition.

    Everything on ultra including shadows and flora. Texture filtering quality on high quality in drivers. Adaptive vsync on.

    60 fps vsync until i get near other players. Usually in the 40s in fights but will drop as low as 20s in huge fights.

    And you must be wrong about what cpu you ordered. Z97 only works with Haswell and Broadwell and the 3 is Ivy Bridge. Do you mean 4690K? Thats the cpu you should be getting.
  8. Tyrant103

    Typo, 'meant to say 4670k.

    I can get it £25//38$//32euro cheaper than the haswell refresh equal

    oh wow, 2 typos. I keep getting this **** mixed up
  9. DieHard2Live3

    Specs are in my sig.

    Maintains 60 FPS while exploring and in smaller battles.

    Average of about 30-45FPS in large zergs and gigantic battles. Even lower in big biolab fights.

    Not on max settings, BTW.
  10. RHYS4190

    iv heard and this was a while back so I don't know if it changed but the i7 processors don't out preform the i5 in gaming. and yes get a i5 because they are the best processor.
  11. Pikachu

    i7 2600k, gtx970, 12gb ram
    Running most things on ultra I get 35-45fps in big battles.
  12. KirthGersen

    Noctua or Zalman coolers are as easy to install as possible but nevermind :)
  13. TX1R222

    Dont upgrade yet... upgrading to 22nm i5 is useless... get used i5 2500K much cheaper and wait for second generation CPU on lower nm (skylake)
  14. Aldaris

    Skylake is a year away. That's a long time to wait when a Haswell performs well now. Only wait for a new product if it's only a few months away, otherwise I found you'll be in perpetual wait because there's always something 'better' coming out within a year.
  15. TX1R222

    There is no huge difference between AMD and INTEL.... this game does not work smooth at 100FPS .... i have both INTEL (i7) and AMD (FX)... FX 6300 is really cheap and it is the best CPU P/P...
  16. Undyingghost89

    i5 2500k @ 5Ghz, 16GB, 280X. 60fps locked in every battle. I'd say Intel does handle this game alot better, my CPU is 3 years old and still kick some ***.

    I'll remind you all that CPU clock is most important here.
  17. TX1R222

    Yet yo
    Look man no need to tell in large battles even your i5 clocked at 5.0Ghz will drop under 40 FPS...
  18. Lord Blackadder

    Specs are in my signature, but for good measure:

    i5 4670k - 3.4/3.8 Ghz (standard)
    HD7970 - 1000/1375 Mhz clock (standard)
    8 GB RAM - 2133 Mhz (standard)
    Installed on a "normal" 7.200 RPM HDD, no SSD

    Graphics settings: on a resolution of 1920x1080 I've got everything completely maxed out, except for Shadows (Medium) and Particles (High). If I turn Shadows up to High or Ultra, I'll notice a drop in frames in certain scenarios (large fights on Hossin for example) and setting Particles to Ultra will result in frame drops when using the Medical tool (I kid you not, has been this way for as long as I can remember...). It sometimes even happens with my current settings, but quite some time ago I heard Higby say on one of his Higby Pls streams that they're reworking the particle system, so it's perfectly possible it's not optimized at the moment.

    Anyway, I'm getting a solid 60 FPS 90% of the time (vsync is always ON), but will dip in to the 50's/higher 40's only when in extremely large zergs/battles. But overall I'm very happy with the performance on my machine.
  19. Tyrant103

    I did think of this but here are my reasons for sticking with Haswell;

    Won't be upgrading after this for about 3 years unless Intel decide to release something that doesn't yield a 5% for an entire new generation + added cost to the CPU being new 'n' all that + motherboard/ram cost.
    -DDR3 is still sky high in terms of prices due the the hynex fire (which yes did happen, but the current prices are double what they should be even now that it's over, this doesn't make the future prices of DDR4 look too good. Will they ever dip lower than 2x4gb = £60? I doubt it.)

    My core reason for upgrading is for single thread performance. I need all I can get given that my main games are mainly Skyrim, Fallout 3 and NV etc even if that means only a 10% increase from SandyBridge, because as I said I won't be upgrading after this any time soon :)

    tl;dr - time, large added cost and doubtful on performance of skylake makes me stick with haswell
  20. Undyingghost89

    SandyBridge makes up by overclocking. Ivy and haswell on average are not even close good overclockers like 2500k. That 10% can be diminished very easy.

    Overall every i5 should perform around the same, 2nd or 4th gen, great CPU's for Planetside.