I'm soon to be upgrading from my fx-6300 build to an intel i5 3670k (not refresh) rig. I would like to know what FPS you guys get, please include your graphics card, clock speed, ingame settings+resolution. Even if you don't the same model, don't hesitate to comment! Especially if you an AMD 7*** series card (as do I)
4770K@4,2/16GB/R9 270 All High + Ultra textures, 1920x1080. 60 FPS with drop to ~40 in large battles and/or after few hours spent in game. Sometimes I restart it, sometimes don't if too lazy. I hope it's helpful.
I run a i5 3570 3.4ghz with 16g of ram and 560ti graphics. I get anywhere from 30-60 frames depending on whats going on. I play with graphics set to high but shadows turned off.
i7-3930K hexcore @ 3.4Ghz w/ 8GB of 2133Mhz quad channel ram. GTX 770 OC 2GB. 60FPS with smoothing turned on (stops it from going above 60) Drops to 40-50ish during 96+v96+ Settings: Ultra
I cap at 60, see occasional drops to 50ish in large battles. 1080p Everything High except textures at Ultra 1.41 renderQuality All graphics options on except Motion Blur.
Specs in sig. Ultra quality mostly, shadows low, flora low, AO on. I am going to turn nVidia adaptive V-Sync back on since seeing 70 to 100 fps is not doing anything, really. I'd love to run RenderQuality up, but I my GPU is happy where it is (temps and FPS are stable). For reference, I am waiting to see what the GTX 960 comes out to be. Since I only play at 1080 on one monitor, the 960 might be a more cost efficient upgrade for my settings than a 970.
i7-2600k with Radeon HD 6950 1GB, 8GB system RAM. Win 7 Ultimate, 64bit. Perfectly smooth 60 FPS, if there's any drops I never notice them so it can't drop below 40 pretty much ever. Never had a problem with Planetside performance, been playing since release. I keep all settings on high (textures high not ultra), except shadows/flora off and particles medium. Resolution 1920X1080, with 2nd monitor (1024X768) for teamspeak, running in windowed mode so I can mouse over to 2nd monitor any time without minimizing. Render distance set to 5,027 (max is 6000). Don't ask me why, I haven't changed a thing in over a year now. If it works don't fix it, I'm sticking with it. Shadows are useless, flora is annoying and gets you killed, and particles... more smoke? No thanks. Even if I had a much beefier system I'd keep same settings.
How much fps you got on fx 6300 ? i was planing on getting that processor. Plus I have 650 Ti Boost. Everything on high and shadows off can give me 40-50 fps in big battles (96x96) ?
I got the i5-4590 in September of this year. NO graphics card.. just the built in HD4600 I get 40-60FPS (smooting enabled) works great
i5-3570k running at 4.2, 16GB RAM, 660 Ti with monitor at 1680x1050 - I have the framerate smoothing option turned on, so its always at 59-60 fps. Graphics on ultra/high, except low shadows, flora off and no ambient occlusion, 74 degree FOV, render at 100% (you can tweak it beyond for crazy sampling but that will hit performance). It might drop into the mid 40s during some crazy server moments but it generally stays pegged around the 60 mark.
(On a laptop) i7-4700MQ 2.4GHz (turbo 3.4) GTX 770M 3GB (roughly equivalent to a GTX 650) 16GB DDR3-1600 Running 1920x1080 and Medium preset, I generally maintain a stable 50+ with the occasional brief drop, never lower than 25 or so and very rarely below 30.
4690k @4.5 + gtx 570 1080p Ultra/high lighting/no shadows - stable 60 (locked) droping to 50 in large scale outdoor battles.
Just go for an I5 imo best bang for the buck best single-cores performances for gaming and it'll last you a couple years. I got an o/c phenom 975 so similar performance to the 6300 and it's kinda playable with of high and low tweaked settings and shadow off but players movement isn't smooth in medium/large fights so aiming isn't ideal. Waiting for my 4790k I knew what to get this time
It depends on the how many people are at a battle and the location (some bases I get lower FPS than others), but I'm usually above 60FPS unless it's a massive 96+ vs 96+ battle. Up to 120FPS or so if the base is really empty. If it's a really huge battle (200-300+) at a particularly laggy base I can drop down to about 40FPS. Of course there is still server/player lag to contend with though, even if your frames are smooth. i5-2500K @ 4.5ghz EVGA GTX660 "Superclocked" 16GB DDR3-1600 I run mostly medium and low settings because it makes it easier to see people (especially shadows), but I do use ultra textures. 1080p. A lot of those graphics settings will have more to do with your graphics card than your CPU too.
i7 4770k, Geforce GTX 780, 16 GB RAM, SSD. Everything as high as it gets (except render distance, set to 4000 meters IIRC). FPS mostly 60 (I limited it there, keeps the hardware cooler and using less power, giving some room for it to overclock and heat up when needed), sometimes down to high 40's in really tough situations.
3570 stock speed 3.4ghz, Radeon 7970, 8 gigs ram, SSD. Run it at 1920x1080 Settings Ultra (including shadows). FPS range from 80 for little activity and will dip into low 30's in the biggest battles.
With my specs I run the game at 1080 on Ultra, 6000 of render distance, and get 100~ most of the time, with drop to 40~ in large battles
Placed my order, thanks for all the input. If anyone is curious here are my before and after specs CPU: FX 6300 @4.1GHz Graphics Card: HD 7870 Motherboard: Gigabyte 78lmt-usb3 Ram: Corsair Vengeance 8GB @1600MHz Case: NZXT hush 2 Heatsink: Hyper Evo 212 to CPU: i5 3670k (will oc) Motherboard: ASrock Fatal1ty Z97 Case: Fractal Design define r5 Heatsink: Corsair h105 (pull/pull) Will likely OC my graphics card to meet performance similar and superior to the 7950