So maybe I am a terrible shot. Just the more reason to stick to healing. Healing someone who is under fire might not save their life, but it might buy them a valuable second to put fire on the enemy. Also I am no idiot. When in an unprotected area and no one needs healing for the moment I do keep my primary weapon ready. It's just too bad that switching between weapon and medgun takes so long. If my mate dies I don't stand a chance with my weapon. I desperately need to revive him to protect us both and the switch time is often lethal. Being able to revive someone in an instant because I already had my medgun out has saved me many times.
There should be a cert to make weapon switching faster for medics, or at least medgun switching faster. Personally I've died because I had my medgun out more often than I saved a fight by having it out. When some guy comes ramboing in your pack of people and you have your medgun out, you're as good as dead if he's looking in your direction because by the time you swap and start firing you're either dead or at a high deficit so you won't catch up unless he messes up badly. That's why I only switch to medgun when people need rezing or when we're not actively in combat and someone needs a heal, but otherwise I won't bother topping off the 15% someone is missing in the middle of combat.
Healing isn't important enough to be a dedicated role. If there's any suggestion enemies are around and I'm in a firing zone then I'll keep the rifle. The heal gun is for when the area is probably safe.
The only way a dedicated healer would work is if it gave a temporary increased health kind of thing when you heal someone at full hp, and even then it'd probably not be that great due to low TTKs especially from MAXes, vehicles and aircrafts. Healing is fine in this game, it's useful but it's not necessary unlike in games where your heal beam heals so much it virtually makes everyone you heal 2-5x times tankier and due to lower TTKs in these games too it becomes a pain to play against medics if you don't have any.
OP most medics will always run with their tool out in large group fights for a very simple reason: as a medic your biggest "enemy" is not the opposite empire but you own teammate medics,they are the one that will "steal" your 75 points revive and having the tool out will maximize your chances of getting the revive before someone else does. And stop don't flame me,i run around with my gun out not my tool ,just explaining why people do it.I am also the highest battle rank medic in my server (br25) so all medics out there you can progress just as good if you run around with your weapon out
Without my symbiotic and Level 5 medigun I feel much less inclined to combat rez. Once I get back to level 5 medi I will do it more. Sometimes popping up 2 or 3 teammates with full life is more useful than shooting a mag from your gun. It's all situational, but saying that you have to wait till things are clear to pull out your medigun is a little simplistic and naïve.
Then lets make it more important for those who want. You can already be more sneaky, more killy, more flyy, more ninjay in this game, why not more healy? Utility man. Symbotic healing, shielding from beta, aoe rez ablity instead of heal. Doesn't have to interrupt the joy you get from killing people quickly. Engineers have this down to an art, they have more utility but less mobile firepower.
Well these wouldn't change the role, you still wouldn't be a dedicated healer, you'd be the same as now. I totally agree with having more utility based choices, I just don't want them to make it so I can discard my assault rifle for an OP medgun and every fight degenerates into who has the most healers. Healing in my opinion is fine in this game, it's kinda useful without being game changing, having medics is nice mostly for the rez but it's not a necessary thing, like it's not necessary to have any of the other classes(well you have to have engineers to defend because they're the only ones who can repair generators but that's about it).
Well, a fight can already turn on who has the most MAX and engineers, why not medics? Atm there is a cap on how many medics that are actually useful and the number isn't that high. You always want more MAX, Heavies etc, but you don't always want more medics. I just figured they could dump more utility on us as a tradeoff from getting the engineering class weapon (or LA?) instead of the AR, making us less deadly but better at support. I like to play support but right now I'm feeling more like a battle priest than a supporter and I'd like the choice to play more behind the lines. We all like choices right?
Tower and Tech Lab battles are massive cluster****s as it is. I tend to hang back and revive people to avoid becoming weapon locked or getting my back drilled out by overly zealous teammates.
If there's not enough reviving medics, heal. If there's too many medics or not enough cover, or you may be attacked soon, fight.
You'r pretty dumb OP when assuming every situation in this game is the same. Personally, I spend 80% of my fights stuck in hallways either camping or getting camped and this is exactly where we need a medic to heal and res people before they respawn. There's simply no point pulling your rifle and start shooting when there is already so many people doing it to the point you would shoot them in the back.
Bro, your a combat medic, not a medic. Help in the fight and if they need heals pres "f",then once the area is safe or you find some quick respite rez people. That's what I do. I still perform my job as a medic, but I help the fight but killing thr enemy so tghat when my bros revive thy don't get gunned down immediatly.
This. If medics had indirect fire weapons like the thumper from PS1 it would be different, but we don't (underbarrel grenades are still broken)
c'mon... if there is a massive infantry battle, my AR wont make the difference... but my medgun will. it will give my group an advantage. and having it out during the battle will save me some precious seconds. however it depends greatly on the situation. most of the time it is better to have your gun at hands...
I agree with the OP that trying to heal soldiers in the line of fire is pointless. However, combat rezzing someone who isn't directly in the line of fire is generally a far better use of your time then trying to get more kills alone.
healing is very important! most of the time there are too few medics.. once we were attacking a base with 2 entrances, hundreds of our men got killed and me and a friend were the only one healing and reviving.. if we weren't there we would have lost for sure.. true when 20 medics are healing 10 man they are useless and should use their guns but that's in every situation..