Dead buddy and bad guy... what do?

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by LOLdragon, Nov 19, 2013.

  1. Epic High Five

    Toss revive grenade

    Continue killing uninterrupted.

    Friend gets rezzed at half health.

    Activate healing aura. Continue killing uninterrupted.

    I've been seriously neglecting my medtool ever since the Reaper got buffed. It's just such a beautiful gun now.
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  2. Commissar38

    If you can see the enemy and he is in a position where either he can kill you or you can kill him then engage first, heal second. If you're in cover and are no relative danger then begin healing immediately. But the main point is never get caught with your rez gun out when you need to fight.
  3. KnightCole

    shoot first, then revive. Otherwise, its like most scenarios. I shoot a guy the medic comes to revive him. I shoot the medic and the guy gets up. I sit here in my chair saying, thank you, thank you very much. 3 kills in 1...yes please.
  4. Makora

    As some have stated before, shoot first, revive later, or never simply because:

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  5. WyrdHarper

    Throw a rez grenade while firing.
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  6. Serial-VS

    It also uses more of the enemies resources and manpower to care for a wounded soldier over a dead one.
  7. Littleman

    A medics first priority is to survive. Dead medics don't bring back the dead. That said, shoot first, rez later, and heal only with the mist of happy thoughts.
  8. RockPlanetSide2

    General Medic Rule... Your life > anybody else. Alive you can save the day unlike any other class.
  9. Plunutsud pls

    Nuke them from orbit.

    It's the only way to be sure.
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  10. KnightCole

    Shoot the guy in the face, then revive ur buddies, unless you use a Revive grenade, then toss nade, shoot bastard, heal up...

    Otherwise its like most times I see enemy medics...

    I shoot the guy, hide, shoot the medic, shoot the guy again....hide and wait for my next victim.
  11. Zurhidon

    Most ARs only have 30 bullets.

    Just saying.
  12. KnightCole

    And you think I play my medic when I do this. Besides, even when I am on my medic, i can usually reload after killing the first guy and the next 30 rounds will kill them both just fine. A Mostly dead rezzed guy and a medic with his tool out...
  13. AAA Beef

    Shoot first, than rez.

    Unless you're face to face with a MAX. Then run like HELL!
  14. acksbox

    Generally a better idea to kill the enemy first.

    A 5.56x45mm being less likely to kill (as well as less likely to penetrate and less likely to stop) than more powerful rounds has never been considered an advantage. At best, it's an acceptable trade-off. Less recoil, and the ability to carry much more ammunition, for the downside of occasionally needing another round to stop an enemy.
  15. salembeats

    As an infiltrator, I LOVE medics who are greedy for easy revive XP!

    The few who are careful enough to check for enemies in the area can't see me if I'm cloaked while hiding in the shadows at night.

    The REAL question we should be asking here is... kill the medic quickly, or wait for him to revive his buddies first to get the weapon closer to Auraxium Medal?
  16. Moisture

    Every situation is different but I apply this line of reasoning taught to me in firstaid training. A caregiver is useless if he is dead.
  17. Suicide Trooper

    Depending on your med tool. Got it maxed - you can rez faster than they can shoot.
  18. Frosty The Pyro

    the dead cannot revivie anyone, eliminate threats first, its part of why the ARs are the best of the basic gun types.
  19. Shiaari

    Depends on the situation, and how likely you are to survive, and how effective your medical applicator is.
  20. Zapon

    As many have said, the actual answer, is to take your revive grenade- toss it, and now focus on combat- the grenade will take care of the revive, and you're able to duel the baddie.

    Even faster than a med tool....