DBG is listening to us, they removed latency fixing the issue

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by n0pax, Jul 6, 2015.

  1. n0pax

    Notice on the bottom right of your scoreboard screen the latency number has been removed. I assume it was to stop the posts about the quality of their servers/connections going downhill since the turn of 2015. Welcome to Planetside 2 with an eternal triple digit ping in active hexes!
  2. FateJH

    Type /fps in your chat box. That's all that ever mattered.

    Edit: they most likely removed it because it was never as reliable as (someone) desired and people kept misinterpreting it. Every time it was brought up in complaint, we had to explain the caveats we had uncovered about the ping and connection strength monitors anew.
  3. n0pax

    Thank you never knew that command existed I always did ctrl+f to pull that up but that only shows my fps not my latency to the server. It previously was on the tab screen in the bottom right above connection quality, now there is just a blank space where it used to be. It was there yesterday.
  4. FateJH

    Sorry, that was me delivering poor sarcasm. I updated my post to reflect a more serious meaning.
    /fps previously only show frames per second, and replaced ctrl+f. I don't know if it changed since I've had it off for some time.
  5. n0pax

    Oh haha, well thank you for it I had been looking for that /fps command for a few weeks.


    There is a scoreboard picture for clarity or for those of you who have not logged in yet.
  6. Campagne

    As someone with not the best internet, I find the removal of the latency numbers rather annoying, but I must admit, they are/were slow to update and inaccurate.
  7. Scorpion97

    I also have this issue,just relog
    When you login (for the first time)don't go ahead and open the scoreboard,wait for like 2 more mins then open it
  8. Pointyguide2

    its a bug
    its is still there.
  9. Pointyguide2

    and I hope it stays there
    we don't want it gone
  10. f0d

    still there for me

    48ms :)
  11. n0pax

    Odd, it is back for me as well, sometimes. Some of my logins I have it, sometimes I do not. I guess I should convert this to a bug thread to add it with the other 420 known bugs DBG ignores.

    Edit: I cannot see to edit the OP so I guess a forum bug is preventing me from reporting an in-game bug.