Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Inzababa, Nov 11, 2016.

  1. cobrakhan5

    I can understand the frustration but its not like they do maintenance everyday .... although an hour maintenance in the morning would not be a bad business plan. Point being is stop crying, get a life and go pet your cat or something. I r PS2 veteran and i have spoken.
  2. Garte

    My point exactly. Lets see if this down time goes into USA prime time. EU get shafted because we put up with it.
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  3. Nasty Piggy

    Don't worry, today is an American holiday so a lot of people aren't at school/work.
  4. Diilicious

    this isnt even the point, the point and fact is its stupid from every possible standpoint, business, social, logical to kill the entire game at the time when THE MOST people will be playing your game. most people that play the game still want planetside to do well, they want more people to play the game.

    This kind of stupid crap just hurts the game, therefore hurting everyone who plays it. might not be monetary pain, but its like the server maintainence guys are like "WERE STILL HERE! NOBODY APPRECIATES US SO WE WILL DO THIS AT THE MOST OBNOXIOUS TIME, JUST TO MAKE SURE EVERYONE KNOWS WE STILL DO MAINTAINENCE!"

    People do maintainence at times when nobody or the LEAST amount of people will be affected by the proceedure, this is how it makes sense to do it, doing it on friday evening DOES NOT make ANY sense at all.
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  5. LeCentre

    It's 19:18 in France and I did a lot of things during the day. Now they start Euopean server's maintenance at 15:00 and that's not the best time. Anyway 4 hours last and the servers are still down. So you should better think about it before answering that way.
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  6. Blackdragon88

    That's all well and good and all, but my issue is with them changing the times. It started this morning with the word minimal, then brief, then 1.5 hours, 3 hours, unknown now but we are way past all of those.

    If you need to keep the game down for a longer period of time, plan for it and tell the playerbase the truth. Tell us you need 6 hours or the entire day. Not this ever-changing completion time. That's my gripe.
  7. LeCentre

    Same in France.
  8. MikeC0bretti

    FFS why Friday evening ?? Take monday day/night, I dont care...but weekends ?? Also what is this amateur hour with estimated time prolonged at least quadruple ? Last time they talked about 1.5 hours and they shut it down for nearly 14 hours. And argument about f2p is invalid. I was paying full access nearly a year for example.
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  9. Savadrin

    I don't know about you guys, but it's barely Friday Afternoon here.

    Oh wait, that's right, players from all over the world. IT'S ALWAYS PRIME TIME SOMEWHERE DURING MAINTENANCE.
  10. Liewec123

    be happy! atleast we get to see what new and exciting bugs they introduce :D
  11. Nasty Piggy

    Right, but not all the time is it weekend maintenance.
  12. Savadrin

    Sure, and loads of people don't have a monday-friday schedule as well ;)
  13. Nasty Piggy

    But most do. By the way I've been a developer for 20+ years, I kinda get how patches can create bugs, this is why you don't patch late in the week when most of your customers are using your product on the weekend. Toss in major holidays and you work around your customer's schedules.
  14. LeCentre

    Well if you plan a maintenace for 1.5 hour it's possible to disturb only peaople in the middle of Pacific Ocean..
  15. HeavenlyBrush

    Don't run the maintenance globally then? Every other company with international servers runs the maintenance during their region's off hours. It's basically industry standard, i don't really get why people are defending this practice.
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  16. LeCentre

    "We're currently resolving an unanticipated issue with today's update. We plan to bring the servers back up as soon as possible."
    Tell anyone you're going ASAP to a meeting planned at 9AM . No sense to pu together "ASAP" and "plan"
  17. mgrandy

    Christmas is soon mind ;P funny but just suggested they dont run during peak times here hopes they listen i generally use this time to fill out bug reports too
  18. Inzababa

    the least they could do is put up a message or something say "hey guys, we're really sorry but it's taking longer than planned and we are doing the best we can. We think we should get this issue sorted within 1 hour, 3 hour, X hours, hell 24 hours whatever".

    We're not stupid, we get that there may be unexpected, unplanned, strange issues which take more time than originally thought, that something stupid happened and they themselves can't wait to find a solution because they may also have a family or friends waiting for htem to join them on a holliday or weekend.

    I'm sure anyone and everyone can get that, but at the very least let me know if I should just give up launching the game for rest of the evening or whether there's a high chance for it to go live in less than an hour.

    Or maybe they actually don't know how long it will take or even how long it could take ... Which, even if it's possible, I kinda find hard to believe.
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  19. Hookie

    HOT DAMN - I love this post :)
  20. Inzababa


    (yes I've been pinging them for hours now :p)