Daybreak Punishing the NC

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Blackweb, Mar 21, 2019.

  1. Liewec123

    Exactly what I'd expect someone who's never played nc to say.
    The shield has a start up time and can't be used reactively,
    If you see someone about to throw c4, an AV nades or fire a rocket then it is too late.
    So that shield that you constantly talk about wont save a max if someone gets the drop on him,
    unless ofcourse that max is walking around with his shield on as beautiful turtle speed c4 free kill.

    I wouldn't expect you to know this though, since you don't play all 3 factions,
    You haven't experienced their strengths and weaknesses.

    You've just spent years trying to mindlessly cqc nc maxes with your free infantry, years getting wrecked,
    And now you're glad that they've been pretty much neutered, made into free kills.
    You said this yourself at the top of the page, finally owning your bias and bitterness towards NC.
    So why should we bother responding to you when you've already admitted that even if it's terribly unbalanced
    You're still glad about it?
  2. HomicideJack

    Frankly, it's for those listed reasons that I play the Mosquito as an interceptor, using hit & run attacks then escaping on that racer chassis. But people seem to forget that there's other ways of dogfighting than staring at each other from 300 meters away and seeing who can throttle up better. This is why I consider the reaver better if you're attacking from any non-front angle, making the scythe's profile less useful.
  3. Pacster3

    You don't manage to pull up your shield from the second you see someone throw a nade(there are no quick det AV nades, remember?) or pull a rocket launcher(you know, most heavies don't run around with it..similar to NC MAXes not always having the shield up. And according to you about all fights vs MAXes happen at long range, so you got to add travel time into that too.) to the moment when it reaches you and explodes? are slow. You sure you shouldn't play chess or something instead of egoshooters?
  4. AllRoundGoodGuy

    • Up x 1
  5. Liewec123

    he raises shield? so what! keep throwing AV nades at him,
    they stick to the shield, it absorbs 2 iirc, when shield breaks you have a dead max.
    in conclusion, if an NC max fights a heavy with AV nades and Decimators from across a room:
    he can try to shoot at the HA, in which case pellet spread and damage drop off lead to the max dying fast.
    (to AV nades and Dcimator)
    he can try to turtle behind shield, in which case he dies slow as the HA melts his shield before the max,
    (AV nades stick, 2 take out the shield before the HA ends the max with a third and a decimator shot)

    ALSO its not like NC maxes have ridiculously obvious footsteps right?
    do you think by chance, someone could hear those loud clanking footsteps (or the distinctly obvious sound of the max shotguns)
    and think "oh there is a max in that room, lets get my rocketlauncher ready"

    and thats in the unlikely event that noone has "spotted" it,
    which most of the time they will have, making it even easier to know there is a max in a room
    not only will you have the max on your minimap but you should hear guys shouting "enemy max in the area!"

    and you know even if he has the shield up you can throw grenades to slide behind or to the side of him right?
    damage is only blocked in a very small frontal cone,
    any AV nades that explode anywhere else in the room are gonna be nuking that max.

    or hell, how about you just bring your own max and melt him with whatever max weapon you want in CQC, he raises shield?
    just wait for him to lower it, you outgun the shotgun max in a spitting range fight remember...
    or better yet, instead of waiting for him to lower it, grab some cosmos and just fire until he's dead,
    burn right through the shield,
    then burn right through his health with your superior max.
  6. Pacster3

    Oh. I see. In your world all heavies carry AV nades and gren bandolier. Just to bad that this got not much to do with reality. And still that NC MAX would have survived much what is your point? ;-)

    And yes, in your lab rat world it's very common to have one MAX facing another MAX 1on1 fpr 20 seconds with full health and perfect aim. In reality...well...once in a blue moon when easter and christmas fall on the same day.
  7. Liewec123

    oh i see, in your world you want to kill maxes without bringing the kit to kill maxes...
    this is probably why you're so bitter towards them,
    you've been spending years trying to kill them without bringing the correct gear.

    you have an issue with maxes on the cap point? get grenade bandolier and AV nades,
    oh i know thats some WILD CRAZY IDEA from "my world", definitely not possible in your reality.

    i have flash bang and c4 on every LA set up to blind them and c4 them.
    i have AV nades and decimator on all of my point pushing HA loadouts.
    probably why i don't have trouble with maxes and you do.
    i take the kit to deal with them, that is my tactic.
    where-as your tactic is to whine on the forum until your problems get nerfed away.

    i find it hilarious that you think taking AV grenades and decimator is such a wild fantasy idea...
    you, the guy with a huge chip on his shoulder for NC maxes,
    this explains a lot.
  8. Pacster3

    Ah, I see. So you always KNOW AHEAD you will hit on a MAX...and enemy MAXes can't move or turn(they don't have a they are no NC MAX. Or can't use that shield...if they are as slow as you.). Am I the only one who can't find that mysterious crystal ball and super glue in his arsenal?

    Relax dude. The NC MAX got nerfed. It's no wonder that you can't play your MAX anymore, with all those tears in your eyes you can hardly see. Stop whining in the forum and start playing. That's the only way to get better...

    You know what really hilarious is: That you pretended all the time that it's not just about NC for you. You won't be able to claim that ever again after this cause nobody is going to believe you... =)
  9. Clay

    Ahh... the great "stop whining", the final solution to reject valid criticism without having to tackle any arguments.
    NC Max got nerfed too damn hard and I hate NC so ...
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  10. Pacster3

    Notice the post I replied to and what words he used? Exactly. ;-)

    I'm pretty rational on this. I say "NC MAX deserved a nerf and now let's see how the meta developes cause that is what we need to base a rational decision on whether it was too much or not.". I wished someone would have been even half that rational when it came to all the VS nerfs...but there the people have been out with torches and forks(and NOBODY, I mean NOBODY of those went right after the nerfs and said "Okay, maybe they have been a bit too much, we should buff them again. Not in a year, not in a month, not in a week. NOW.").
  11. JibbaJabba

    PSST Hi everyone! Facts here!

    AV Nades don't stick to a MAX with shield. Neither do repair grenades.

    Carry on...
  12. Liewec123

    1. you aren't rational. (again, scroll to the top of page 2, you openly admit that you're happy it was overnerfed)
    2. i've been suggesting ZoE buffs for YEARS (way back to 2015)

    i've even found a post from 3 years ago in-which i call for a buff to Vortex because i think they're too weak,
    and also a Pounder buff, but i guess i'm not allowed too, right? because...

    if anything else was overnerfed like ZoE (and now NC max) i'd be talking out against it, no matter the faction,
    yes VS have had nerfs, all factions have, but nothing like ZoE and now NC max AI.

    i've been suggesting ZoE buffs, and you've been enjoying every NC max AI weapon getting the ZoE treatment,
    one of us cares about BS overnerfs to a faction that isn't our main, while the other relishes them.

    sshhh! only bias "ha ha your faction sucks now!" posts allowed!
    let pacster show you how its done!
  13. Pacster3

    Rofl. You really took that post for serious? You got to be very desperate to find something...

    You can find post by me about buffing Buzzard and that other thing instead of nerfing Starfall as well. While I think to remember you wanted to have Starfall nerfed instead.

    And yes, I call it very rational to wait till the meta has settled before judging whether it was overnerfed or not. Especially given the history of NC MAXes where people have been claiming that it is NOT OP for the whole time(even until now) based on some spreadsheets and some "it got no range"-BS instead of reality. Instagib is VERY important vs the biggest threats of a MAX and CQC is what MAXes are commonly iused for and that is balancing stuff way beyond what raw numbers spreadsheets show us. That you still do try ignore that pretty much baffles me.
  14. Liewec123

    YOU are banned from using the word ignore, (as i've told you MULTIPLE TIMES now that i've never called for starfall nerfs...)
    this whole "so what if they do less dps than TR and VS, have less range than TR and VS and also less sustained fire than TR and VS, we should see how it works out!"
    crap is getting pretty annoying, they are literally worse in every way than TR and VS so no,
    lets not "give it time to see how it works out.", you know how it works out...

    odd, searching for any of your posts containing the word "Buzzard" only comes up with you telling a guy that you don't think buzzard should be buffed to be strong against infantry.