Daily "crashing on respawn & compensators are still missing" thread

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Jezs, Mar 26, 2013.

  1. Jezs

    Might as well combine the two.
  2. DirArtillerySupport

    I like to think we traded that third load screen for a crash on respawn. Totally blows when you just put out your limit of AT and AI mines.
  3. InMedeasRage

    Before latest patch: crashed during respawn loading screen
    After latest patch: crashed as soon as I press the 'respawn' button.

    Before you suggest a fix: Yes, I have deleted the typical program files. No, it is not my computer's lack of graphics of CPU power. Yes, I have re-installed the game. Yes, I have re-installed the game outside of Steam. No, none of these things has stopped the problem from recurring every ~45 minutes. And it is a fairly reproducible time amount. No less than half and hour, no more than an hour.

    This is getting really, really tiring.
  4. Jezs


    63MB later and no difference.
  5. Kastrenzo

    Compensators don't Compensate. and Scopes give artificial recoil

    that's been in the game since day 1
  6. rickampf

    Same issue

    Merc3 extended mag missing - crashing on respawn.