[Cynical Comedy] Server Stereotype Rant

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Yamiks, Jan 7, 2014.

  1. Yamiks

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  2. EagleGuardian

    So... what is wrong with syru-... Ceres?
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  3. eldarfalcongravtank

    lol i guess these were spot-on? only got one char on wattasan myself and heard some stuff about conn and matth, not sure about european servers though but i know mattiace flies on cowbalt
  4. BoogieHegdehog

    wat did u say aboot cobalt m8. ill 1v1 u on rust sycthescopes only. get rekd.
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  5. Gav7x

    ouh dar u say bad thing abut watersan m8? waterson best serva evar n0b
  6. Pikachu

    Is he M4ttiace there? There's a terran who has that name there that I have ran into several times.
  7. eldarfalcongravtank

    guess so. he's with that name on cobalt TR and another server where he's NC. but dont aks me which is where
  8. Gustavo M

  9. KnightCole

    Yeah, really...Mattherson, that is a very funny joke.

    Everyonce in awhile I guess the players find a head, maybe not thier own, but they find a head and they actually defend a spot....or in some rare occasions attack and take a spot. But for the most part they are happy doing as you say, along with TKing each other as they frantically try to find a head...
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  10. Pikachu

    Cobalt has bad pilots?
  11. ST4LK3R

    Yeah, Briggs! I run one of those "Tactics" outfits. hahaha! another good episode!
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  12. Winfield

    Spot on with the NC command chat on Miller. Thanks for the laughs...again.
  13. kadney

    They have me. :D
  14. RogueVindicare

    Surprised you didn't say Mattherson is full of hackers. Lot of hackusations about Mattherson players coming up recently.
  15. Yamiks

    did not know!
  16. Luighseach

    I think you should swap Connery and Waterson around and it would be a better video. Other than that, Matherson was right and I don't know much about the EU servers.

    I would take Waterson Pilots over anyone else. Also their are more outfits on Waterson that consider themselves and have proven that they are 1337 than Connery.

    I mean Connery has FCRW and I guess you can count Recursion and I've heard about a few others on that Server.

    Waterson has NUC, ZAPS, TIW, and you can probably start seeing HSTL come up in this discussion along with more up and coming outfits from Waterson.
  17. Yamiks

    everyone always forgets about it!
  18. Coltorl

    Only 2 outfits from Waterson that I think are good is ZAPS and NUC, TiW is dead with most of their good players picked up by ZAPS and I have never heard of HSTL until now.

    I like how he makes a stereotype and you take it seriously.
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  19. Rigs

    The one thing I know about Waterson. Is that they are so full of themselves. They are the Tichondrious of PS2. Blah Blah we are so great. How come your population balance is bad and your overall pops are low?

    Maybe people are fleeing the elitist attitudes and the people who are left, swap factions like Mitt Romney.
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  20. Monkeydmomo

    I had to Google what a Tichondrious was only be to surprised with a wow wiki link that mentions it's a demon in the game and the name of a west coast wow server. Now that I recall Waterson is an eastern server.