I have had no problems using the TRV at ranges up to 50m. I even use a Flash Suppressor so the gun accuracy is worse than the base stats. A Forward Grip is a must on this gun. Fire in short bursts of 1 second each for distant targets. Due to its high RPM, your burst fire will still have very high DPS, able to quickly drop distant targets at mid-range.
TRV is pretty good. I quite liked it. With a Grip and proper application of burst fire, its good out to prolly 40m. Up close you can just unload into people's faces. It is a fun gun.
Been using it more and more. It gets the job done quite well in fringe CQC situations (5-10 m, especially due to 143 dmg profile) and is serviceable in mid ranges as long as you compensate correctly for recoil. Like has been said before - burst fire a lot, the kills will come.
If you want a weapon that wrecks at ~15m and out, use the SABR-13. The thing is a BEAST. (It even wrecks heavy armor!* ) *(Heavy armor killing capabilities not guaranteed. All footage shown was preformed by a professional small arms aircraft hunter and such attempts are not recommended unless you don't care about K/D while you develop this skill. Please do not charge tanks, sundies, or aircraft of any kind with small arms as your main defense. Please do not operate your SABR-13 while under the influence of powerful medications. Only available at participating armories. See the armory for details. Seek a Superior Officer if you experience a death streak lasting longer than 4 hours. Offer ends at twenty-three hundred hours on Auraxi-ween, 3891. )
Meh. Already auraxed everything besides the T1B (might do it, probably not). Sabr-13 was okay but not good for my play style. The second I finished it I was just glad to be back to automatic weapons even though I really enjoyed using the AMR-66 on HA.
Tbh, at 15m, every AR is very capable of doing serious damage to enemies. It is only after 40m that the CQC oriented ARs (TAR, TRV) start to suffer from accuracy problems and are forced to burst fire, reducing overall DPS.
I wouldn't say the TRV sucks ***. It's mediocre I would say. Just slap on a F.Grip. I'm currently using it just to complete the directive and get an auraxium medal. I would recommend using the TAR over the TRV. TAR has better hipfire accuracy. Slap on a FGrip. And that sweet sweet 0.75x ADS movement speed will help you win more fights compared to the TRV