How DARE you OP to suggest the TRV isnt the best gun in the game. TRV is god. its good up to 60 metres or so.
Dude, try playing around in the VR room with it's attachments you'll at least see it in perfect conditions as it's supposed to work. It's a good weapon just keep trying.
Are YOU serious lol ? It is a beast up to ~50m IF you know the term 'burst fire'. If you're going full-auto then yeah, it sucks. But so does every weapon. Learn to burst fire and don't blame your weapon
Tried it, still sucks. I know how to burst but the horizontal recoil even with the grip makes me use 30+ bullets per kill past 30-40m.
Maybe you're compensating in the wrong direction? Recoil goes to the left, pull to the right (unlike in most weapons)
Cycler TRV was the first gun I got to auraxium with. It is a beast up close and can pretty easily deal with targets at medium ranges with a bit of trigger discipline.
Compared to the other 5 AR's I've auraxed the TRV feels the worst. Maybe starting to use it when hit reg has been shotty was a mistake so I'll give it another go next time I play. I think my problem is that it's just not as accurate as the other ARs. I've checked a few of my friends accuracy's across their ARs and TRV is almost always the lowest by 3-5%. I don't know, maybe I just suck.
It's one of those rifles that handles like a 9-year-old girl with a micro-uzi. The forward grip will help a lot, but it's really a short range weapon like the Serpent. I use it with the NV scope and do pretty well. But really I use it over the TAR because it came free with the survey. Have you tried using it as a hipfire weapon with a laser?
The TRV is an estranged LMG. Hipfire that rivals that of the DMR Reaper. RoF that rivals that of the GR-22 and... the VS equivalent (they all sound, look, and are even named the same anyway.) Recoil is actually pretty low. Long *** reload time. 40 round magazine. CQC preferred attachments. It's a short range weapon that's built for mid-range work.
Wait, wasn't there a 9 year old girl that lost control of a uzi because of recoil and accidently shot the instructor?
Problem is the hipfire isn't that special even with the LS. A while back the thing was a beast of a weapon before they did a tuning pass on the weapons. It was a lot more controllable back then. What was kinda odd is back then most people kinda passed it over in favor of the TAR.