Customer Service Announcement: Premium Membership

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by Piestro, Jan 2, 2014.

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  1. Blaze81

    Just in case it makes a difference I thought I would also say I don't like this. The 500sc was the reason why I subscribed, yea the extra xp and resource is nice but it does not mean that much it was just a nice extra. I have not been a subscriber for long and I am just in my second quarter of subscribing so I will get to experience a few of these 2000sc "deals" but looking at it on face value I am likely to cancel.

    For this to work it should only apply to newly taken out subscriptions and not apply to current subscribers.
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  2. RedDominion

    I sadly only found out about this change via Reddit. SOE, you need to mass e-mail your customers about this AND update your membership page:

    This is a massive change to the membership benefits and we're at least owed a proper announcement.
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  3. Lavraen

    Why not create another specific PS2 currency and call them Auraxium credits or something? Give members a set amount per month and also introduce a one way cert exchange rate for Auraxium credits, so you can buy certs if you don't fancy a weapon or bundle? This way you're rewarding members and they can't spend the Auraxium credits in other SOE games. The only way you could gain Auraxium credits would be to buy them or earn them through membership. You even keep Station Cash if you wanted and make them worth two Auraxium credits (for arguments sake).

    Just thinking aloud and without coffee.
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  4. BadWolfzxc

    That's dumb. Get out. That would be pay to win.
  5. Jaedrik

    Actually, this can be a good thing, am I not getting more value out of getting a 2000 SC item vs a 500 SC item?
    While I share many sentiments above, I don't quite see how it will hurt SOE in the long run, and I just bought a 12 month membership!
    Strange, I usually can see the longitudinal impact, why am I so desensitized to this change?
    But, I would still rather have the lower value and flexibility of 500 SC.
  6. Lavraen

    Technically, it already is pay to win. :)
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  7. Bindlestiff

    Not unless they make 1500-2000SC items far more widespread / appealing than they are now, no. If you feel that spending 1500-2000 on a repainted weapon you can get for 700SC (350SC in a sale) that is likely going to get camo applied is good value however, then you may have a different take on things.

    Use it or lose it is not better than being able to store until needed. Restricting the items it can be used on is not better than being able to select any item in the game. No amount of marketing spin can dress up what is in effect a huge reduction in premium membership value, or the huge kick in the teeth for long term players across all of the SOE catalogue.
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  8. BadWolfzxc

    The base weapons are some of the best in the game. End of argument. Move along.
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  9. BadWolfzxc

    Did you miss the part where they said it was a SINGLE item up to 2000sc. They don't need to increase prices. You only get one item.
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  10. MichaelS

    This should have posted to my opinion post a few pages before, but I was on mobile ;)
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  11. Shinrah

    I loved this idea...until I came to the part where it said "But hey, Playerstudio, Bundles, and possibly other cool stuff is excluded".

    As I see it most of the new stuff that cannot be unlocked via certs is coming from Playerstudio artists these days, so the stuff most people would have saved/spent their monthly SC for would´ve been items like helmets and camos or other vanity gimmicks form Playerstudio.
    Bundles, sth. I would´ve found great to unlock some fun stuff for an alt are also excluded. It would´ve been nice to just unlock myself some Mossie starter bundles for example and try it out for a few hours.
    "Other exclusions may apply", that sounds to me like "If we introduce anything new ourselfs, weapons, camo, whatever it will be SC exclusive for a few month before it becomes selectable, if at all".

    Not sure if I like this change in it´s current iteration.
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  12. Lavraen

    Yes, some base weapons are good, but is doesn't change the fact that you can "buy" better than base weapons, quicker if you subscribe or pay with SC.

    For arguments sake two BR1 start the game, they spend the same amount of time in game and have the same skill set and twitch reflexes, one buys a load of gear with SC, a boost and starts a membership and the other doesn't. Who is going to rank faster?

    Pay to win.
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  13. Vilhelm

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  14. Fleshless

    Though it's a cool rate to gain item, i don't like this changement so much. I'd rather prefer be able to stock my bonuses as i already do, and then use it whenever i want.
    I agree, give us more ! But differently more ! =)
  15. Bindlestiff

    No, you missed my point entirely. I am aware it is one single item, and therein lies my point and indeed a point that many are waiting to see an answer from SOE on. If this is truly to be considered a 'better' membership benefit than the existing 500SC / month that can be stored and used whenever, enabling the ability to take advantage of daily sales, then single items in game between 1500-2000SC in value need to be commonplace and be considerably different to items that are available at 700-1000SC (350-500SC when on sale).

    I'm not asking for price increases. I'm asking whether there are future plans - in the immediate term - to improve the membership sale (which is now effectively useless for people who don't want to buy / don't have any SC as it makes the 2000SC deal even worse value), or make available vastly superior (value wise, not statistically) additional cosmetics, weapons and / or packages.

    I've supported this game since I started with membership. I've bought a wedge of station cash. I love this game. I don't like being taken for an idiot, which, unless they have something up their sleeve, is what we are all effectively being treated like.
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  16. Azarga

    There are only three 2000 SC items, all of them are just retexture of 1000 SC ones. There are only three 1600 SC items, and they are just retexture of the above.
    Everything else is up to 1000 SC, so the other 1000 of this virtual-SC is already lost if you have those items.
    Most 1000 SC cosmetic items are Player Studio. And Player Studio items are excluded from this virtual-SC.
    And if you are veteran you already have weapons you need/like -> SC goes only for cosmetics -> see above.

    Just think about it a tiny bit more, and this massive frustration membership subscribers have will become more apparent to you.
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  17. Zorgen

    I agree with you 100%. Really bad repect against paying customers.
    They lost me as a member for this new membership thing.
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  18. Kcalehc

    So as an All Access subscriber, do I get one item per game, or one item across all games?
    Currently I spread my free SC out over more than one game (EQ, EQ2, PS2), so I'd not be happy if it were one purchase per account, rather than per game....
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  19. Diodeone

    To mask this change as a buff for membership is comical. I think its a thinly veiled way of SOE keeping members from stockpiling SC which can be done only after several months of membership since 500 SC isn't a whole lot to begin with.

    This change also completely destroys the whole idea of a member sale. One incentive to log in daily is to see the member sale. What's the point of the member sale if we are allowed only 1 item up to 2K in SC? The fact that it is on sale or not is then irrelevant since no item is 2000 in SC on sale or not on sale. Also what if we don't buy an item would we get two items the following month?

    Bottom line, you bleed your player base like this for a quick dollah and you will be taking one step toward destroying the game entirely. Whatever small monetary gain you get will be offset in many players opting out of the membership entirely.
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  20. NovaAustralis

    Let's do a 'pro and con' comparison...

    The newly announced Member system:
    +$20 to spend per month
    - only 1 item per month
    - doesn't carry over to the next month
    - not from Player Studio
    - not a Bundle
    - probably not other stuff too
    +50% XP bonus
    +50% Resource gain
    +early access, etc...

    The previous Member system:
    -$5 to spend per month
    + can buy any number of items
    + carries over to the next month(s)
    + can choose from Player Studio
    + can choose a Bundle
    + can choose other stuff too
    +50% XP bonus
    +50% Resource gain
    +early access, etc...

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